Real Madrid
Alex Herrera 20m the White Platform makes balance of the season of Real Madrid. His president indicates that the note " he cannot be of 8; he has been agridulce". Criticism the image shown from the club and the turn of the model of Florentine. " Real Madrid is world-wide champion in debt, with 400 million Euros netos". The president of the White Platform, Eugene Brave Martinez, did balance of the east season Thursday in press conference, a hotel of the capital, and criticized the management of Florentine Perez when assuring that the expectations generated to the madridismo have not been fulfilled in their second mandate like president of the club and emphasizing that " the model of the checkbook does not guarantee to gain ttulos". " The Glass of the King feels like to us insufficient and we understand that second stage like president is a poor balance in the Equator of this. To be seconds in Liga and not to play the end of Champions does not have to be contemplated like a positive result for club" , there is outstanding.
The high economic investment, the worrisome and increasing accumulated debt and the bad reflected institutional image throughout the campaign, as well as the changes of the organizational model and " lack of criterio" , they are several of the points that outstanding are the leader of the platform. " Real Madrid is world-wide champion in debt, that in net is going up to around 400 million (500 gross million) and that would go up to around the 700 if creditors add themselves. He is something that worries mucho" to us;. " It is sold to us because the season has been of ' 8' , but I consider that generales" has been bittersweet in terms; , he continued, at the same time as he emphasized that the basketball section " he does not interest to him to Florentino" and that the management of the same has been " very negative, when not disputing none of the two end (ACB and Four End) and when interrupting themselves the project with the exit of Messina".