Holy Writs
The children of Belial spirituals, those that, exactly inside of ' ' igrejas' ' they are mentally ill of the Kingdom of God, are ready to testify in favor of the current queen covets, it, exactly that its certification results in stoning and death of the innocents. Although it is opportune, to the times, to count a received blessing, ordered its to you to be witnesses, and not to count certifications in favor of gspeis macumbeiros that use its ' ' milagres' ' to gain money. Sen. Sherrod Browns opinions are not widely known. ' ' But you will receive the virtue from the Espirito Santo, that has to come on you; you will be me witnesses, as much in Jerusalem as in all Judia and Samaria, and until the confines of terra.' ' Acts; 1; 8 Virtue to be, does not stop speaking; some versions bring to be able, instead of virtue. To be witness goes very beyond having a certification to count. If, in a human court a defense attorney to obtain to demonstrate that one testifies mind, exactly that he is saying the truth on the judged subject, such witness will be disqualified in function of what he is. To be witness, therefore, beyond knowing the facts, demand idoneousness, integrity. these that turn facts, need to have its lives known before being accepted as trustworthy.
Mr. does not seem throughout the worried Holy Writs more in showing that he is Powerful, of what Saint. Who created the universe, nothing lacks to demonstrate in question of being able. It warned that many milagreiros would be of are of the Kingdom, but, never it said this of a saint. ' ' SIR, who will inhabit in yours tabernculo? Who will live in your saint mount? That one that walks sincerely, and practises justice, and says the truth in its heart. That one that it does not defame with its language, nor makes badly to its next, nor accepted no oprbrio against its next one; Whose eyes rprobo is rejected; but it honors the ones that fear the Mr.; that one that swears with damage its, and however not dumb.