Charlie Brown
But, segundoele, Bobbio ‘ ‘ also entresi emphasized the interdependence of the three ideals, in the direction that also dosoutros the coherent search of each one of them compels to the search, and that the proper definition of each one of them requires the use of the noescorrespondentes to the others two: ‘ Human rights, democracy and peace are trsmomentos necessary the same the historical movement: without humanosreconhecidos and protected rights it does not have democracy; without democracy it does not have condiesmnimas for the pacific solution of the conflicts. In other words, democracia the society of the citizens, and the subjects if become citizens when of them passama to be recognized some basic rights; it will have steady peace, a peace queno has the war as alternative, when more it will not only have apenascidados of this or that State, but of mundo’ ‘ ‘. The main right is the right to the humanity. Quepara happens to make to be valid the human rights needs to hug of comorespeito heart ideas to the creed, color, race, sort diversity, of classroom, denacionalidade.
Without this, we are alone in the speech. With as much thing podreacontecendo in this immense tropical Country, with as much disrespect to the direitoshumanos of as much people, it fits here to cite one tirinha of the Charlie Brown, where omesmo walks solitary in opposing direction to a multitude of manifestants, cadaqual carrying a poster with ‘ below isto’ ‘ below aquilo’. Then the Lucypergunta to the Charlie Brown if it would not go to load a band with ‘ below acivilizao’. Brown answers, philosophical: ‘ ‘ It does not need will fall, deto podre.’ ‘ to lock up this third text of the year, allows me citaro poem Fortini Franc: ‘ ‘ In the amurada Da Ponte the head of the hanged people In the water of the source the dribble of the hanged people In the stone pavement of the market the nails of fusilladed On the dry gram of the Prado teeth of the fusilladed ones To bite air to bite the rocks Our meat is not more than men To bite air to bite the rocks Our heart is not more than men But we read in the eyes of deceased and on the land freedom we have to make But they had narrowed it in the fists the dead justice that if it has of fazer.’ ‘ It waits the next text.