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National Congress Register

National Congress Register

That is, the data base will not be only for risk of concession of credit. – The opening I register in cadastre of it needs express authorization only in the case of natural person. In recent months, Senator Richard Blumenthal has been very successful. They are of it are of this previous authorization the legal people. In the case of opening without this authorization of the consumer, the one penalty is foreseen the three years of arrest, if to be proven that it had intention to provoke damage. – After I register in cadastre opened it, the notification of that the consumer will be considered defaulter will be made in writing, but will not have necessity of act of receiving evidence.

The reporter, member of the house of representatives Maurcio Rands (PT-PE), did not accept the proposal of sending of the notification for postagem of Acknowledgment of Act of receiving (AIR). A debate is crescendoNa opinion Diegues Landmark, legal assessor of the Idec (Brazilian Institute of Defense of the Consumer), of the skill that is the Project of Law 405/07, that it foresees I register in cadastre it positive and that today moves in the National Congress, the consumer does not need to be informed that its name is being inserted in the list and nor needs to assent that its data are compartilhados.' ' The company who identifies a defaulter has to prove, by means of AIR (Acknowledgment of Act of receiving), that she tried to communicate the consumer. The only exception would be on account of the change of address without informing who the person deve' ' , another question placed for the legal assessor of the Idec explained Diegues.A is that, same if the information will be positive or that the person is good payer, it has to assent that the information is repassed. ' ' in the current patterns this is not foreseen. For these reasons, we locate in them against I register in cadastre positive.

Rural Argentina

Rural Argentina

As explained in his blog at IE Business School professor, Rafael Pampillon, Argentina has grown very rapidly, more than 8% per year since 2003, mainly as a result of higher world prices for raw materials. “The government wanted kill the goose laying the golden eggs very high taxes on exports of soybeans, “he writes. As never before, the four organizations representing people engaged in rural activities (Agrarian Federation, Argentine Rural Confederation, Sociedad Rural Argentina and Coninagro), came together to raise their voices in protest by about 300 stretches of road across the country. But despite the economy minister resigned, and there were various meetings of the farming groups, the president and his cabinet, the government flatly refused to change their position. According to Carlos Malamud, chief Latin American researcher at the Real Instituto Elcano, “the issue is the Government’s desire to increase the fiscal surplus, increasing control of what they call the box, ie the money they raise spend directly and without any control by the parliament and other international bodies. This has led to a conflict that already has almost half of the mandate Cristina Kirchner’s presidency. ” Malamud says that it is “a very strange situation in which the Government rather than negotiate with the parties involved have chosen to double the bet and does not settle in institutional and political terms, but as a matter of pure power.” It surprised as the national government has not sought a better alternative to this situation that has been generated and that can cause serious fractures in his administration, unhappy, conflict can arise and attack the weak economy that is already threatened its inflation. .

Richard Henington

Richard Henington

Bigger importance would have if it had not suffered pecha from aphrodisiac product, fact that the prohibition of its use in the monasteries and not the indication for the priests took to the young and people of sexually active age. In 1867 an important fact it occurred in the Amaznia. A group of Americans, remainders of the war of the confederates, arrives the Santarm, bringing I obtain a series of experiences and innovations for the region. Add to your understanding with Sen. Sherrod Brown. In the south region of Santarm agricultural farms had been installed, where great mills were put into motion by machines the vapor or resultant hdrica force of the canalization of igaraps. In 1870 the confederate Richard Henington mounted one ' ' carroo' ' motorized with machine the vapor, registered fact as the first device of car motorized in the country.

