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Month: September 2012

Real Madrid

Real Madrid

Alex Herrera 20m the White Platform makes balance of the season of Real Madrid. His president indicates that the note " he cannot be of 8; he has been agridulce". Criticism the image shown from the club and the turn of the model of Florentine. " Real Madrid is world-wide champion in debt, with 400 million Euros netos". The president of the White Platform, Eugene Brave Martinez, did balance of the east season Thursday in press conference, a hotel of the capital, and criticized the management of Florentine Perez when assuring that the expectations generated to the madridismo have not been fulfilled in their second mandate like president of the club and emphasizing that " the model of the checkbook does not guarantee to gain ttulos". " The Glass of the King feels like to us insufficient and we understand that second stage like president is a poor balance in the Equator of this. To be seconds in Liga and not to play the end of Champions does not have to be contemplated like a positive result for club" , there is outstanding.

The high economic investment, the worrisome and increasing accumulated debt and the bad reflected institutional image throughout the campaign, as well as the changes of the organizational model and " lack of criterio" , they are several of the points that outstanding are the leader of the platform. " Real Madrid is world-wide champion in debt, that in net is going up to around 400 million (500 gross million) and that would go up to around the 700 if creditors add themselves. He is something that worries mucho&quot to us;. " It is sold to us because the season has been of ' 8' , but I consider that generales&quot has been bittersweet in terms; , he continued, at the same time as he emphasized that the basketball section " he does not interest to him to Florentino" and that the management of the same has been " very negative, when not disputing none of the two end (ACB and Four End) and when interrupting themselves the project with the exit of Messina".

The President

The President

Inspect and surveillance of public utility institutions so that their incomes are maintained and properly implemented and that all the essentials in compliance with the wishes of the founders. Patent grant temporary privileges to authors of inventions or useful improvements in accordance with the law. Issue letters of naturalization, under the law. ARTICLE 190. The President of the Republic is elected for a term of four years, by half plus one of votes, by secret and direct deposit people at a time and with the formalities prescribed by law. If no candidate obtains such a majority, will hold a new vote to be held three weeks later, in which only involved the two candidates who obtained the most votes.

Will be declared president who obtains the highest number of votes. In case of death or permanent disability of one of the two candidates with the most votes, his party or political movement may enter a new candidate for the second round. If it does or if the lack is due to another cause, will replace him who has obtained the third ballot, and so on and in descending order. If the failure to produce with less than two weeks before the second round, it will be postponed for a fortnight. ARTICLE 191. To be President of the Republic must be Colombian by birth, citizenship rights and more than thirty years. ARTICLE 192. The President of the Republic shall take possession of their fate to Congress, and take an oath in these terms: "I swear to God I promise to faithfully fulfill the people's Constitution and laws of Colombia ".

No To The Disappearance Of Light And Strength

No To The Disappearance Of Light And Strength

On Sunday October 11, 2009 on national television at night the self-styled “president of employment” Felipe Calderon announced the disappearance of Light and Power Company, and consequently the disappearance of the SME (Mexican Electrical Workers) under the pretext of which is an unprofitable company since then 66 000 employees were laid off, And where the then President of employment? actually is the president of employment, but to use lies and blackmail the people of Mexico, the peasants and the entire working class of this country that the only thing he has done in recent months has been to bear the brunt of the current self-styled “president Mexico “with its reforms to the law of ISSSTE, PEMEX, the militarization of the country, trying to levy a new tax of 2% to the poor

Now goes hand in Waist Light and Power Company a company which the government is not profitable, but remember that the same is said of Telmex (and thanks to this Carlos Slim is now the world’s richest man by Forbes magazine) as well as the National Bank said, and now many global banks want to invest in Mexico by profits generated by high interest rates in this country that only permitted , and the same National Railway said, that gentlemen do not count the Mexicans and we do not swallow it, the Federal government cunning coup against the EMS is just a taste of what lies ahead for all workers and all those who are union members in a union with the upcoming labor reform that the federal government and the PAN have to door, the Labour Government does not care about labor rights of any worker, the only thing that matters is positioned well with the national oligarchy. It began with the Mexican Electricians Union, and now ycual next? To roll back all this tapping federal government to the working class the only thing left is to support the national mobilization in support of the working class, recalls that “the people united will never be defeated “SME are not alone the people of Mexico will support them..

