You already know that there are different types of investment funds among which you can choose which best suits your needs, but it is contradictory that even knowing that most of the people who invest they do without knowing what they are looking for. Here is a quick guide that you should answer before investing, so you do it intelligently. Some of the questions which it is recommended that you do before you begin to invest in mutual funds are the following: how much money do I need to save to make me a heritage? How often will I receive reports? Yields will I get coincide with my expectations and goals? How much can get to claim my Fund of investment in the future? How long do I have to save to raise the money that I need to give a start? Does the promissory note in commissions and interest rates? If I change my goals, my background coincides with my new goals? It is easy to sell my Fund? What risks do I have? 10 In the worst scenario, much you would be my loss? After having answered these questions think of investment funds to which you can access and choose the best. Contact a financial group to help you at the moment of choice of an investment fund..