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National Congress in Brazil

National Congress in Brazil

Consequences the data of the research presented in the article When the image turns case democracy: Aspects of the diffidence in the Brazilian National Congress (Enrique, 2010), consolidate, through study, in a scientific bias, what already if it made general voice in what it refers to the vision that the diverse public have of the Legislative one, of its agents, the politicians, and of its representation. The clear demonstration of that the National Congress is very on this side of what of it if it waits is in the fact of that the reliable lack is generalized in the population. The aggravating one, however, inhabits in the fact of that in social clippings of bigger income (Enrique, 2010? p.18) and of bigger escolaridade (ibid, p.15), the diffidence level is significantly bigger. It is not treated, therefore of the parapatolgica trend of the conscience of certain uninformed individuals in teorizar, without any knowledge or information regarding the subject, expressing irresponsibly, then, a theoretical point of view or assumptions on the performance negative of the Congress. The perceptions expressed for this group of people, critical/conscientious, with bigger degree of airway lighting? natural consequence of bigger escolarizao; with important level of access to the information – decurrent of domicile in privileged geographic localization, as the Southeastern south/and the great centers; with raised cognitiva capacity more; they characterize the negative perceptions and they justify a bigger concern in the persistence of them parliamentarians for the improvement of this image. Despite perceptions of people or groups less abalizados if present more favorable much less critical e, still, that they are such groups or people – in absolute numbers – significantly bigger of what those that compose the parcel of the conscientious ones, belong to this last clipping the formadores of opinion. These, while elements most informed, connaisseur? s, has greater probability to lead those to the position taking front to the possibilities that if present to them, therefore, its perception tends to lock up greater relative impact in the evaluation of the negative or positive trustworthiness of the study object.



In the condition, then, of repository of insatisfaes more or less generalized, depending on the bias for which if it observes, the National Congress if sees to the returns with the necessity, or same obligatoriness, to direct efforts in the direction of the defense or rescue of the proper image arranhada for the desvirtuamento of the parliamentary function in diverse scandals, insufficient responsabilizao to hoard respect, and in detriment of the time and the energy that would have to canalize for its activity end. On the maximum institution of the democracy, as the Legislative is understood, it falls again pecha of glass roof of the democratic system, white of the majority of the complaints for the social insatisfaes, not only in Brazil, but in almost the totality of the countries, as it was evidenced through the works developed and presented in the first semester of 2010 for the pupils of the Course of Management Legislative public in disciplines the Comparative of the Parliament of CEFOR, still unknown Study. The negative evaluation of the Legislative one, envidada for this mass of critical, deriving citizens of a bigger accessibility to the information and the escolarizao in the period after-second world-wide war, promoted a change importantssima in the perception of the authorities and public institutions: the approval, mainly in the democracies oldest, decreased, in thirty years, of 75% for only 25% (Moiss, 2005). According to exactly author, the current conceptualization does not do without that the citizenship ' ' he is in the importance attributed to the confidence of the citizens for the functioning of the institutions democrticas' ' (Moiss, 2005). When the confidence if loses, the citizenship also diminishes e, with this, the proper democracy if it sees threatened. The apathy and the disinterest for the questions politics transmudam the citizen in one ' ' illiterate poltico' ' , paraphrasing the poet and dramaturgo German Eugen Berthold Friedrich Brecht in its it celebrates poetry of same name.

National Congress

National Congress

The decision of migrar to have to be considered as an alternative that if presents the citizen, and not as an alternative lack. Thus, it imposes it necessity of intervention in logic of that actors and agents, on the part of State (also in its proper logic) so that those modifications if give in the direction of standards of occupation, use and territorial interaction that are, truily, daily pay-conditions for a process of harmonious development and supporting, with respect to the ambient vulnerabilities and restrictions and the diversities partner-cultural prevalecentes in the diverse parts (regions) that they integrate the set of the territory of a nation. Thus, since a democratic perspective, of respect to the rights of the citizens, the National Congress occupies a decisive paper (and positive) as ‘ ‘ fidiciary office of balana’ ‘ , for where the measures that impactam, directly or indirectly, the territory, necessarily, must pass. the Political party can and must act, in accordance with its respective Principles, in the direction of if proactively locating in the debates and relative questions to the territorial subjects. the presence of a sector of territorial militancy in the Political parties will have a strategical mission to play in the seio of each Party, bringing for the scope of this the tensions and yearnings of the society how much to the impacts on the territory, decurrent of the actions of the social actors and the economic agents. E, at the same time, to lead for the society what the representatives of the Party, fulfilling popular mandates Legislative in them and occupying positions executive in them, in the three levels of Government, potentially, they can make to intervine in the course of the events. to carry through the synthesis between what the society inhales and what each Political party will be able to carry through, will be the basic mission of a partisan territorial militancy.