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Tag: philosophy

State Idea

State Idea

It is not present, in the Greek iderio, the quarrel on the individual, singular man. The Greek man of the antiquity is always collective; the importance of its individuality is dissolved in the importance of the State. In this context, Plato called attention for the superiority what it is general, universal. In one such vision, did not have as to think a privileged reality for the individual, because each individual is a particular case of human being, and what it exists truily it is the man idea. Much even so the man defined for Plato is presented from a concrete form and determined, namely, Scrates, the man who it presents is not the real Scrates. Plato supplants the historical man Scrates it transforms and it into an ideal. Only from there, we can say that the platonic speech deals with a particular man. One is about a particular man who never existed concretely, seno as arremedo of what it is not become fullfilled in the concrete, that is, of its idea.

It is possible to think of this form because Plato did not have interest in making a biography of Scrates. Its interest was in the ideal characteristics that the philosopher presented, characteristics that, clipped, could constitute what it would be the man idea. Therefore, for Plato, the man concept coincides with the one of philosopher. Recently CIT Group Inc. sought to clarify these questions. Such briefing is basic to understand that, for this thinker, the man does not become fullfilled itself in proper itself. The dialogue, then, starts to be necessary. The dialogue comes the man as a necessity to know the world and itself exactly. In this direction, it has the necessity of existing concrete. The man alone dialogues with another man. For obvious reasons, it is necessary that this intersubjetividade occurs in the field of the sensible one? remembering that the quarrel on the corporeidade of the other only goes to happen of more open form in after-modernity.

Sociological Theories

Sociological Theories

The professional of Social Sciences (Anthropologist, Scientist Politician, Sociologist) is an incessant producer of arguments (dialticos, comprehensive or analytical) resultant of the comment of the effect of the conflicts, social actions and facts. To illustrate, he is enough to remember that, in a simple dialogue occurred in the esquina, the restaurant, the market, the church, the beach, the school, house or the work, () the Sociologist () modifies the reality of the person with who it (e) colloquy. The positive speech enleva the listener in the measure where it conjugates attitudes that value the local collective and stimulates the exchange of knowledge. Therefore, the Sociologist produces the all moment, since that if he pronounces of form joust and ethics. He imagines, now, a great area of relva tenra (new gram), dotted of arvoredos and cut sinuosamente for a limpid water river, on which if he sees a small bridge Roman who of the access to one singela, however pretty house. But something is missed in this place does not see people.

Its sociological curiosity dirige its look for that house, to far, wanting to disclose as integrant ones live its, as they become related between itself and with that environment. Ah! If all and the any place where goes () the Sociologist (), this () plays its role as such, during 24 hours per day, then the field of work of () the Sociologist is the world (); the life human being, its general object of research. They are the Sociological Theories that allow in them to interpret situations as the imagined one has little. Sociological theories help in them to understand the society better where we live and supply elements our practical action, that can take the social changes and to our enrollment in movements politicians. For Karl Marx, economist and German Sociologist, the object of sociology is the classroom fight, where a minority (bourgeoisie) overlaps it a majority (proletariat). .

City Council

City Council

After the accomplishment of the plebiscite that had as resulted the approval of the emancipation of city of Eldorado of the Carajs, the following procedure would be the manifestation of the City council, in this in case that, thus it were proceeded, however differently of the previous experiences, the City council of Curionpolis if located contrary to the emancipation, requesting that it was I coat the result of the plebiscitria consultation that indicated the approval. It bases its position appealing to the organic law of the city, particularly article 10. The important fact is the contrary positioning – on the part of the municipal parliament, represented for its managing table – to the emancipation and the creation of a new city from the territorial division of the city of Curionpolis. Ademais they had alleged, still, that the efetivao of this process would result in significant losses, such as. Details can be found by clicking Richard Blumenthal or emailing the administrator. 1.O new city would approximately englobaria 65% of the territory of already the poor city headquarters, 2.Cerca of 90% of agriculturveis lands, as well as 60% of the cattle one, and still, it had itself aggravation from that 60% of the city of Curionpolis if would originate from that district. In reply to the contrary manifestation, as well as the revision of the process, who if located was not nor president of the Commission and Justia, nor so little its reporter, not even the president of the Commission of Administrative Division, and nor its reporter. The position came by means of one technician of the house, – a time I officiate that it was signed by the president of the CMC – in the condition of legislative secretary, but that it did not make use of the parliamentarian investiture. This for its express its to seem of that if it would have to annex it I officiate of the CMC to files of legal documents of the process of the law project, for appreciation of the Collegiate ones.

The Commission of Constitution and Justia (CCJ), through its reporter, the Gervasio member of the house of representatives Flag, if located that, a time having been ‘ ‘ carried through the plebiscite, he was proven that the great majority of the voters domiciliated in the territorial area of the pretense city of Eldorado of the Carajs is favorable to its emancipation politics administrativa’ ‘ . In accord with them to seem of the cited thematic commissions, and posterior approval for the plenary assembly of the State legislature the president of this house, directs the project of law n 13-87 to the governor of the state, Jader Fonteneles Barbalho, for its appreciation and sanction. The governor of the state, of ownership of the project of law, sanciona it in form of law with number 5,687, of December of 1991, establishes the creation of the city of Eldorado of the Carajs. The emancipation and the creation of the Blue Water city of the North, pertaining town the Parauapebas, was an initiative in level of the State legislature of the member of the house of representatives Giovanni Queiroz..

