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Month: May 2014



2. Everyone has the right to control the divine and spiritual information and energy. 3. Everyone has the right to manage space and time. 4.

Everyone has the right to seek, receive and redistribute the divine and spiritual information. 5. Everyone has the right to appeal to God. Article 7 1. Everyone is entitled to divine creativity (Co-creation). 2.

Everyone has the right to spiritual and moral-ethical work. Article 8 1.Kazhdy has a choice and free will. 2. Everyone has the right to spiritual freedom, divine, spiritual and moral integrity. Article 9 1.Kazhdy has the right to a healthy environment. 2.Kazhdy has the right to improve themselves and the world. Article 10 1. Everyone has the right to respect for and protection of the divine and spiritual and moral integrity and dignity. 2. Everyone has the right to inviolability of his divine and spiritual life. Article 11 A person shall not enter into the spiritual space of man and his space against Love human will and its occupants. Article 12 1. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, expression, conscience and religion. 2. Everyone has the right to religious education and upbringing. Article 13 Everyone is entitled to compensation for moral and spiritual harm. Article 14 1. Everyone, including Soul and Spirit, has the right to development of the energy power of his soul and his energoobolochek. 2. Everyone has the right to use and manage their energy, the Divine energy, both individually and with others. Article 15 1. Implementation of a man of his divine and spiritual and moral rights and freedoms must not be contrary to love, to break and diminish the divine and spiritual, moral rights and freedoms of others. 2. Nobody has the right to use the divine, spiritual, and moral rights and liberties against the love for change and the violation of the divine, spiritual and moral laws the destruction of spiritual and material worlds, personal injury, inciting racial, ethnic, class or religious hatred, to promote violence and war, as well as for private gain of certain groups. Article 16 Each person is responsible for his actions, whatever they were not expressed, and related events on Earth and the universe. Article 17 This Declaration was adopted by people who agree with her completely and support it, and also expressed their no objection. This Declaration is open for acceptance for everyone.

Fuel Oil Price 20 October: Dealer Grant Light Tees

Fuel Oil Price 20 October: Dealer Grant Light Tees

Meanwhile the local heating oil prices dropped as expected something. LEIPZIG. (Ceto) The crude oil price has stabilised slightly in the course of the day. With around 80 dollars a barrel US light oil (WTI) and 82 dollars for North Sea oil (Brent), the quotes were slightly higher than in the morning in the afternoon. The price of oil nearing the level justified by the fundamentals is thus gradually, so the Commerzbank commodity analyst.

They see at well below $80. the fair market price” A level, with the apparently also the Organization of petroleum exporting countries (OPEC) would be satisfied, as representatives of the cartel stressed several times. The slight price increases today, however, are attributable to the stronger euro and firmer stock markets. Furthermore, investors on the Stock Exchange Act wait. You look eagerly to the release of US inventory figures by the energy authority.

Quite possible that the data give new impetus to the trade. Part one of the weekly published inventory was hardly that: So, the American Petroleum Institute as well as rising crude oil stocks held moderately falling product inventories. Meanwhile the local heating oil prices dropped as expected something. The discount amounted to 36 cents per 100 litre batch heating oil EL. The subscription price according to 67,54 euro amounts at a delivery from 3,000 litres, which resulted in the collection of fuel level and oil Rundschau. The average prices for the current month moves at 68.37 euros. For comparison: a year ago, the 100-litre batch cost 59.90 euro; on 20 October 2008 73,70 euro. The graphics on the energy Portal show the development of the domestic fuel oil prices in the national average, and in the individual federal States in the section of market data. Regional deviations are possible due to the market at any time.

Thurman Gurdjieff

Thurman Gurdjieff

Ask yourself what is it that makes you feel alive, and then go and get it. Because what the world needs are people who feel alive, with mood.Howard Thurman Gurdjieff gives us some commandments which deserve to be considered such as: fixed your attention in yourself, be aware at every moment of what you think, feel, want and do. Always finish what you started. Do what you’re doing as best as possible. You cannot tether to anything that will eventually destroy you developed your generosity without witnesses. He treats each person as if it were a relative nearby. What you’ve messed up orders.