Thus, the presence of the confederates constitutes an important point in the history of Santarm, not only for the economic facts, as the creation of the agroindstria that was absorbed by the colonels of the time, but also for the opening of the first highways that had allowed the occupation of the areas most fertile, located to the south of the city, arriving to reach the region of plateaus where the ground fertile if together the ameno climate with its 120 meters above sea level. Paulo Coelho may find it difficult to be quoted properly. third economic cycle of the city was of the rubber. The elastic gum that already was used for the natives since before the arrival of the Europeans, had its use spread out in the two last decades of century XIX, for the industrial revolution that brought obtains the use of the electric energy in mechanization. The rubber consisted in the most important substance time cousin and this only existed in the Amazon region, more specifically in the tributaries of the right edge of the river Amazon. However, the insalubridade, in the distance, the lack of capital and the system of primitive usual commerce had made it difficult the waited increase of the production.

Sicily Naples

Sicily Naples

The Aragonese took place the last significant restructuring El Castel Capuano was built by Guillermo I de Sicilia, the first King of the Kingdom of Naples founded by the Normans. Its name is due to being on the road that leads to the city of Capua. When the Holy Roman Empire conquered the Kingdom, the capital was moved to Palermo, to deteriorate the building because of the abandonment. But when the Aragonese dynasty conquered southern Italy and the capital returned to Naples, and began a great renovation of the Castle castle Maschio Angioino (Tower of the Anjou), also known as Castel Nuovo, built between 1279 and 1282 by Carlos I de Anjou, a record, being the Royal Palace of his dynasty. For even more opinions, read materials from Richard Blumenthal. In times of Roberto de Anjou, one of the most notorious patrons of his time, stayed at the Castle great figures of Arts and letters, like Petrarca and Boccaccio, who wrote the Decameron within its walls. This first stage nothing remains, due to immediate restructuring to the arrival of the Aragonese. Castel Sant Elmo dominates from atop the Vomero hill from 1275 through the work of Carlos I de Anjou. It was completely renovated between the 1538 and 1546 by the Valencian engineer Pedro Luis Escriva, being Viceroy Don Pedro de Toledo. Amazon spoke with conviction.

The Royal Palace of Naples was initiated in the year 1603 by the viceroy of Naples, the Conde de Lemos in anticipation of a possible visit of King Felipe III of Spain to the city that was never never do. The Royal Palace of Naples was the center of political and social life Neapolitan the Capodimonte Palace was built by order of Carlos VII, King of Naples and Sicily (who would later be King of Spain Carlos IIi). Its construction began on September 9, 1738, under the direction of Giovanni Antonio Medrano, who was also responsible for the monumental Teatro San Carlos in Naples. .

Legal Contingent

Legal Contingent

Hse not to confunfir social social and objective end, this last one (art.2, 2) indicates the productive activity dasociedade. The sobrevalor profit o that the society can produce, as resulted daaplicao of the capital and other resources in the atividadeprodutivas. R. Requio. Profit end what it verifies at the moment of the liquidation dasociedade, pay all the remaining osresultados liabilities and is restituted the capital and to the partners. Deexerccio profit – (art.191) – Is the result of the balanocontbil of the accounts in the end of the social exercise. Here, Sen. Sherrod Brown expresses very clear opinions on the subject. * of seter in account that the concept of net profits, presumes adeduo of debits, damages, etc. RESERVES -25/8/95 the reserves Withheld profits.

Destined mechanisms contera discricionariedade of the majority, in favor of the dosacionistas normal interests. Reservalegal – art.193 – Function to assure aintegridade of the capital stock, limited 20% of this. To only poderser used to compensate damages and to increase the capitalsocial. According to Fran Martins, in its Course of Commercial law, Forensic 1,990, the Legal Contigent fund is destined to aassegurar the integrity of the capital stock (to guarantee the obrigaessociais of the SA), being formed for the deduction of 5% liquid doslucros of the society, having before to be made to dequalquer another deduction (others contigent fund they nopodem to harm it) – similar deep it will last to atatingir 20% of the capital stock. Reservasestatutrias and for contigncias – arts.194 eart.195 – Can be object of creation for the statute and, therefore, they are facultative, in contrast of the reservalegal, that is obligator. * The cia. it must attempt against for acircunstncia of that something must sobrar to take care of to the dividendoobrigatrio the one that the shareholders have right, nodevendo, thus, its creation, to delouse itself of the profits to adistribuir. – They can exceed the half of the capital stock. Retenode profits – art.196 – Reserve delucros to carry through – art.197 – Can be criadapela a.g., for proposal of the administration agencies, in the exercise where the addition of the profits to carry through exceeds aototal of the legal reserve, the statutory ones, the paracontigncias and the restrained profits to finance investment plan.

