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Month: June 2011

Kiev International Institute

Kiev International Institute

Within a few years appeared the company quickly captured a large segment of the market through Internet sales. Starting data for this are the low costs to set up an Internet store compared to the real point of sale, more Internet penetration in Ukraine, slowly, but there is confidence in Internet shopping among the Ukrainian population. Although, of course, this is true for large cities with large populations and extensive Internet coverage. Prior to the 2005-2006 Online shopping refrigerators in Ukraine in its infancy. What is also indirectly evidenced by the statistics Google search statistics from 2004.

to the present. Every year people are more interested in buying refrigerator, using the search engine Google. Popular searches to "buy a refrigerator" across regions, in turn, points to the concentrated nature of the Internet penetration in Ukraine. Growth of the Internet audience Ukraine. According in 2000 in Ukraine there were only (!) 200 000 Internet users, representing 0.4% of the total population of Ukraine. According to the poll, conducted in 2005, the Kiev International Institute of Sociology, About 20% of the population use the Internet, which corresponds to 9.5 million people. In 2010, according to the company, Sputnik Media, Internet access had more than 16 million Ukrainians (about a third of the population). Across the country on average, Web penetration – 12%, but the regions this figure is very heterogeneous. In Kiev and region web penetration is 58%, while in , Vinnytsia, and Volyn regions this indicator is slightly more than 1%.

Make An Efficient

Make An Efficient

The resume is the first impression a company has any candidate for office. It is a tool that reflects the past work, achievements and professional profile of a candidate. Today, endless histories, records of all studies and numerous letters of recommendation are not the priority. Fate progressively move to a resume based on factors such as simplicity, clarity, accuracy and brevity. In practical terms, a resume should contain personal information, educational, occupational and socio-familiar. It is a tool that shows what has been the work experience and academic training, and reflect projections for interest or professional.

To take into account. . . Broadly speaking, the resume is a basic tool used by companies to search for personal and then start the selection process. Do not forget that, in some ways, success in achieving work is determined by the quality, accuracy accuracy of the information contained in the curriculum. However, do not forget that market mobility, staff turnover and, in particular, the job offers available are important, and set the tone for recruitment. In order to maximize their employment opportunities, gives some tips for structuring a more complete resume.

Personal Information This information is key, because if a company is interested in your profile taken as a basis contact information. It is advisable to update regularly, especially if you change your residence or workplace. When you set its aspiration wage specify how much does it expect to receive remuneration for work in a company? You must take special care to define this variable, because it is one of the filters used by most companies to find staff. We suggest analyzing factors such as work experience, academic training and fees to which it applies. You should also analyze market behavior in relation wage-earning people in your profession or profile. Education and Training This section contains information relating to the training you have received, either through pathways: – Formal (undergraduate and graduate) – No formal (graduate, seminars, conferences, symposia and workshops, among others). Do not use abbreviations in the names of academic degrees or certificates. Point out the institution in which they trained. If you have studied abroad type the full name of the university, besides the city and country where he did. Also specify the dates of admission and completion of each program. If you have not finished remember to update the information as just finishing. In the field of foreign languages is as honest as possible. Some organizations have as a criterion for selecting the domain of other languages. But knowledge can be tested. Experience The career path is a key factor in the search and selection of staff members in different companies. The Basic information includes things like company name, phone number and industry sector category. It is also advisable to specify dates of admission and withdrawal, tasks performed and work area. However, data on responsibilities and achievements are also crucial for companies, because they let you know which activities, tasks and processes are developed in each office. all these suggestions will serve to get a good job, but if you do visit:

Maria Vydrenkova

Maria Vydrenkova

Due to the decision for 3 years the share of Russian production has grown to 90%. But Although the war for incandescent lamps had been won, the winner turned out to be China, managed by the moment when the world began to abandon incandescent lamps, a firm foothold in the market of compact fluorescent lamps. Will domestic manufacturers to win back his place there at least within the Russian market? Many experts consider this question. The fight for market energy-saving bulbs in Russia has not even begun. There is practically no plants producing cfl. If we imagine that overnight Russia would abandon foreign-made lamps, it is estimated the company Philips, for the full transition to energy-saving bulbs will need to build more than 60 plants worth about $ 1.3 billion, yet all produced in our compact fluorescent lamps – an assemblage of Chinese components.

True, the firm Osram plans to organize the production of energy-saving lamps Smolensk, but the reverse situation in the Russian market "green" sources of illumination, they are unlikely. According to experts, to build in Russia the company full-cycle production of cfl unprofitable. "And yet to be cheap Chinese parts, the situation will not change "- said Maria Vydrenkova, director of marketing and advertising company Topservice" that promotes "Cosmos" to place orders in China. Now Russia has no specialists required profile, nor the equipment (and hence its need to purchase overseas), or experience in the industry. Therefore, most likely the lamp produced by Russian plants, will be more expensive than Chinese, for comparable quality.

Common Behavior

Common Behavior

The important point to try to remember is that these reactions are perfectly normal and will disappear as you get used to his new lifestyle. For those who go to a company with very different customs and behavioral patterns of their own, the impact of culture shock can be even more pronounced, since you find all your expectations about people and their behavior are not met. The common areas of difference are: the modes of dress, behavior is considered appropriate for men and women, aspects of religious practice, social customs, food and eating habits, the climate. At first, the honeymoon period is likely to feel excited about the new experience of going to another country and is expected to arrive and meet new people and start her career. Very quickly, however, new experiences may begin to overwhelm you and you react to the disturbing emotions that may not be familiar to you.

