Kolsches Weekend ISCHGL – Sun, Snow And Vishal Tone
“Un singe danze in spring-like temperatures and guaranteed snow from April 23-25 it is a weekend-long VIVA COLONIA in the snow”, apres ski combined with kolscher Jolly! In addition to the open air concert with the RABAUE on Idalp occurs now even LINUS, the Cologne entertainer and presenter of the legendary Linus talent test”with his new entertainment program. In Ischgl’s notorious apres ski locations is made the night after the day. Apres-ski starts op Kolsch sometime between lunch and sunset and the “Flonz” in the hand and the Kolsch beer is catered for! The “season” to get a grand finale and who does not want to waive up to the next “session” Cologne music, is right here. Almost infinite slopes should give the possibility to make the longest ski Polonaise South of Cologne. The snow you can relied on late April in ISCHGL highest snow on 235 km of slopes, up to 2.893m height. This means to be able to draw his turns with spring-like temperatures on white snow!.