The behavior of voters said the election campaign and the tactics used by the Nazis. Storm troopers and ss men attacked meetings of political opponents, beating activists of other political parties, intimidated the population of entire regions. Their actions, in turn, showed the weakness of legitimate authority, is incapable of maintain elementary order in the cities to protect citizens. Reorganizing his party (National Socialist Party of Germany – NSDAP), Adolf Hitler took a course on the legal seizure of power constitutional means. He skillfully used the fear of revolution, communism, civil war, presenting National Socialism as a factor 'order'. In 1933 the National Socialists won the elections. Military-bureaucratic elite has used its influence on President Hindenburg that he handed the mandate to form a government Adolph Hitler.
20 January 1933 he became Chancellor – the head of government. From this time began the rout civil society, creating a huge bureaucracy, the destruction of democracy, the total nationalization of the country. Already February 1, 1933 was dissolved the Reichstag (parliament) and March 5, a new election. Unfolded change the ruling elite from top to bottom: from the highest officials to professional Commissioner. All the important posts of the members of the Nazi Party were directed or supported it, despite the fact that the National Socialists were in government in coalition with the German National Party. Already in 1935, 78% of mayors were members of the Nazi Party. With access to executive power, the Nazis began to progressively reduce the political democracy in Germany. In was used as a pretext Reichstag fire, the perfect lone maniac, but took with him when arrested Communist Party membership card.
The Nazis have launched an open terror against his political opponents. Then Hitler succeeded Hindenburg signed a special decree "On the Protection of People and State ', address the underlying rights of citizens and provides unlimited powers of the punitive organs. Was thrown into lay basis of the constitution of the Weimar Republic the principle of separation of powers. Legislative functions were transferred to the government. After the death of Hindenburg in 1934 Hitler had transferred the powers of the president. Thus, the entire full power in Germany was in the hands of Hitler, became a 'leader', 'Fuhrer' in Germany. Was also carried out administrative reform, which resulted in abolished local government. Power at all levels into the hands of officials appointed from above. In 1933 all political parties except the Nazi Party, is formally banned. Such a radical break-up of public order and public life could not be accompanied by violence and spawned strengthening the role of the secret police state. Assault and security units have become part of the apparatus of violence. The country was formed secret police (Gestapo). Fascism has destroyed all who did not accept the system, even though he was outwardly loyal to the authorities. Office of the political police (Gestapo) had the following divisions: 1 st Division – Communism and Marxism, 2 nd Division – church, sect, immigrants, the Masons, the Jews, the third department – reactionaries opposition, 4 th Division – concentration camps, the pre-trial detention. Since 1933, in Germany there were concentration camps for the content of all the unwanted regime officials. Were eliminated major political rights – freedom of speech, assembly, the inviolability of domicile, correspondence