Monetary Politics
The decision of the Committee of Monetary Politics (COPOM) to raise the basic tax of interest, announced in day 19/01/11, starts to show that this year, one more time, the Brazilian consumer it will have to pay for the necessary inflationary control to the fulfilment of the goals of monetary politics of the country. The problem is that this strategy of the government is always the same one and who suffers with this is the consumer. In accordance with Tatiana Pine, economist of Santander, while they will not be possible investments that they extend offers, it will be always necessary to control the prices for the side of the demand and is in this point that the high one of the interest acts. For They open Szajman, president of the Fecomrcio, the decision to raise the interest, is negative because it confuses the good rhythm of the economic activity of the country, diminishes the consumption of the families and the investments of the Brazilian companies. Alencar Burti, president of the Trade association of So Paulo (ACSP), complete that, at this moment, it would be more important to control the credit of what increasing the interest. It affirms despite, the high one of the interest helps to still more extend the valuation of the real front to the dollar, a scene that has been criticized for some economic segments. Of one he forms or of another one, the consumers finish paying for the control of the inflation, had some actions taken for the most used and impactante the government, amongst them, in the life Brazilian them, the rise it interest. unhappyly what we can analyze in fact, is that Brazil not yet is prepared to grow economically above of 5% to the year, therefore it makes when it as in 2010, the inflation goes up above of the goal. The price that if paid to the times is high excessively. Always paid who therefore?