The Malignant Governor
This vampirizao varretoda the existence human being, but its bigger fruition if of only after the mortefsica, when the deixarred a carne souls could be vampirizadas without qualquer’ ‘ shunting line of ateno’ ‘ proportionate for the physical contact. Being the vampirizao they postmortem the biggest desire of the invisible enemies, then the severity visible nenhumsofrimento on the face of the Land means a great victory stops osinimigos, that only laugh and wait the deaths to profit in the Hades (lembrarque the vampirizao post mortem does not produce pain physical some and it is not ador that more produces energy vampirizvel, and yes the terror and the anguish). 2) The Malignant Governor if hides because not conseguemais to modify the signals of badness and monstruosidade that emanate of its face, epor this immediately would be rejected by the sense of aesthetic of the victims.
Emvista of this it always will use masks and disguises, being the most common showy use decorpo igneous or of benign ghost, camouflaging with perfection until vozde people deads and thus being deceptive until osfamiliares of these. In recent years of the present terrestrial civilization (that God only knows when they finish), they say that the enemy will use the disfarceperfeito of a human, gorgeous and intelligent body, created from reproduohumana, in vitro or clonagem. The reader is invited to read respostasdo author on the subject the two of its pupils, in artigo’ ‘ Endorsing Stephen Hawking’ ‘. 3) Malignant governor if hides because, even so sejamoralmente depraved and badly, never he lost the sense of obedience to the laws that ofavorecem, as it occurs with all the human outlaws; which, even so they steal, they kill and they rape, they are cleres in alleging the laws protect that them of more serious oupenas arrests. The difference for the human outlaws is that, as the Good and oCentro of the Laws is God (where Justice is perfect and Leialguma never disobeys), the necessary Evil always to keep certain agreement with the laws poderno to give to a legal breach God to enter in the conflict and to win the War maisrpido, it would compel what it to vampirizar a lesser number of souls..