Brazil Vargas

Brazil Vargas

In other words Vargas it does not only depend being able on them regional separate. The speech the eves of the New State, is the unit, is the brasilidade. 1. REGIONALISM AND PERSPECTIVE NATIONALISM The year of 1930, in terms social politicians and is significant not alone for Brazil, for the occured changes, but mainly for the Rio Grande Do Sul, that inside of the optics of the Republic of the Coffee with milk was relegated to the second order in the status national politician. Ceased the internal disagreements in the Rio Grande Do Sul, between Liberators and Republicans, in 1927, Vargas goes up to the government of the Getlio State.

The regional union came to collaborate for the reinforcement of the Rio Grande Do Sul, of where the PRR and the liberators would take Getlio to the presidency of the Republic. 1 From 1930, the politics of Vargas would organize the power having left of the center of the national presidency, for states and cities for the hands of the interventors and nominated intendants to execute the administrative functions the control of the proper president. Thus Vargas finished of certain form with the politics them ' ' coronis' ' that they controlled the electoral corrals, giving to a blow in the regionalism politician of the great oligarchies that had governed up to 1930. But, however without definitively moving away them from the scene politician, only fitting them it the new Varguistas arrangements. With these measures it substantially changed the functioning of the system politician, it reorganized the canals of access to the power and breached with the administrative decentralization and politics of the Old Republic. This allowed new arrangements of being able necessary to take the handle the economic changes that would come years later. 2 Therefore at the same time where Vargas desestabiliza the models local politicians in the attempt to implant another model of government needed appeals to the union politics of the Rio Grande Do Sul, so that together with Minas Gerais and the So Paulo disagreements implanted ' ' revoluo' ' of 1930.



You already understood what she walks happening in the Arab world? Has idea why as much people is protesting in the streets of Egypt, for example? I go to simplify history pra vocs: economic and social problems had unchained a wave of protests in Tunisia and had provoked the escape of the president, Zine El Abidine Well There, for Saudi Arabia, after 23 years in the position, in what he is being called Revolution of Jasmin (typical flower of the country). With a similar scene, the Egyptians if espelharam in the example of the tunisianos and had been to the streets to protest against the regimen of the government Hosni Mubarak, who already reached the mark of three decades in the power. For who it does not know, Egypt is the main ally of the United States in Arab world e, therefore, what more it receives money from the Yankees. It is accurately there that deferred payment the contradiction that already is part of the folclrica history of the international relations of the North Americans. U.S.A. if autodeclaram the great guardies of the democracy in the world. They do not save efforts stops to demonizar countries considered ditatoriais and at some moments also uses its gigantic warlike power for ' ' to implant democracia' ' in these places. Not obstante, it closes the eyes for the innumerable African dictatorships, a time that stops the American diplomacy north is about countries where strategical interests do not exist (are read: ' ' there it does not have grana! ' ').

More still, they ignore the fact of that much of these men ' ' of mal' ' already they had been one day amiguinhos. Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden, without counting Latin American dictators in the decades of 1960 and 1970 (also the Brazilian torturadores), had all received the support from the Yankees when they agreed to them. The same he occurs now in Egypt, when she was necessary 30 years and a country in foot of war for the United States to pronounce itself in favor of a democratization. He makes me the favor! It is much hypocrisy for a country alone! He can seem that I am one of those Communists disillusioned to who only remained the anti-imperialist and contrary speech to that comes of U.S.A. He would go to move of opinion when discovering what only use jeans and t-shirt, I adore the combos of the McDonald? s, I lose hours attending the films and tinned series (Russian Renato excuse) I think seriously about learning to say English until the 30 years. I do not know if I helped you to understand what it is happening in the Arab world (in the truth a hook was alone that I used excuse, goes), therefore still it would have that to make aluso to the indications of that other countries as Mauritnia, Algeria, Sudan, Imen, Om and Jordan can follow way of Tunisia the same. Moreover, it would have that to analyze as this everything would drastically change the paradigm politician of the countries of Muslim majority. This of tranquilamente a doutorado thesis of, exactly that all the changes stop this way (what particularly I do not believe that occurs). However, my objective one exactly was to evidence the incoherent politics American north in these events, thing little said in the reporter and that it deserves greater quarrel.