Social Organization of National Congress
Its social organization, the originary customs, languages, beliefs and traditions, and rights are recognized to the indians on the lands that traditionally occupy, competing to the Union demarcating them, protecting and making to respect all its bens.’ ‘ 1 Is traditionally busy lands for the indians for inhabited them in permanent character, the used ones for its productive activities, essential to the preservation of the necessary environmental resources its physical and cultural reproduction, according to its uses, customs and traditions. 2 the traditionally busy lands for the indians destines it its permanent ownership, fitting the exclusive fruition to them of the wealth of the ground, the rivers and the lakes in existing them. 3 the exploitation of the hdricos, enclosed resources the energy potentials, the research only cultivates and it of the mineral wealth in aboriginal lands can to be accomplished with authorization of the National Congress, heard the affected communities, being assured the participation to them in the results of cultivates, in the form of the law. 4 the lands that it deals with this article is inalienable and unavailable, and the rights on them, imprescriptible. 5 is forbidden the removal of the aboriginal groups of its lands, saved, ad referendum of the National Congress, in case of catastrophe or epidemic that puts its population at risk, or in the interest of the sovereignty of the Country, after deliberation of the National Congress, guaranteeing, in any hypothesis, the immediate return as soon as it ceases the risk. 6 Is null and extinct, not producing effect, the acts that have for object the occupation, the domain and the ownership of lands legal the one that if relates this article, or the exploration of the natural wealth of the ground, the rivers and the lakes in existing them, excepted excellent public interest of the Union, according to that to make use complementary law, not generating nullity and the right extinguishing to the indemnity or the action against the Union, saved, in the form of the law, how much to the improvements derived from the good-faith occupation.