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Month: October 2013



One of the most popular types of lifting equipment are the usual lines of different species and different capacities. To date, production lines must be carried out in strict accordance with GOST, all products must be properly certified – because of so many seemingly insignificant details, and dependent quality of the hoisting works, and safe operation of the complex equipment. Slings are satisfied their steel and textile ropes. Textiles are used where special importance is the ease and flexibility of the product, they provide full safety of all the treasure to move is used. These products are unaffected by deformation, unlike steel, which shall be cleaned in areas of frequent bends.

Textile is much more resistant to aggressive media, textile slings themselves absolutely safe for humans, they do not drown, if you drop them in water and can always be at hand thanks to its compactness. However, there are situations where preferred products made from steel wire rope, slings must therefore choose only depending on the specific jobs and the environment in which they are used. Slings mats come in two forms: kruglopryadnye and tape. Belt slings made from the tape in two or crosslinking a single layer. The latter depends on the severity designed to lift cargo.

Kruglopryadnye lines represent a ring containing a core and a protective sleeve. Core consists of a polymeric material. The sleeve also eliminates the occurrence of the effect created when the friction of the core fibers during high-gravity lift luggage – it is a relatively new type of lifting devices, used in the rigging.

United States Federal Reserve

United States Federal Reserve

In the midst of the global economic crisis, the increase in terrorism in some areas of the planet and the last throes of the armed conflict between Russia and Georgia, media from around the world are called to make space on their pages to poverty. That day, leaders from more than 190 countries around the world are called to assess progress since the eight Millennium goals for development (ODM) with the aim of halving poverty in the world by 2015 was signed in the year 2000. Despite the progress in different subjects and regions, world leaders will have to rethink their policies in the fight against poverty, poorly according to the evaluation report of the objectives of the 2008 Millennium complaint. Latin American leaders may show satisfaction by advances in education, care of children, access to drinking water, gender equality and maternal health in the region. However, the number of people living in poverty is maintained. These countries have virtually achieved universal schooling, since 95% of school-age children are enrolled in primary school. This improvement also affects directly and positively to gender equity, because almost all girls attend primary school and the secondary level there are more girls than boys enrolled.

In addition, 92% of the Latin American population has access to improved water sources, representing an increase of 84% compared to 1990; infant mortality has also been reduced in the region. The number of deaths of children under five years of age has passed a 72 per thousand in 1990 to 55 per thousand in 2006. The sanitary conditions of the Latin American mothers, especially during childbirth, are safer. The percentage of women who flock to delivery rooms and are attended by qualified medical personnel has risen significantly. Despite these improvements, if Latin America maintains the same policies in the fight against poverty, the region does not You can reduce by half the number of people living in poverty by 2015, something that many Latin American leaders attributed to population growth.

The issue that most worries the UN, both in this region and in the rest of the world, is hunger due to poor distribution of the resources of the planet and rising food prices. While in Latin America and the Caribbean enough food is produced to meet the needs of the 550 million people living in the region, malnutrition affects 10% of the population. You figure that in some mountainous areas of Guatemala exceeds 70%. The liberal economic system which now survives thanks to the intervention of bodies such as the European Central Bank (ECB) or the United States Federal Reserve has increased hunger and poverty. Civil society cannot allow politicians to come to her rescue while they forget the poorest. According to the FAO, the world needs $ 30 billion to end hunger, half of what the ECB he injected the banks on the same day that the U.S. Senate passed a Bill to allocate 612.000 million for defense spending in 2009. The Summit in New York is presented as an opportunity to remind world leaders that the eradication of poverty continues to your fingertips. It would suffice to change the order of your priorities.

United States Government

United States Government

Hooding and stripping detainees, deprive them of sight or hearing, subjected to cold and heat systematically, keeping them in positions in physical tension, use of dogs to cause stress, unfasten the dream and simulated drowning. The Committee of the Senate’s armed forces claimed that senior officials of the United States Government on aggressive interrogation techniques were reported, redefined the law to simulate legality and authorized the use of torture against detainees in Guantanamo. They began to hear voices calling for the closure of Guantanamo. One of the first was that of Amnesty International, which joined after requests from the UN, former Presidents Carter and Clinton, heads of State of Europe and legal organizations and human rights around the world. Today the closure of Guantanamo is nearby. President-elect Obama has promised that it will be one of its first measures. But it will also recover the respect of human rights prior to the 11 September 2001, suppress detention without charges or legal assistance and relentlessly prohibit torture under any circumstances. And resolve what to do with the detainees still at Guantanamo.