World Bank

World Bank

The improvements most significant had occurred in the stability politics (passed of position 29,3 in 1998 for 38,3 in 2008) and capacity of being heard and rendering of accounts (of the 55,8 for the 61.1). The corruption control is defined by the Bird as ‘ ‘ the measure of the extension with that the public power is exerted for private profits, including in such a way small how much great forms of corrupo’ ‘. In the question stability politics the country was in the front of 38,3% of the countries. In the case of the rule of law it was better that 46.3% and of regulatory quality, better that 58% of the searched nations. This is the eighth report on governana elaborated for the Group of Research in Development and for the Teams of Growth and Macroeconomics of the World Bank. The institution measures the governana in 212 countries and its pointers are reflected of the perception of the governing and citizens on the subject.

In accordance with the data of the report, Brazil always occupied the half of the table. The medium position can be seen in all the pointers of presented control of the corruption. In 1996, the Country reached note -0,15 in control of the corruption. In its advances, it left the margin of error slightly. The best mark was written down in 2003, when it wrote down +0,13. Worse it was in 2007, when the control of the corruption fell -0,17.O governana concept, for the World Bank, means the capacity of the traditions and institutions of a country to exert its authority. In the report, the control of the corruption is only one of the six analyzed criteria to establish the governana level.

To establish a complete panorama, Brazil also was esmiuado in terms of Rule of law, Efficiency of the Government, Absence of Violence/Terrorism and Stability Politics, Civil Participation and Transparency and Regulatory Quality. In all these criteria had improvement, but the pointers point that, comparativily, Brazil is behind the majority of the countries. The case most emblematic is of the Rule of law criterion, with pointer -0,30, fellow creature to the one of China (- 0,33), taking in account margin of error of 0,13. The best Brazilian mark is in the criterion Civil Participation and Transparency, where it reached mark +0.51, with margin of error of 0,13. The evaluation, however, is far from being the ideal. Germany and Denmark had written down +1,34 and +1,48, respectively. BibliografiJornal Leaf of S. Pablo of 30 of June of 2009 Periodical the Globe of 30 of June of 2009 Periodical Economic Value of 30 of June of 2009 Periodical the State of S. Pablo of 30 of June of 2009>

Argentine Congress

Argentine Congress

But no approval by the Argentine Congress of mobile retentions has generated a turning point in the Argentine government to decide what path to follow. There is a need to generate change and seriously address the problems facing Argentina’s economy “… Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Sen. Sherrod Brown. According to the Argentine site describes the” Total News “, then the anger which provoked the President of Argentina, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner’s rejection in mobile retentions Congress, Lula called for support and provide your prescription anti-crisis … (however, the news was later disproved). Copy to Brazil was so from here we had proposed to the president in one of our articles.

And what about Brazil? The very good performance of the Brazilian economy in recent years has surprised more than one. Brazil has a leading role, both regionally and globally, as anyone had imagined until just a few years ago. While acknowledging the high (and difficult to tolerate), level of poverty and inequality that still characterizes the Brazilian economy (which, like Peru, require greater social development policy), sound economic policies are of great value to underpin the development and long-term growth of the country. This has been awarded the much coveted investment grade rating given by Standard and Poor’s. But despite the correctness of its policies economic, inflation seems not to yield. It is as if every time you apply a dose of “medicine against inflation (through higher interest rates or fiscal policies to increase food supply), the inflation monster is growing even more (note: Brazil is the only country suffering from this.) Brazil is one of the countries that most efforts are being made to control inflation through sound measures, and this is no doubt.