What was first found exciting now may seem strange, even frightening, and you might wish you were back among the familiar places and people at home. You may not be a sudden mood changes and strong reactions to seemingly trivial events. This is perhaps the most difficult phase for any new teacher, and it is important to try to remember that what you are feeling is normal and will pass. However, if you feel unable to cope, do not try to contact other staff members of the same nationality as yourself with more experience the new environment. Although, objectively, you may not want to find their compatriots, especially if you are trying to avoid speaking their native language in order to learn the language of the host country, to help in this stage to seek their support.

Correct Logos

Correct Logos

Translated from the Greek "logos>> means" word>> and "tyupos>> – mark>>. In our opinion, the logo – a graphic image of the differences, which plays an important role in recognition not only Internet project or company, but goods and services. One of the objectives of the logo – to attract attention. Ideally the logo should reflect itself in the direction of the company or an Internet project. Green sheet for the cosmetics company, for example, symbolizes the naturalness and ecological products. The main goal of creating a logo – attraction, retention and extension attention. Logo – an indicator of individuality Internet project or company. There are many beautiful logo, design professionals are involved.

With many of them we know from childhood: Adidas>>, Nike>>, Coca-Cola>> and many others. Logo Design of these brands is easy to remember, instantly recognizable and looks great a one-color versions, which is important when printing. The worldwide success of the mentioned companies speaks for itself, and what child does not know how the logo looks like Coca-Cola>>? A good logo should carry a charge of emotion, but they should not be undesirable or negative. For many people, the first general impression of the internet-project or company is often formed after looking at the logo. In order to induce positive emotions can be, for example, use well-known and loved images that clearly inspire trust and easily treated, but do not forget the negative side – the logo is not original.

The choice of font is shriftVybor one of the first steps in designing a logo. Good font choice has always been the key to success. Most of the fonts available on the Internet have been someone once used. For quite reasonable money available development of a font from a specialist and you will get quality print, which will belong only to you. It must be remembered that people used to seeing high-quality text on television, in print and film. Should not be allowed to a person coming to your site or scrutinizes the letterhead of your company, it seems cheap. If it's true – do not make it and look! TsvetPri designing a logo to try to use those colors, which are associated with the genus of the company or the subject of site. For example, the blue color associated with the airline, and yellow with a travel company that sells trips to Turkey. But we must remember that at the delevse is conditional. Sometimes downright crazy color combination looks good and looks natural. When color logo design should be based not on color per se, but on their relation to each other. Form logotipPered how to choose the form, you must define the purpose of a logo design. It must be remembered that the form largely determines the initial attitude. It is desirable that the logo was compact and small. The most common forms are: circle, square, oval and triangle. It should be noted that modern logos often encompass several geometric shapes. A huge role in constructing logo are the correct proportions. There are many nuances and dimensions that at first glance seem insignificant, but in fact are just and develops the basic logo design. 10 signs of good logotipa1. Style2. Yasnost3. Privlekatelnost4. Expresses the correct . Razborchivost6. Vidimost7. Prostota8. Zapominaemost9. Opisatelnost10. Color

German National Party

German National Party

The behavior of voters said the election campaign and the tactics used by the Nazis. Storm troopers and ss men attacked meetings of political opponents, beating activists of other political parties, intimidated the population of entire regions. Their actions, in turn, showed the weakness of legitimate authority, is incapable of maintain elementary order in the cities to protect citizens. Reorganizing his party (National Socialist Party of Germany – NSDAP), Adolf Hitler took a course on the legal seizure of power constitutional means. He skillfully used the fear of revolution, communism, civil war, presenting National Socialism as a factor 'order'. In 1933 the National Socialists won the elections. Military-bureaucratic elite has used its influence on President Hindenburg that he handed the mandate to form a government Adolph Hitler.

20 January 1933 he became Chancellor – the head of government. From this time began the rout civil society, creating a huge bureaucracy, the destruction of democracy, the total nationalization of the country. Already February 1, 1933 was dissolved the Reichstag (parliament) and March 5, a new election. Unfolded change the ruling elite from top to bottom: from the highest officials to professional Commissioner. All the important posts of the members of the Nazi Party were directed or supported it, despite the fact that the National Socialists were in government in coalition with the German National Party. Already in 1935, 78% of mayors were members of the Nazi Party. With access to executive power, the Nazis began to progressively reduce the political democracy in Germany. In was used as a pretext Reichstag fire, the perfect lone maniac, but took with him when arrested Communist Party membership card.

The Nazis have launched an open terror against his political opponents. Then Hitler succeeded Hindenburg signed a special decree "On the Protection of People and State ', address the underlying rights of citizens and provides unlimited powers of the punitive organs. Was thrown into lay basis of the constitution of the Weimar Republic the principle of separation of powers. Legislative functions were transferred to the government. After the death of Hindenburg in 1934 Hitler had transferred the powers of the president. Thus, the entire full power in Germany was in the hands of Hitler, became a 'leader', 'Fuhrer' in Germany. Was also carried out administrative reform, which resulted in abolished local government. Power at all levels into the hands of officials appointed from above. In 1933 all political parties except the Nazi Party, is formally banned. Such a radical break-up of public order and public life could not be accompanied by violence and spawned strengthening the role of the secret police state. Assault and security units have become part of the apparatus of violence. The country was formed secret police (Gestapo). Fascism has destroyed all who did not accept the system, even though he was outwardly loyal to the authorities. Office of the political police (Gestapo) had the following divisions: 1 st Division – Communism and Marxism, 2 nd Division – church, sect, immigrants, the Masons, the Jews, the third department – reactionaries opposition, 4 th Division – concentration camps, the pre-trial detention. Since 1933, in Germany there were concentration camps for the content of all the unwanted regime officials. Were eliminated major political rights – freedom of speech, assembly, the inviolability of domicile, correspondence