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Tag: environment

United Nations

United Nations

This summarized context took people if to mobilize for the defense of the environment. They are ' ' ambientalistas' '. In the same way, jurists and legislators had started to study the question, provoking sprouting of a new right, the human right to the environment. Studying the subject, we will see that this emergent human right can easily be fit as being of 3 generation, has seen that it is in this phase that the diffuse interests (collective) if fit. A logical reasoning is formed, then, that is, that a healthy and balanced environment is necessary, that must be preserved for the gift and future generations. It seems us, therefore, that the construction of this new human right if lines up with those considered as of 1 and 2 generation. The dignity of the person does not have as to exist respect human being without a balanced environment exists for giving support to it. ' ' The environment of Gaia is the first human right.

Without Gaia, homo would not exist the species sapiens' ' , as it designates Edson Blacksmith of Oak, in the workmanship Environment & Human rights (Juru Publishing company, 2010). The reasoning is logical, but, in the practical one, the sprouting of this human right of 3 generation presents some circumstances that they need a deeper reflection. Its object of protection is the balance of the life in the Land, in a destined action to protect and to conserve the current environment and to keep it for the future. The effect of a degradation does not know borders politics. In turn, the human rights (current movement) search to decide the problems that affect the current population and if it fixes inside of the States, searching to guarantee the dignity of the person human being. It appears, in this conflicting scene, questionings: How to respect the dignity of the person human being, in a world where the pressures for food increase to each day? How to make it ahead of the premise of that any activity human being polui, in greater or minor degree? How to deal with the deforestations for the efetivao of pastures or agriculture? What it means the loss of biodiversity for the current generation? The Organization of United Nations the esteem that in 2032 the terrestrial surface is affected, in 70%, for the urban infrastructure implantation without planning.

Brazilian Legislation

Brazilian Legislation

Through this mapping, it was possible to detect that many entrepreneurs still disregard the federal legislation. In accordance with the Brazilian legislation (Brazilian Legislation of the Environment, 2005) it is of entire responsibility of the manufacturer the discarding of correct form of the residues proceeding from any type of production or service. It was verified at a first moment that Ja: it is a great caladista industrial polar region having average of 127 industries with an approach production of 2.000 pairs of footwear to the day. These companies monthly use in its productive process average of 2,5 tons of leather and this total, great parcel if she transforms into residues. On the basis of the research and through the statistical data confirmed that the production of 343 a thousand tons of leather residues exists approximately monthly. Of this total sum of leather residues 42% were evidenced that 57% go for it fill with earth bathroom, the entrepreneurs do not know for where they go finally and, 1% of these residues go for unknown places of the proper entrepreneurs. For the alternative of reaproveitamento of the residues as form of confection of bricks, it was verified that this alternative would have a well significant advantage, since, a good parcel of the residues would be reaproveitados.

However, it would be necessary to export the produced sum of bricks to other cities, therefore, more bricks of what the demand of the city of Ja would be produced. In the second alternative for the reaproveitamento of the residues as form of briquet confection, it was evidenced that using the percentage of 100% of leather in its confection more than 90% of the residues they would be reaproveitados, thus attenuating the ambient problem in the city of Ja. However, for the implementation of the plant of briquetagem in the city one high cost of more than 700 Real million would be necessary. To obtain itself to have an efficient return of this investment, the sales of all would be necessary the briquets produced for one high monetary value. In third and it finishes alternative for the reaproveitamento of the used leather residues as artesanato form, was verified that an excellent advantage on the part of this alternative would be its social part, therefore, would be contributing it welfare of the filantrpicas entities of the city. However in against departure to this advantage, it was evidenced that only the bigger residues of size (those with less cuts) would serve for this alternative. Therefore, to attenuate the inadequate ousting of the residues of the caladistas companies in the city of Ja one strong campaign for the reaproveitamento of leather the deriving residues of its production is necessary. As a great accumulation of of these residues monthly exists, the use of the 3 alternatives in set is necessary, that is, as great accumulation of residues exists, an only alternative would be total impracticable for the reaproveitamento of these residues

Humanitarian Lawyers

Humanitarian Lawyers

In 25 of April of 2003 the Association of the Humanitarian Lawyers made a spreading to the press where it questioned the use of weapons of Uranian reduced in the first Gulf War. But all the consideraes that they had presented are equally valid for the confitos as of the Bsnia, Kosovo, Chechnia, Afghanistan and Second War of the Golfo.Eles they had started this spreading to the press calling the attention for the systematic destruction of civil infrastructure, as public hospitals and agencies that store given relative to the health of the civil population. They question the fact of that these systematic destructions can be deliberated, to make it difficult the access the data that in the long run confirm the ominous effect of the weapons of Uranian reduced in the population and its respective impact in reached environments and peoples. ' ' The previous data of health the Second Gulf War are critical to establish a base line showing the increases in the cancer levels and defects of birth in this period after Second Gulf War. Previsibly, the direct bombing of cities with weapons of Uranian will cause greaters increases of what in the First Gulf War where the weapons of Uranian reduced had been used in battlefields to the south of Basra. The increases in the used amounts and the alvejamento of cities will speed up the appearance and will intensify the numbers of illnesses and related deaths ace expositions to the Uranian one reduced. ' ' Reports and studies of the General Secretary of the ONU and the Sub commission had folloied reports of high levels of cancer and defects of birth after the introduction in 1991 of weapons of Uranian reduced by U.S.A.

