Regional Integration
An ambient dimension in the inaquality also exists, still for gaining visibility and recognition public politician, for the consequent creation of public politics directed to the confrontation of this problematic one. the socioambiental conflict is the clear expression of this ambient dimension of the inaquality, polarizing social citizens in anti-symmetrical conditions of access to the power, and in this context, the ambient politics can blunt as an element of distributive justice, adding it excessively the distributive politics. (LAYRARGUES, 2009, p.23) In this context if it inserts the PDRS Xingu in a region of significant territorial abrangncia with the objective to improve indices of quality of life, providing creation of democratic spaces where the popular participation is axle in the power to decide processes. Technical the Plan presents an inversion in the logic of exploration of the natural resources, clearly inserting the region in a context of exploration of the natural resources, that is, demonstrating to the investor the respective potentialities, however in contrast to previous moments, it searchs to guarantee the reinforcement of the popular participation in this context of development. In accordance with the Secretariat of Regional Integration: All the economic activities of the region represent job sources and income, therefore, the plan goes to search in the base of the activities the incentive that lacks. Beyond structuralizing and fortifying the local economic bases is necessary to value the knowledge of the traditional populations? many work in familiar or communitarian production – that they can help in the manipulation of the available natural resources and promote its use sustainable. (PAR, 2009, P.
32). Between foreseen actions to benefit to all the local population, are relative a have carried, communication and information, energy, storage, health, education, social assistance, habitation, basic sanitation, public security, agrarian regularization, agrarian reform, among others. From there the importance of its execution and the participation of the community in favor of the improvement of the quality of life.