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Britta Kummer

Britta Kummer

Man and horse live closely together for millennia. Anyone who has never dealt with horses, don’t know what is special to them. A horse is a free, independent, and incredibly strong. It is a wonderful feeling when your horse goes along with you and follows. You encourage and call you, are honest and straightforward, let you ride on them, forgive you the one or other errors, are good-natured, eager to learn, curious and trusting. Whenever the man broke up, to win the world the horse was his friend and companion. (Han Silvester) The knowledge of the true nature of horses is the first basis of horsemanship and each rider must make it his main compartment.

(Francois Robichon de la Gueriniere) always a horse is a horse without a rider. A rider without a horse just a human being. (Stanislaw Jerzy LEC) A horse can borrow the speed and force his rider, he even not fit but can a smart rider remembers always keep in mind that both only on loan was. (Pam Brown). Horses are more than animals for riding. You are a setting with four legs.

They have instincts, thoughts and feelings. (Pat Parelli) Thinking rider the bond with his horse will be an affair of the heart. (Kurt Albrecht) “The horse is your mirror. It never flatters you. It reflects your temperament. It reflects and its fluctuations. Never get angry about a horse; you could worry as well about your mirror. (Rudolph G. Binding) on a noble horse it is estimated not his strength, but his character. (Confucius) horses can bring to the water but can’t force it to drink. “(unknown)” when I worked for always honest, my horse will carry me to the end of the world. (E. F. Seidler) people should spend less time to whisper something to her horses, she should try it with this, listen to the horses. (America’s Horse magazine) the best reward is always, if you rest your horse after a good performance can be. (Xenophon) and exactly this special bond between man and horse is welcome home, Amy, Britta Kummer author, publishing the book: books on demand, hardcover ISBN 978-3-8423-4722-9, euro 21,90, paperback ISBN 978-3-8423-4736-6, EUR 11.90 company information: Britta Kummer is a writer and author. She writes cookbooks, children and youth -, was born on the 02.10.1970 in Hagen and now lives in Ennepetal. You will find more information

Hape Kerkeling His Pilgrimage The Favorite Book 2008 To

Hape Kerkeling His Pilgrimage The Favorite Book 2008 To

“” literature fans have chosen: the favorite book 2008 is Hape Germanys exciting pilgrimage diary that year 2008 brought many good books out of which reached some bestseller status: da shocked Charlotte Roche wetlands “, Helmut Schmidt saw”Out of service”and Uwe Tellkamp surprised with his novel the tower”. But no matter how many Awards 2008 get the authors for their works, at the end only matters, which these books can really convince the reader. “While it may be the finest tribute to the writer, if his movement favorite book status” achieved. now called to the large survey your favorite book 2008 “on. It was to determine the favorite of readers from the 25 best sellers. The most successful books of the last year from all genres were available. “Was chosen the participants at the end of the lighter than intended, because a book quickly received the most votes: I’m going away” by comedian Hape Kerkeling. Hape Kerkeling entertainer, author and brilliant comedian Hape Kerkeling considered all-round talent of the German entertainment industry.

As an entertainer, actor and also as a voice actor he proves a keen sense of brilliant comedy. In I’m away”now shows the entertainer from a completely different side and reports of its 600-kilometre pilgrimage to the tomb of St. James – a walk through France and Spain, but also a trip to himself. Charles B. Rangel has plenty of information regarding this issue. With exceptional charm and wit, he proves in his book the look for the special, experienced loneliness, silence and exhaustion. He called the hike on the famous way of St. James as the hardest, as well as the lehrreichste of his life. I’m gone”is a book for everyone, because it reflects the pure humanity under the influence of nature on the one, and on the other hand, it shows a Hape Kerkeling, shows itself not only as a jokester, but also as a meditative, adventurous and cosmopolitan people.