and the United kingdom during the First War of the Golfo.Eles affirm in this spreading to the press that ' ' Sources indicate that in this conflict the amount used in the first Gulf War had been used 5 times. The Uranian one reduced in missiles cruise and other weapons if the inhalation of great amounts of superfine radiativas particles becomes aerosols in the impact causing sending teeny fragmentos of Uranian for the body, as a knife slicing butter. The initial symptoms will be mainly neurological, revealing as weakness, migraines, tonteira and tire muscular. The effect in the long run are cancer, defects of birth, neurological damage or of nerves, and other illnesses of radiation related such as muscular Syndrome of Chronic Fatiga, pains and to articulate, neurological eruptions, damages, riots of the mood, infections, damages in the pulmes and kidneys, auto-immune problems of vision, deficiencies, loss of feeling, etc.' ' The American politics has been to deny that these weapons cause illnesses. The civil and military doctors had been trained in the First Gulf War to define the neurological type of illness as clutter of stress after traumatic, and to leave the radiativos fragmentos in the bodies of the veterans. To read more on similar subjects he sees War

Rationing Energy Consumption

Rationing Energy Consumption

Also coexist in the media measures to ration energy consumption, with sections devoted exclusively to promote the new car models. The peculiar relationship of a significant swath of Argentina’s population with cars, is one chapter in the relationship of those vehicles and people in the civilized world is called, or those parties who want to feel part of it. As has studied psychological implications are profound, as they have been brought to light recently by the author Argentina Roxana Kleiman. Mindful that the notion of “Most important” in our estimate is less important than “So make your hair thinner shadow on the ground”, we do that together with the rationing of home energy consumption, the “keystone”, passes by a rapid exponential decrease in fuel consumption by motor vehicles. It must assume significance in terms of oil consumption, pollution and accident rates multidimensional, involving eight (8) million vehicles currently circulating in Argentina. To that extent, add, that a numeral of 1.75% of GDP, is the cost of auto accidents.

That decline accelerated exponentially and we have been encouraging, presents constraints very deep cultural, and suggests the most natural resistance to rationing in other areas and giving an idea of the will to address to these changes. At this point, it re-emerges it can be operated by the free market or will require strong and active policies sustained, which is the new rule that gives the government intervention. As for other considerations, we turn to the allegory of the spectrum, range or “rainbow”, and here we can put on one pole of the range to the highest possible government interference in the other markets of perfect competition, giving u intermediate point for community initiatives, although they have very different scopes, which are framed as “NGOs”, sponsored by globalizing schemes, and the traditionally known “public welfare organizations, which in Argentina there are many that surpass the century of history.

The Reality

The Reality

Being thus inside of this approach, the use of the agroflorestais systems also assigned in the half academics as SAF? s frequently is pointed as one of the viable options, when it questions strategies of sustainable use of the land in tropical regions of Brazil, especially in if treating to areas of the Amaznia. Although the increasing popularity that the agroflorestais systems come trying, in many regions, particularly in tropical areas, still exists innumerable questionings not answered, many of them, also with respect the basic questions on the functions that these systems can exert and the advantages and disadvantages in comparison to other systems of exploration of the land. Among others concepts, the agroflorestais systems can be understood as a corporate name for all the practical systems and of the land use, where the lenhosas perennial species deliberately are planted in the same unit of land handling with agricultural and/or animal cultivos, as much in space mixture or sequential weather, with significant ecological and economic interactions between the lenhosos and not lenhosos components (Lungren, 1987). This definition indicates the multifaceted nature of the agroflorestais systems, beyond what, it shows the diverse functions that are important in the handling of the land. For implementation of a system, the diagnosis of the reality becomes imperative where the same he will be inserted. In such a way, it must be analyzed the social characteristics of the local community (the educational level, nutricional state, age of the residents, division of work, etc.), the ecological characteristics (the ground, climate, biodiversity, topography, etc.), as well as the economic characteristics (market, flow of box, etc.).

The proper generation of technology must be based on the current production. Some interrogations must be raised: How it is the social structure? Which the potential of the ground? How behaves the market? Which the practical ones of culture? . It can be that at some times of the year it has man power availability or then that the periods of entresafra bring until hunger.

Social Organization of National Congress

Social Organization of National Congress

Its social organization, the originary customs, languages, beliefs and traditions, and rights are recognized to the indians on the lands that traditionally occupy, competing to the Union demarcating them, protecting and making to respect all its bens.’ ‘ 1 Is traditionally busy lands for the indians for inhabited them in permanent character, the used ones for its productive activities, essential to the preservation of the necessary environmental resources its physical and cultural reproduction, according to its uses, customs and traditions. 2 the traditionally busy lands for the indians destines it its permanent ownership, fitting the exclusive fruition to them of the wealth of the ground, the rivers and the lakes in existing them. 3 the exploitation of the hdricos, enclosed resources the energy potentials, the research only cultivates and it of the mineral wealth in aboriginal lands can to be accomplished with authorization of the National Congress, heard the affected communities, being assured the participation to them in the results of cultivates, in the form of the law. 4 the lands that it deals with this article is inalienable and unavailable, and the rights on them, imprescriptible. 5 is forbidden the removal of the aboriginal groups of its lands, saved, ad referendum of the National Congress, in case of catastrophe or epidemic that puts its population at risk, or in the interest of the sovereignty of the Country, after deliberation of the National Congress, guaranteeing, in any hypothesis, the immediate return as soon as it ceases the risk. 6 Is null and extinct, not producing effect, the acts that have for object the occupation, the domain and the ownership of lands legal the one that if relates this article, or the exploration of the natural wealth of the ground, the rivers and the lakes in existing them, excepted excellent public interest of the Union, according to that to make use complementary law, not generating nullity and the right extinguishing to the indemnity or the action against the Union, saved, in the form of the law, how much to the improvements derived from the good-faith occupation.