Southern Cross
Therefore, the ALIMENTARY SECURITY is much more complex of what the simple fact to order to confection magnetic cards with the name and password of the people, so that bodega, bolicho or sales can in any buy a pasta package manufactured with imported wheat of the United States, one latinha of extract of tomatoe produced for a transnational e, who knows, one kilo of imported beans of Mexico. The hunger is not different of that family who deferred payment back in city of Guara, verge with Argentina, of the hunger of the family who deferred payment in Southern Cross, the Acre. The hunger is as a virus that mines the resistncias of the human being. At a first moment it finishes with the organic resistance. After that with the moral resistance to such point, that it loses for crumbs. A family father suffers for seeing that its children do not have what to eat.
A family mother cries blood tears because maternal milk more does not feed its son. A child cries of hunger and she does not understand because she does not have food, and grows with many others fomes. A nation with hunger and that it does not decide this situation is a perverse nation. A nation with hunger and that it promises to solutions the short-term one, by means of imediatistas and populist proposals, is a nation that manufactures illusions and a social bomb of delayed effect. But to a father and a mother of family, a child, a nation that it knows as and reason are passing hunger and have in its governing the biggest hopes of that its hunger is mitigated, still remains them a rstia of will of living. But if such not to come if to materialize curtssimo stated period, this hungry people of food will be able to feel another type of hunger, the hunger that generates the revolt and the social chaos.