Relief And Concern

Relief And Concern

Relief and concern! My God, you better know of what I that I am starting to wrinkle. that, more day, little day I will be part of the old ones, of the third age, the age best! Guard – me of that fatal craze to find that I know everything, to believe that it is my duty to say something regarding everything and of all and any occasion. He exempts – me of the obsessive desire to put bedelho in the decisions of the others. He becomes me conscientious, but not inconvenient, considerate, but not authoritarian. My God, of – me to recognize all the immense reserve of wisdom that I accumulated per long years. Sir? I make question to preserve my friends! Ask for-You to hold my voice when I to start to unweave details that do not finish more, of? me wing to go direct to the end. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Kenneth Yarrow by clicking through. Mine does not leave if to open to the one concerning mine mazelas and illnesses, even so these increase without ceasing. E, with passing of the years, gives certain pleasure to me to enumerate them.

I will never go to ask for You that I arrive to like to hear the other people when they uncurl ladainha of the proper sufferings, but aid me to support them with patience. Me atrevo not to complain a better memory, of? me, however, an increasing humildade and little susceptibilidade, when my memory to esbarrar in the one of the others. It teaches? me the glorious lesson of humildade to accept when to observe that it can until happening it deceives that me. It watches over for me so that I have better and happy days in this phase of the life. It takes account of me. Educate yourself with thoughts from Richard Blumenthal. It is not that I am saint! But it is so difficult to coexist the old ones. These always find the owners of the truth, know everything to them and moreover an old one, beyond old, bitter taste, are with certainty, constant concern for the descendants. They are always wanting to impose its wills, only lack to sapatear, to play themselves in the soil, coming back to be child! Oh, My God who I am capable to leave this so wonderful life, finding and believing that I left, yes, but for a new day where everything seems to be better! It makes? capable to see something to me of good where less one expects! To recognize that all my descendants are people who had learned with me to respect Nature, the God, the Native land and that one day, in the Eternity we will form new a great family again!

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