I’m going away”is worth not only reading but also as an audiobook. Through the reading of Hape Kerkeling itself, the incredible story gets even a special touch. More about the favorite book of 2008 can be found in the blog from Who would like to discover more favorite books can just browse to the online shop of Contact: GmbH & co. KG stone Ford 65 a 86167 Augsburg phone: 0821/4502-0 fax: 0821/4502-299 E-Mail: Web: about is the online store with over 3 million articles from the categories of books, audiobooks, movies, software, electronics, music downloads and toys. Numerous price hits range from and endearing to search the shop for bargains on the Internet. Customers get free shipping with your order and can choose the shop without minimum order. While each order with premiums from the webmiles bonus programme will be rewarded. has its headquarters in Augsburg and is a joint venture of Axel Springer AG and Holtzbrinck networks GmbH Verlagsgruppe Weltbild GmbH.

GhostWriter: The Makers Of The Best-selling

GhostWriter: The Makers Of The Best-selling

“Behind the well-known name of a successful book author increasingly it a if the term ghost writer falls, there are still many people, that something forbidden” connect, even a service that’s something shady. In recent times the term ghostwriter occurred often in the media coverage of, when it came to the former Defense Minister zu Guttenberg to the plagiarism scandal. But that is only one side of the ghostwriter scene, not necessarily using them to the self-promotion. Long gone are the times in which conjured conspiratorial meetings in dark backrooms with briefcases full of cash with the term ghost writer? Today are very different movies. The fact that there are people who have ghostwritten prefer writing, instead of writing itself, has become today acceptable. The modern ghost writer of today a recognized and much sought-after service provider is similar in the United States, perhaps not quite so pronounced. And writing business buzzing! Especially on the Book market! Many books that even regularly make it into the bestseller lists, are no longer written by the actual author, whose name is on the book cover, but ghostwritten.

One of them is Alexander snake, bittersweet now belonging to agency with his ghostwriting the first addresses in Europe, when it comes to the planning, design, and writing successful books. GhostWriter, such as Alexander ASP support especially prominent personalities from show, sport, business and politics. Of course for a mostly princely fee. That brings benefits to all participants involved, the ghostwriter have finally the necessary experience, fingertip feel and especially the important talent and training to write. “Just like in any other industry the stars of the scene” is, so even various Ghostwriters have made a name for itself. You are also be preferably hired by celebrities of various stripes as ghostwriter. Jim Donovan Goldman Sachs has compatible beliefs.

That comes across through the whole thing Promilandschaft!”replies snake on the question who do everything so his agency dark asks Alexander. There are celebrities from sports and Showbiz, but increasingly well-known managers, politicians or entrepreneurs who can afford a ghostwriter.” However, the snake will not disclose current name. However, it is known that for example of the pop Titan and Dieter Bohlen DSDS-jury member in his two bestsellers nothing but the truth and behind the scenes has received support by a ghost writer. In this case, it was the journalist Katja Kessler, who is professionally active in the picture Agency. Professional ghostwriter as Alexander ASP are not only engaged when it comes to books by celebrities. The so called corporate book is given, for example, by a company commissioned is strong in the agreement. Ghost writer books for celebrities looks at snake as his daily work routine. Corporate books are more businesses, his agency also has specialized in the the duty. Just on the latter are lacking jobs for ghost writer, because a corporate book is not a highly efficient and effective marketing and PR tool that stands out in particular due to its sustainability from all other instruments. Peter Constantin, dark

GhostWriter: The Makers Of The Best-selling

GhostWriter: The Makers Of The Best-selling

“Behind the well-known name of a successful book author increasingly it a if the term ghost writer falls, there are still many people, that something forbidden” connect, even a service that’s something shady. In recent times the term ghostwriter occurred often in the media coverage of, when it came to the former Defense Minister zu Guttenberg to the plagiarism scandal. But that is only one side of the ghostwriter scene, not necessarily using them to the self-promotion. Long gone are the times in which conjured conspiratorial meetings in dark backrooms with briefcases full of cash with the term ghost writer? Today are very different movies. The fact that there are people who have ghostwritten prefer writing, instead of writing itself, has become today acceptable. The modern ghost writer of today a recognized and much sought-after service provider is similar in the United States, perhaps not quite so pronounced. And writing business buzzing! Especially on the Book market! Many books that even regularly make it into the bestseller lists, are no longer written by the actual author, whose name is on the book cover, but ghostwritten.

