National Politics
This PL, sent to the Congress for president Lula is the first initiative of the executive on the substance and generates, in 2010, law 12.305. First the great line of direction contained in the law mentions the Order to it of Priority, aiming at to take population and companies to a position of ' ' not generation, reduction, reutilizao, recycling and treatment of solid residues and to the final disposal ambiently adjusted of rejeitos' '. In according to place, the law classifies the diverse residues, defining the process of collection, treatment and final disposal. Of this form, residues are normatizados domiciliary, of the urban cleanness, commercial and rendering establishments of services, public services of basic sanitation, industrials, of health services, of the civil construction, agropastoris and others. Connecticut Senator pursues this goal as well. In the treatment of some of these agrotxicos residues, stacks lubricative batteries, tires, oils, fluorescent light bulbs, electronic products and its components the law determines the obligatoriness of implantation of logistic reversa. As for the people who survive from these residues, we need in them to abide by item XI of the article 7. of law 12,305 that pontua as one of the objectives ' ' integration of the catadores of materials you reused and you recycle in the actions that involve the responsibility shared for the cycle of life of produtos' '. In this reading and, considering the priorities of the federal government, the cities must construct municipal plans of solid residues, being able to consider joined intermunicipais; the selective collection must count on the participation of cooperatives or associations of catadores. According to data of the IPEA, the implementation of this National Politics of Solid Residues must still more extend this market that, in 2010 middle, put into motion R$ 12 billion per year the annual production was of 150 tons of garbage/day and involved about a million of catadores.