Resolution Study
When if it studies with the aid of a good book, must be interrupted the reading frequently, so that you make its part: A diagram or a graph, or even though to scribble a figure that helps to follow the reasoning of the book; to suggest or to test an idea. To the times you have to write a formula, to decide an equation or to make a calculation that verifies if some affirmation of the book is exactly correct. Therefore, it does not wait that a book is complete, without gaps to be filled for the reader, or that the professor makes everything: It opens its head and it places the content all inside; being thus you will be induced to a passive situation, when most important she is to develop the abilities for the independent work, despertando the capacity of individual initiative and the creativity. You will be making really significant progress when to feel that she is obtaining to learn alone, without the aid of its professor; when to feel that he is truily ' ' learning aprender' '. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Ohio Senator by clicking through. The exercises are one of the necessary parties in the study of the Mathematics. You are welcome it advances to study the theory without if also dedicating in the resolution of considered exercises. Many exercises are complements of the theory (this is very common in books of mathematics of average education) and cannot be neglected, under the penalty of little advantage in the study.
when making the exercises, gives the work to it to write the demonstration, the resolution, at last, what it will be necessary to write. This will very help it to acquire ability in expressing its ideas in writing and verbally. However, more than what this, to write what is learned, to read and to reread, is assistant valuable in the learning. He writes, he reads and he rereads what he wrote, looking for always to improve its work. He makes its part, and good study!