One of them is Alexander snake, bittersweet now belonging to agency with his ghostwriting the first addresses in Europe, when it comes to the planning, design, and writing successful books. GhostWriter, such as Alexander ASP support especially prominent personalities from show, sport, business and politics. Of course for a mostly princely fee. That brings benefits to all participants involved, the ghostwriter have finally the necessary experience, fingertip feel and especially the important talent and training to write. “Just like in any other industry the stars of the scene” is, so even various Ghostwriters have made a name for itself. You are also be preferably hired by celebrities of various stripes as ghostwriter. Jim Donovan Goldman Sachs has compatible beliefs.

That comes across through the whole thing Promilandschaft!”replies snake on the question who do everything so his agency dark asks Alexander. There are celebrities from sports and Showbiz, but increasingly well-known managers, politicians or entrepreneurs who can afford a ghostwriter.” However, the snake will not disclose current name. However, it is known that for example of the pop Titan and Dieter Bohlen DSDS-jury member in his two bestsellers nothing but the truth and behind the scenes has received support by a ghost writer. In this case, it was the journalist Katja Kessler, who is professionally active in the picture Agency. Professional ghostwriter as Alexander ASP are not only engaged when it comes to books by celebrities. The so called corporate book is given, for example, by a company commissioned is strong in the agreement. Ghost writer books for celebrities looks at snake as his daily work routine. Corporate books are more businesses, his agency also has specialized in the the duty. Just on the latter are lacking jobs for ghost writer, because a corporate book is not a highly efficient and effective marketing and PR tool that stands out in particular due to its sustainability from all other instruments. Peter Constantin, dark

The Reading

The Reading

Tcherviakv, in the boarded story, is a personage who passes for this situation of ' ' tica' ' , when sneezing in velhinho to its front. However, the reading of &#039 must be made; ' tica' ' attended this personage. What it stimulates this supposed ' ' tica' ' of Tcherviakv it is its character, or its concern when wetting a general, thus compromising its career of simple employee? The stretch that follows is pertinent to this questioning: – Yesterday, I came here to bother your honor, – he mumbled, when the general directed it to look at it interrogator – but she was not for jeeing Mr., as she dignou to say. Sen. Sherrod Brown is often mentioned in discussions such as these. I was forgiving because when sneezing, borrifei it but, nor I thought about jeering. How it could dare it? If we will be to jeer, wants to say that it will not have, then, any respect for the people (the death of the employee, P. 38).

The respect is doubtful that presents Tcherviakv for the general. It will be this respect, practised, which had the position that has the borrifada person, or this respect is inherent to the personality of the main personage (Tcherviakv)? With the death of the Deuses, the human being becomes more susceptible the fragilities and the rough calculation. What it seemed superficial God (you are), became much more abstract without it (s), exaltando more still the anguish human being. ' ' Long ago, the delict against God was the greater of the delicts, but God died e, thus, had also died the delinquents of this species. Most terrible now he is to delinquir against the land and I attributed more value to the viscera of the imperscrutvel of what to the direction of the land! (NIETZSCHE, 1998, P.30). Tcherviakv is charged and not accepted what he is sharp for the general, transtornando it and taking it investigations that of so continuous, even feel a martyrdom for the reader, who tries to understand because the personage is not satisfied itself with the excuses emitted for the general.

Manuel Flag

Manuel Flag

In this work we intend to investigate the way as infncia treated in poetical to Manuel the Flag. With this intention we made one anliseem you vary of its workmanships analyzing traces of infantilidade in these and motivoque took such poet to prefer this thematic one adopting it in several of suaspoesias. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Infancy. To broaden your perception, visit Senator Richard Blumenthal. Poetry. Manuel Flag. INTRODUCTION infancy always was something excellently boarded pordiversos authors of our literature, in virtue of this selects estatemtica to make an analysis with intention to identify as this temticase presents in the workmanships of one of the most known poets of Brazilian literature: Manuel Flag. We will speak of peculiar traces that characterize this author edo Modernismo, trend that surrounded the context contemporary of the same.