United States must acknowledge and judge in the ordinary American courts to more than 250 detainees who remain there, but with all the guarantees and safeguards that international law and the U.S. Constitution sorted. If the United States does not judge them, you must free them and send them to their countries in conditions that exclude the most remote possibility of torture. Because it turns out that about 50 of the Guantanamo detainees not can be sent to their countries (China, Libya, Russia, Tunisia and Uzbekistan) because there is a real risk that there are tortured. The example of Portugal and Germany, accepting some of these detainees, is a good way. The recovery of the respect for human rights is also ending impunity.

They should be investigated independently abuses and violations of human rights committed by the United States and its allies under the umbrella of the war on terror. And judge those responsible. More guarantee repair to all victims of human rights violations. Otherwise, we will remain in barbarism.

United States

United States

If everything were so easy as they argue these predictions, all this big problem then will be solved with simple rate cuts is not too simple? I really believe that it is a very simplistic (and linear) reasoning, which are doing about the impact of cuts in interest rates from the Fed about economic growth in the United States.UU. Do I have to remind you that the economy is not an exact science? It seems that Yes. At the moment, I would like to remind you that the credit channel has not recovered in the United States.UU., and therefore the effects of rate cuts are not yet present. It shows in the results of the survey to senior officers credit by the federal reserve of the United States.UU., announced last Monday that reflected an abrupt shrinkage in the willingness of banks to lend, either companies or individuals. This is not to say that trimming of rates is not beneficial to the recovery of the credit, but as already had them commented on other occasions, the monetary policy acts with a good lag, which I understand that it will be greater in this case by the damage generated by the crisis in the U.S. financial system. And if I didn’t have many expectations about the recovery of the US economy, after the speech by Bernanke before the Senate, already directly I must say that I have no expectations. Because if the holder of the Fed, which handles information flow immensely greater than the that is accessible for me said: the Outlook for the economy has worsened in recent months, and the downside risks to growth have risen “, not much to say. And above Ben says he is willing to continue with the cut of rates does not realize that already a matter of level of fees is not which will prevent the recovery of the economy? And it is logical that the situation is more serious that many think. The problem that is facing us.UU.

American Republican Congressman Duncan Hunter

American Republican Congressman Duncan Hunter

Lord, sorrows were not made for the beasts, but for men; But if men feel them too, they are beasts. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra the human race will always be in conflict, and since then, some countries give rise to actions that leave much that say that human factor that distinguishes us from the animal species, thus, there will be those who have given way as we will indicate in the letter to the construction of walls, walls that are known as of shame, as the last that the United States has ordered to be built to prevent emigration to their territory, especially the Mexican, the countries Central American, Latin American. This wall is known as Tortilla wall, and as stated in Wikipedia, is a physical wall built by United States on its border with Mexico. Its aim is to prevent the entry of illegal, mostly Mexican and Central American immigrants from the southern border toward U.S. territory. Its construction began in 1994 under the program of fight against illegal immigration known as ‘Operation gatekeeper’ (Operation Gatekeeper). Currently consists of several kilometers long border Tijuana San Diego. The wall includes three walls of containment, illumination of very high intensity, motion detectors, electronic sensors and night vision equipment connected to the American border policemen (Border Patrol), as well as ongoing monitoring with off-road trucks and helicopter gunships.

Other sections of wall exist in the States of Arizona, New Mexico and Texas. It is known that since 1994, when he began the construction of the wall illegal immigrants have attempted to cross by more dangerous areas, such as for example the Arizona desert, which has resulted in more than 3,000 deaths since the start of its operation. It has been public knowledge that recently, American Republican Congressman Duncan Hunter (to California), proposed a plan to the Senate on November 3, 2005 to reinforce the border barrier between the two countries.