Alexander Dunes
Thus, several other authors had passed if to detach in the national literary scene, however, each one with proper style, as Lgia Bojunga Nunes, Ruth Rock, Ana Maria Axe, Orgenes Lessa, Ziraldo, Vnder Piroli, Silvia Orthof, Mary France, Joel Rufino, that much has contributed for the enlargement of the sort. The reality of maranhense infantile literature was developed with the workmanships of Viriato Corra and Pablo Barreto, being distinguished the writer Joshua Montello and others, as, Jorge Muce, Birth of Moraes Son, Suely Moura de Oliveira, Ribamar Fonseca and Wilson You mark. Transferring itself it analyzes it of youthful literature, is evidenced that its beginning coincides with the book publication directed toward the youthful public from middle of Century XIX, being distinguished, universally, the following writers: Walter Scott, Alexander Dunes, Jlio Verne, Johan David Wyes and others. history of youthful literature passed for three important landmarks. The first one of them mentions years to it 70, where the books had appeared of adventure, that they were marked by much action and almost no message, destarte, it is important to emphasize that, before this landmark, the literary compositions directed toward the young were few, being been the main ones, written for Lobato Hunter. After that, the writer Rey Landmarks introduced new elements in histories, from years 80, giving a new roupagem to this literary sort, however, the development of such workmanships alone occurred 1992, a time that the authors had started to invest more in books in detriment of the biggest use of the same ones in the schools, that had started to adopt them in all the series. Of this form, infantile and youthful literature is distinguished before excessively for, beyond representing an efficient way to the learning it act to read, makes possible to the readers a moment of entertainment, reason by which the taste for the reading effectively is worked, a time that the children and young dive in history, despertando emotions and feelings, sharpening the creativity, at last, making possible a bigger interaction, reason for which, defends it idea of that this type of reading must be part of daily of the children and the young, not only in the schools, but in all its life. .