Correct Logos
Translated from the Greek "logos>> means" word>> and "tyupos>> – mark>>. In our opinion, the logo – a graphic image of the differences, which plays an important role in recognition not only Internet project or company, but goods and services. One of the objectives of the logo – to attract attention. Ideally the logo should reflect itself in the direction of the company or an Internet project. Green sheet for the cosmetics company, for example, symbolizes the naturalness and ecological products. The main goal of creating a logo – attraction, retention and extension attention. Logo – an indicator of individuality Internet project or company. There are many beautiful logo, design professionals are involved.
With many of them we know from childhood: Adidas>>, Nike>>, Coca-Cola>> and many others. Logo Design of these brands is easy to remember, instantly recognizable and looks great a one-color versions, which is important when printing. The worldwide success of the mentioned companies speaks for itself, and what child does not know how the logo looks like Coca-Cola>>? A good logo should carry a charge of emotion, but they should not be undesirable or negative. For many people, the first general impression of the internet-project or company is often formed after looking at the logo. In order to induce positive emotions can be, for example, use well-known and loved images that clearly inspire trust and easily treated, but do not forget the negative side – the logo is not original.
The choice of font is shriftVybor one of the first steps in designing a logo. Good font choice has always been the key to success. Most of the fonts available on the Internet have been someone once used. For quite reasonable money available development of a font from a specialist and you will get quality print, which will belong only to you. It must be remembered that people used to seeing high-quality text on television, in print and film. Should not be allowed to a person coming to your site or scrutinizes the letterhead of your company, it seems cheap. If it's true – do not make it and look! TsvetPri designing a logo to try to use those colors, which are associated with the genus of the company or the subject of site. For example, the blue color associated with the airline, and yellow with a travel company that sells trips to Turkey. But we must remember that at the delevse is conditional. Sometimes downright crazy color combination looks good and looks natural. When color logo design should be based not on color per se, but on their relation to each other. Form logotipPered how to choose the form, you must define the purpose of a logo design. It must be remembered that the form largely determines the initial attitude. It is desirable that the logo was compact and small. The most common forms are: circle, square, oval and triangle. It should be noted that modern logos often encompass several geometric shapes. A huge role in constructing logo are the correct proportions. There are many nuances and dimensions that at first glance seem insignificant, but in fact are just and develops the basic logo design. 10 signs of good logotipa1. Style2. Yasnost3. Privlekatelnost4. Expresses the correct . Razborchivost6. Vidimost7. Prostota8. Zapominaemost9. Opisatelnost10. Color