Country Confrontation
FINAL CONSIDERAES After the signature of the State Pact of Confrontation of the Violence against the Woman and the campaign pro-advice of the State Secretariat of Woman SEMU, in the year of 2007 where some maranhenses cities if had compromised to the creation of advice and municipal organisms of politics for the women a long and difficult way come being covered for them. Caxias in turn assumed the commitment to establish one specific politics of confrontation of the domestic and familiar violence legalizing in its management the formation of a net of services directed toward the improvement and estruturao of public politics in the search and attainment of mechanisms for prevention social confrontation of the inaqualities, risks and vulnerabilities. One knows however that beyond implanting public services and implementing politics of confrontation of the social differences and the inaqualities of sort as the creation and operacionalizao of programs and projects that take care of to the necessities and priorities of in agreement woman analyzed context, it is of supremacy that the municipal management offers conditions so that this agency develops and executes its abilities. In this direction, one concludes that the City department of the Woman makes use of some orders and a series of initiatives that they search to solve the problems to characterize the installment of the public services. However one evidences that still it has very for making in the direction to institute one public politics more efficient and continued to eradicate the violence against the woman and to consolidate programs and projects capable to promote the overcoming of obstacles and the solution of the problems. Through a work to only interdisciplinar and participativo in partnership with the nets of local cooperation it is that if it promotes the creation, magnifying and maintenance of instruments of confrontation of the inaqualities for the sprouting of public services directed toward this question aiming at to guarantee the equity and equality of sort in accord with II the National Plan of Politics for the Women so that no woman in this Country has its violated human rights.
BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES Law n 11,340/2006, of 7 of August of 2006. Law Maria of the Penha; II National Plan of Politics for the Brazil Women: Special secretariat of Politics for the Women, 2008. 236 P. Legislao of the Woman. 2 ed? Brasilia: Edition, house of representatives Chamber. 2009. 459p. (series legislation; n 15) Malmegrim, Leondia Maria public Nets of cooperation in federative environments Maria Leondia Malmegrin. Florianpolis: Department of Sciences of the Administrao/UFSC; (Brasilia): CAPES: UAB, 2000 118p.: il. Law n 1745/2008. Municipal law of the Reformation and Administrative Reorganizao of the Municipal City hall of Caxias.