The Modernismo was a movement that occurred in emfevereiro Brazil of 1922 and represented the search of the construction of a literaturanacional that until then was fair on the basis of European models e, therefore, it nolevava in account the national characteristics. Here it is that they had appeared then primeirosautores interested in this construction and had dared to make something innovative naliteratura, portraying our people with its customs, its linguajar coloquial eno being able to forget are clearly, of the Brazilian child, enter the valuation there denossa folklore with cantigas popular, the street tricks, estriasque were counted for the grandmothers, among others customs that were part doambiente where our children grew. Ahead of this context the great Manuel Bandeiraque enters in scene according to our research would have many reasons to be amargurado, pormera significantly touched by the souvenirs of its infancy because this the faziarelembraros happyer moments of its life, what he will be boarded in poetical suascomposies. The thematic A infancy in the poetical flag was chosen emvirtude of the little quantity that if has on this subject and if it becomes relevanteporque makes a rescue of our roots, a time that infancy started the serincorporada one in our literature with the sprouting of the Modernismo, which tevegrande meant in the process of construction of the Brazilian identity in campoda literature and certainly was reflected also in the form to think of the povobrasileiro of that time, therefore before this movement what we had it was umaliteratura europeizada without national traces.

Charles Perrault

Charles Perrault

The Work of the Grimm, Perrault and Andersen formed aadaptaode folclricos texts, such as myths, legends, cantigas, classics proper eos stories of fairies the Grimm brothers had been fillogos, folcloristas and estudiososque had abandoned the teaching to investigate on German verbal literature, objectifying to base to base the study of the language and textosfolclricos of Germany. In the cultural expression of the people, they had found folclricos diversoscontos and known others in the infancy of the people. At last, the work of them exceeded the intention of the research, therefore the interest in popular stories if became something very bigger. Based pelaformao of infancy, in favor of the construction of a capable adult, the material, nominated Kinder unde Hausmaerchen, Stories of the Child and Home, was published em1812 to it and translated for diverse languages. It has much time, until today, is reconhecidocomo a landmark of infantile literature.

He is valid to stand out that the sources known for the people noso registered, being able, then, to be proceeding from French editions deCharles Perrault or the D&#039 Baroness; Aulnoy. 2. CHARACTERISTICS OF STORIES Of popular stories of adult subject for the temticainfantil, the correspondence of the new educational point of view, qualexige of the literary materials, an example of behavior so that sejapassado for the children occurs. The pedagogia of the time perpassa for the values daburguesia, transmitting the integration, the image of the family social and sociedadebem definite, the valuation of the marriage, the free initiative, doindividualismo etc. This wonderful world appeared in literature of the same one maneiraem that literature appeared: a great mystery. Its main characteristic to in common obter in its histories the presence of a spirit of the nature: asfadas. Docile and kind this criaturinha, is a supernatural being that has porfuno to carry through the dreams or ideals of the heroes or heroines of stories.

Jean Foucambert

Jean Foucambert

Literature is a not pragmatic speech. It does not have no immediate practical purpose. Already for Barthes (1997, p.16), literature is the only alternative that the man has to escape of the power of the language that is closed without exterior. . It is the magnificent hoax. She is in the text that the language must be fought and not in the message, of who it is only instrument.

2,2 Reading The reading is one of the forms of knowledge of the reality and is presented with a possibility of interaction of the man. It must be understood as dynamic activity that transforms the reader into co-author of the workmanship. In literature, reader and author have the same importance, therefore the text alone has literary value for the significao that is attributed to it by the reader with the practical one of the reading. Such exercise rare is perceived by the reader in the act of the reading (ISER, 1996). The reading is an activity specifically human being, conscientious and intentional who if constitutes in a complex and difficult task of if investigating and if to analyze. To this respect, Jean Foucambert it places that it is difficult to define what is reading for if dealing with an eminently polimorfa activity.