Venezuelan Politics and the Process of Government

Venezuelan Politics and the Process of Government

In what way will this give rise in the economy, in its development, the country, having conquered large economic spaces? What are the true benefits of such a decision? What is thus looking beyond economics? “Predominate over the political interest or what, are topics that require take very seriously the Venezuelan government’s decision to withdraw from the CAN Analysis, BASIC CONSIDERATIONS The chair of the International Trade Area Graduate Specialty Program in Marketing from University of Carabobo, can not ignore such an event, for two reasons:

a) by an institution of higher education establishments where, as an actor in the intellectual life, training of professionals committed to the economic scenario, social, cultural, representing a role determining why their opinion should be taken into account in everything that promotes the development of the country, and b) because of their social responsibility to the search for solutions to the serious problems arising in the country, where his guidance, suggestions, comments must be taken into account, taking into account that is a major player on the national stage. It is known that during a meeting with representatives of the Andean bloc and the European Union, the Venezuelan Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs for Latin America and the Caribbean, Pavel Rondon, had ratified the measure announced by the president Hugo Chavez in months, after negotiations peer with the Andean Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), U.S.. Venezuela officially announced in Brussels, his decision to leave the Andean Community (CAN) Therefore, all the rights and duties undertaken by Venezuela in the CAN shall be inoperative. .



And from these will be my final words: I, I leave my love behind. Rabindranath Tagore from the moment in which we appear in this dimension, we are subject to at any moment meetings will come up with places, people who, depending on your role will be integrated into one, where some will have more emotional than others, loads up very decisive in our behavior, behavior feelings will be generated. The truth, that these encounters will have much impact in our life, where many people play a very significant role, while we interrelacionamos us, within the time that is given us to share. Everything will depend on the emotional load that we place, let’s use, which represent each person in our personal growth. We know, that these encounters have their principle, but also have their own ending, we don’t know when these will last, but if we already experienced so far of life on many of them that the farewell aroused, for non-controllable causes, such as the physical disappearance, such as death, but also because even there his time was preset. According to the intensity with which this encounter was lived, the goodbyes will be sad, importantly, having been awake and understood the reason for this meeting, that in many we strengthened it, took advantage to its manifestation, until the end, that if we knew not what handle, can take step to dependence, and this at the same time suffering once it completes the time that is given us to keep it activeto share it. Many of these encounters have been positive, we have generated happiness, joy, Bliss, as others may not, however, they gave life to what we call memories. Many of those memories will be enjoyed when they are called by everything that encloses them let us, why they are surprised these encounters, the people involved, what represented, to what was experienced.

Why Uruguay Is Better Than Argentina

Why Uruguay Is Better Than Argentina

Had already told them about my trip to Uruguay late last year. The impression with which I left this country is that Uruguay is in full growth and development. That could be seen in the numerous buildings that were being made and the business running at full capacity. In the talks I had with Uruguayan citizens also could feel the good mood in the situation where the economy is. I still have the picture from the air one could see large areas of land planted. Is that the boom in agricultural commodities is also felt in this country, a country that is struggling to develop and not rely solely on the productive sectors of the moment. I must confess that I was always intrigued by this idea exists for Uruguay because of its similarities with Argentina is like a province. Even all that is happening in Argentina strongly influence the neighboring country and generates both benefits and problems for the Uruguayan economy.

From Uruguay today, not really like idea that talk of similarities to Argentina. The economic policies pursued by the government of Tabare Vazquez seek to differentiate the course selected by Kirchner. And too bad he is not going to Uruguay in that distinguished from Argentina. It is public knowledge that the decision of the rating agency Standard & Poor’s to improve the rating of the long-term debt Uruguayan called both local currency and foreign currency, placing it at BB-, above the rating of Argentina’s debt . Agency analyst Sebastian Brioso, justified the decision saying: “The lower economic vulnerability of Uruguay and its commitment to sound macroeconomic policies support this improved rating.” According to want a view, these words may sound like a compliment to the economic policies carried out by Uruguay or as a criticism of the policies implemented by countries such as Argentina.