PPK Vote
The thing is very difficult in these elections. If we were to take into account and give credibility to the latest surveys, we would have a good electoral gloomy. In the end having to choose between Keiko and Humala. While the candidate for Fuerza 2011 tells us that his Government will not be authoritarian, it is very difficult to believe him, after giving to understand the debate, that the Government of his father was the best of recent times. Keiko wants us to believe at all costs, she fought to remove Vladimiro’s Government, when this was first lady, to realize his dark dealings. While it is true that terrorism had to defeat the bad (there was no other option) Keiko, has said that it restore order and tough security. It will be like the Government of his father.
To the bad and committing excesses? He also said that his intention was not to dissolve Congress as his father did on 5 April 1992, because they were other times and political circumstances. And that is unrepeatable. Mario Vargas Llosa has declared for the chain television CNN, that the vote for Toledo, since you don’t want to have to choose between cancer and AIDS referring to Keiko and Humala. It is a clear message to the population of someone who has the power of manipulation on public opinion, since he may have chosen to either of the remaining two: PPK or Castaneda. Because but they would be what kind of disease? Healthy would have been to say he would vote for anyone, less by those two (Keiko or Humala) Toledo wants to be present as the Savior of the country, wants to meet with the democratic forces in the country vote for him. We’re not in the runoff cholito. Hold your cart. Of course if you go to the second round with Humala, the country’s democratic force will be with you, but don’t you presiputes.
There are two other democratic options that also have the right to go to a second round. You must be calm and tranquility. Let us hope that the country knows to choose. I think, in a fateful end, and that there would not be another option of choice for the second round, having to choose as says Mario, among AIDS or cancer. In particular, it would have to vote for the Japanese candidate. And expect God to enlighten it so follow the route marked in the country’s economy. It could be, since she is not linked with authoritarianism of Chavez and company. I’m not Fujimori, I’m going to vote for Castaneda, but given the case, that we have left.