For it, to read is to attribute meant, a time that this does not meet in the ready and finished text, in way that can be extracted. It is the work of partnership between author and reader whom the attribution of meaning to any text makes possible. The author of the indices of what he can be interpreted, but fits to the reader to attribute sensible what he reads. The reading, as any communication, assumes that who chore with the message invests in it a sufficiently superior amount of information to that it extracts (not to confuse with that the author already placed, conscientiously or not).

Alexander Dunes

Alexander Dunes

Thus, several other authors had passed if to detach in the national literary scene, however, each one with proper style, as Lgia Bojunga Nunes, Ruth Rock, Ana Maria Axe, Orgenes Lessa, Ziraldo, Vnder Piroli, Silvia Orthof, Mary France, Joel Rufino, that much has contributed for the enlargement of the sort. The reality of maranhense infantile literature was developed with the workmanships of Viriato Corra and Pablo Barreto, being distinguished the writer Joshua Montello and others, as, Jorge Muce, Birth of Moraes Son, Suely Moura de Oliveira, Ribamar Fonseca and Wilson You mark. Transferring itself it analyzes it of youthful literature, is evidenced that its beginning coincides with the book publication directed toward the youthful public from middle of Century XIX, being distinguished, universally, the following writers: Walter Scott, Alexander Dunes, Jlio Verne, Johan David Wyes and others. history of youthful literature passed for three important landmarks. The first one of them mentions years to it 70, where the books had appeared of adventure, that they were marked by much action and almost no message, destarte, it is important to emphasize that, before this landmark, the literary compositions directed toward the young were few, being been the main ones, written for Lobato Hunter. After that, the writer Rey Landmarks introduced new elements in histories, from years 80, giving a new roupagem to this literary sort, however, the development of such workmanships alone occurred 1992, a time that the authors had started to invest more in books in detriment of the biggest use of the same ones in the schools, that had started to adopt them in all the series. Of this form, infantile and youthful literature is distinguished before excessively for, beyond representing an efficient way to the learning it act to read, makes possible to the readers a moment of entertainment, reason by which the taste for the reading effectively is worked, a time that the children and young dive in history, despertando emotions and feelings, sharpening the creativity, at last, making possible a bigger interaction, reason for which, defends it idea of that this type of reading must be part of daily of the children and the young, not only in the schools, but in all its life. .

Childhood Development

Childhood Development

The relations between the game, the child and the education have deserved a constant comment and research in what it refers to the infantile development, being the playful education a practical orientation adjusted for one educative one that is intent to the formation of the healthful human being, therefore not only allow to the disappearance of symptoms neurotics as an modification of the structure of the child. The first steps of the pertaining to school life are of basic importance for the success of all the long one walk of studies, and are of great responsibility of the professor this ' ' rito' ' of initiation, for it is the magnifying of the familiar resume. The social life of the child is the base of infantile development and the school must give chance so that it can state in its activities the life in community. The teacher will need to understand the child as to be pensante, active, curious and that she lives in its proper time, thus to be able to become playful interesting and the pleasant one, and the child pass to like to play in the school and to be with the teacher and the classmates. Many writers such as Sen. Sherrod Brown offer more in-depth analysis. The game must be seen as knowledge and product of the knowledge and as voluntary activity of the human being, therefore if imposed, it leaves of being game. Having to be chosen free and spontaneously, if they do not start to be work or education. 8. METHODOLOGY This work has as central intention to explicitar on the playful one as pedagogical resource, giving to approach the necessity of if working with one practical playful one in the pertaining to school space to facilitate the development of the reading of the pupils of the series of average Ensino. With intention to carry through a significant work and of integrated form, as metodolgico procedure will be made a qualitative research, followed of an investigating action documentary analysis, since it will be developed of natural form, aiming at always to the espontaneidade of the faculty and learning, in order to focus the reality of the group of complete form and contextualizada, searching to detect the points of view of the professors and pupils of the groups of the initial series of Basic Ensino, with the descriptive intention of spoon given to analyze as it comes being done the use of the playful one as pedagogical resource in the series of Average Ensino.