Learn how to receive, grateful for every gift. It stops you self-define. You do not lie or steal, if you do you lie and steal yourself. Others that provides us with Gurdjieff are: don’t defend your old ideas only by the fact that it was you who formulated them. Not retain useless objects.

You not adornes with alien ideas. Not you photos with celebrities. Don’t you give up accounts to anyone, I know your own judge. You never define by what they possess. Never talk about you without giving you the possibility of change. You agree that nothing is yours. When they ask you your opinion about something or someone, I gave only their qualities. When you get sick, instead of hate that evil consider it your teacher. Do not stare with dissimulation, stares. Don’t forget your dead, but gives them a limited site that prevent them from invading your life… In the place in which dwell always enshrined a sacred site. When you make a service does not highlight your efforts. If you decide to work for others, do it with pleasure… If you doubt between doing and not doing, take a risk and get. The best years of your life are those those who decide that your problems are yours. Don’t you blame them your mother, the ecology or the President. You realize that you control your own destiny.

Southern Cross

Southern Cross

Therefore, the ALIMENTARY SECURITY is much more complex of what the simple fact to order to confection magnetic cards with the name and password of the people, so that bodega, bolicho or sales can in any buy a pasta package manufactured with imported wheat of the United States, one latinha of extract of tomatoe produced for a transnational e, who knows, one kilo of imported beans of Mexico. The hunger is not different of that family who deferred payment back in city of Guara, verge with Argentina, of the hunger of the family who deferred payment in Southern Cross, the Acre. The hunger is as a virus that mines the resistncias of the human being. At a first moment it finishes with the organic resistance. After that with the moral resistance to such point, that it loses for crumbs. A family father suffers for seeing that its children do not have what to eat.

A family mother cries blood tears because maternal milk more does not feed its son. A child cries of hunger and she does not understand because she does not have food, and grows with many others fomes. A nation with hunger and that it does not decide this situation is a perverse nation. A nation with hunger and that it promises to solutions the short-term one, by means of imediatistas and populist proposals, is a nation that manufactures illusions and a social bomb of delayed effect. But to a father and a mother of family, a child, a nation that it knows as and reason are passing hunger and have in its governing the biggest hopes of that its hunger is mitigated, still remains them a rstia of will of living. But if such not to come if to materialize curtssimo stated period, this hungry people of food will be able to feel another type of hunger, the hunger that generates the revolt and the social chaos.

The Malignant Governor

The Malignant Governor

This vampirizao varretoda the existence human being, but its bigger fruition if of only after the mortefsica, when the deixarred a carne souls could be vampirizadas without qualquer’ ‘ shunting line of ateno’ ‘ proportionate for the physical contact. Being the vampirizao they postmortem the biggest desire of the invisible enemies, then the severity visible nenhumsofrimento on the face of the Land means a great victory stops osinimigos, that only laugh and wait the deaths to profit in the Hades (lembrarque the vampirizao post mortem does not produce pain physical some and it is not ador that more produces energy vampirizvel, and yes the terror and the anguish). 2) The Malignant Governor if hides because not conseguemais to modify the signals of badness and monstruosidade that emanate of its face, epor this immediately would be rejected by the sense of aesthetic of the victims.

Emvista of this it always will use masks and disguises, being the most common showy use decorpo igneous or of benign ghost, camouflaging with perfection until vozde people deads and thus being deceptive until osfamiliares of these. In recent years of the present terrestrial civilization (that God only knows when they finish), they say that the enemy will use the disfarceperfeito of a human, gorgeous and intelligent body, created from reproduohumana, in vitro or clonagem. The reader is invited to read respostasdo author on the subject the two of its pupils, in artigo’ ‘ Endorsing Stephen Hawking’ ‘. 3) Malignant governor if hides because, even so sejamoralmente depraved and badly, never he lost the sense of obedience to the laws that ofavorecem, as it occurs with all the human outlaws; which, even so they steal, they kill and they rape, they are cleres in alleging the laws protect that them of more serious oupenas arrests. The difference for the human outlaws is that, as the Good and oCentro of the Laws is God (where Justice is perfect and Leialguma never disobeys), the necessary Evil always to keep certain agreement with the laws poderno to give to a legal breach God to enter in the conflict and to win the War maisrpido, it would compel what it to vampirizar a lesser number of souls..