President Washington Luiz
Many are in the power and desire stewardships and to take off advantages, obviously the exceptions exist. Many corrupt legislators are reeleitos partisan acronyms are used as rent, everything is made in exchange for ' advantages and barganhas' with the purpose of only taking possetion itself of the public money. In this dimension, the full and true democracy, loses its great dimension in our country. In what it says respect to the social aspect, this disinterest and impostures in the politics, atrelada with a economy where little importance has the human being, generates a forced urbanization, with sequels that disrespect the life, they take the degeneration of the human being that if submits the worse conditions of life, leading the subnutrio, the hunger, to the breaking of basic human rights e, finish for affecting the educational system that if becomes precarious and exculpatory. How much to the system of public health, security and leisure also are points that they need to improve and very. In this perspective, it gains emphasis in Brazil ' ' violncia' ' that it goes if infiltrating in all the aspects of the social, communitarian and familiar life. It is not enough to say, as President Washington Luiz, in 1929: ' ' the violence and the social matter in Brazil are cases of polcia' '.
She is necessary to search the causes of these conflicts: until when we will have that to coexist the social tragedies, amongst them on with the drug trafficking, the transit, parents who kill children, young who kill namoradas, kidnappings, cruelties, vices, lawyers allies to the crimes of its customers, ONGs who take off public money for illicit enrichment? In the religious aspect, a inconstncia between the people is perceived, who move of religion inhaled by the medias that they have mere lucrative ends. These are reflected of a society in crisis and look for to decide its problems for intermediary of the religion, making with that the person is mentally ill, without perceiving the context where it lives. The medias are manipulated by the ruling class, which if serves of the ideological apparatus, obtaining to pass the idea dictated for the rich countries that desire the advance of the exculpatory capitalist system. In such a way, they finish influencing the social behavior, mainly in the familiar structure and the formation of the young. The federal government tries to make its part, tries to establish programs to count the misery, illiteracy and to implant the inclusion and the valuation of the diversity; however, front to the described national reality above, still we coexist a people does not have a culture of participation and conscience of what it is common good; of this form this people continues being white of the media, the governing and the lack of a wisdom that the light one to understand true the sensible one of the democracy and the real changes that they need to happen. The necessary school of a new estruturao, contrary case will continue being ' ' part reprodutora' ' of an oppressing system that does not take the historical reflection of the real facts and its causes and consequences, either related to the past, gift and future. It urges that let us search in the debates and in the participation of the society we will find the solution of ours problems.