

You already understood what she walks happening in the Arab world? Has idea why as much people is protesting in the streets of Egypt, for example? I go to simplify history pra vocs: economic and social problems had unchained a wave of protests in Tunisia and had provoked the escape of the president, Zine El Abidine Well There, for Saudi Arabia, after 23 years in the position, in what he is being called Revolution of Jasmin (typical flower of the country). With a similar scene, the Egyptians if espelharam in the example of the tunisianos and had been to the streets to protest against the regimen of the government Hosni Mubarak, who already reached the mark of three decades in the power. For who it does not know, Egypt is the main ally of the United States in Arab world e, therefore, what more it receives money from the Yankees. It is accurately there that deferred payment the contradiction that already is part of the folclrica history of the international relations of the North Americans. U.S.A. if autodeclaram the great guardies of the democracy in the world. They do not save efforts stops to demonizar countries considered ditatoriais and at some moments also uses its gigantic warlike power for ' ' to implant democracia' ' in these places. Not obstante, it closes the eyes for the innumerable African dictatorships, a time that stops the American diplomacy north is about countries where strategical interests do not exist (are read: ' ' there it does not have grana! ' ').

More still, they ignore the fact of that much of these men ' ' of mal' ' already they had been one day amiguinhos. Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden, without counting Latin American dictators in the decades of 1960 and 1970 (also the Brazilian torturadores), had all received the support from the Yankees when they agreed to them. The same he occurs now in Egypt, when she was necessary 30 years and a country in foot of war for the United States to pronounce itself in favor of a democratization. He makes me the favor! It is much hypocrisy for a country alone! He can seem that I am one of those Communists disillusioned to who only remained the anti-imperialist and contrary speech to that comes of U.S.A. He would go to move of opinion when discovering what only use jeans and t-shirt, I adore the combos of the McDonald? s, I lose hours attending the films and tinned series (Russian Renato excuse) I think seriously about learning to say English until the 30 years. I do not know if I helped you to understand what it is happening in the Arab world (in the truth a hook was alone that I used excuse, goes), therefore still it would have that to make aluso to the indications of that other countries as Mauritnia, Algeria, Sudan, Imen, Om and Jordan can follow way of Tunisia the same. Moreover, it would have that to analyze as this everything would drastically change the paradigm politician of the countries of Muslim majority. This of tranquilamente a doutorado thesis of, exactly that all the changes stop this way (what particularly I do not believe that occurs). However, my objective one exactly was to evidence the incoherent politics American north in these events, thing little said in the reporter and that it deserves greater quarrel.

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