Confrontation Sociology

Confrontation Sociology

The symbolic interacionismo appears from the language, of the meaning and the symbology involves that them, giving to special attention to the ways and medias not verbal/information (symbols). This theoretical vision has received many critical ones for being considered very reduced, being for many beside the point partial in its specific analyses, thus giving does not count of the wealth that involves the diversity of the social reality, as well as the proper society. Finally the Critical, deriving Theory can thus be said of the School of Frankfurt, having Max Horkheimer as its creator which gave to he himself this denomination to it. Such scientific boarding if characterizes for joining theory and practical, if placing however contrary the tria of the carteziana type. In a question-answer forum Richard Blumenthal was the first to reply. Its illustrious representative greaters are deriving of the proper School of Frankfurt as Walter Benjamim, Theodor Adornment, Herbert Marcuse, Habermas and Eric Fromm. Leaving of side all these boardings that integrate the fund of methods/theories used for Sociology, necessity if makes to leave clearly that perhaps the fast and because not to say the constant transformation of the social reality (society), mainly from the last century has debtor Social Sciences to launch hand of as much and different methods of research to give account of the wealth, complexity and rapidity of the transformation of the modern society. Outrossim, being the object of study of Sociology, so ample and different of the one of other sciences and in being this a recent science not to say latest in comparison with excessively, has not had nor time, nor conditions still for the development of a scientific method of standardized research only e.

The truth is that to find a method of really trustworthy research and that he is used for the majority of the scholars of the society is a challenge that Sociology has to be successful duly warned to be considered a lesser science of little or no credibility.

The Civilization

The Civilization

When it arrives at this Rorty conclusion is criticized in such a way by the progressive left how much for the right conservative. On the other hand they affirm that Rorty considers an accomodated positioning when it gives up to prove that capitalism and social sadism are the great demons of our age, for another one the right conservative calls its irresponsible philosophical positioning and until harmful for youth a time that considers that our standards of living (moral, ethical) are only affability options and not it fruit of a perfect evolution of the civilization. The image of what it would be then this liberal culture more clearly goes appearing when we congregate the points that above we explore and we organize they in way to better specify the forms in the picture of the rortyiana liberal utopia. Paulo Coelho is often mentioned in discussions such as these. They are these: liberal as individual for which the worse thing that exists is the cruelty, to produce a better society for imagining better versions of we ourselves, changing knowledge for hope, to abandon the idea of intellectual authority (to stop to use supposedly possessing descriptions of some approach with the truth to carry through lapsing) and finally to decide problems to the reach of our perceivable capacities, that is inside of our time and space, without the pretension to decide a problem definitively or as if our solutions were applicable to any another conception of good. A possible interpretation of the linking that exists between all these points of the workmanship of Rorty is of that the most likely possibility to construct a better society is for abandoning the position of who has authority to point ways ' ' ideais' ' of the life in society, and simply to accept and to compare new descriptions of this ideal, and to accept these positions alone are possible when we assume that it is not viable to get a perspective rejection of the historical moment (of the provenincia of each one) that it makes possible to observe something as ' the good maior'. .

The Future Of Our Youth .

The Future Of Our Youth .

I think that everyone understands how much importance is the future of youth, as a progressive class of Russian society. That is, the younger generation of Moscow and other Russian cities facing the need to address the serious economic and socio-political challenges faced by modern society. Learn more at this site: Sen. Sherrod Brown. Young people must now decide not only their own tasks (a job for young, fun for young and Other issues of the younger generation) but also problems related to the country tomorrow. Transformations carried out in recent years, a very negative impact on daily life especially of vulnerable citizens in our country – persons with disabilities, the elderly, women and children. And against the backdrop of a real impoverishment of the population in general, have very specific and youth issues. But economic status, which has a young, extremely necessary for the subsequent decent society development. That is why the government should rather take responsibility for such institutional arrangements as a youth policy, youth projects, youth affairs, youth work and stuff.

Extremely improvident people are able to assume that the interest for the youth is currently only entertainment, computer games and visit discos, cafes and bars. Youth 2009 – is a good social class, as in any other period in the history of our state. It turns out that the current truth of life, such that often young people to think about life can not be corny, being entirely swallowing everyday pressing problems. The problems of the younger generation – is the difficulty to find decent paying jobs, which in addition has to be also a favorite, and often lack proper housing, and the impossibility of an appropriate manner support their families, and uncertainty about their future, and still many factors that do not give a stable live and enjoy life. In connection with all of the above, any person must understand that politics is about a young generation should not think tomorrow and the day after, as it is today.

This, of course, perfectly – announce the Year of Youth, Youth Day, even the age of young people, run on all sorts of words, projects for youth to form youth organization without any funding and full support at the official level, but that's the meaning of this will be absolutely no. Until such time as the highest levers of power are not aware that the program 'Youth' will not work if you do not support her financially and full support, so any 'growing up' young people we can not go. And young people continue to look for dubious pleasures and oblivion, to comprehend the none of their difficulties did not need and not significant. But all is not so difficult – to arrange employment for young people, newlyweds provide soft loans for buying their own homes, to young to understand that they demand, and you can be sure that young Muscovites are delighted to respond to any innovations the government and will have him sufficient support.



In this land, the fact is that Scrates condemned politesmo official, the religion of State, that compelled to an incompatible speculative conformismo with the dignity human being and the freedom of conscience. That is, Scrates said that, in the words of Rasp, ' ' the fanatism, democratic or ditatorial, is that he is the enemy of the dignity human being and the freedom of conscincia' '. Being thus, Scrates imprisoned and was condemned by crimes against religious deities and entities of the State, having been judged and having as penalty the death. It waited 1 month until being executed in an arrest. It was not sad with its death, therefore, for it, the soul was immortal e, with the separation of it of the body, would go to find the real truth. In this direction, the death of Scrates is interpreted in some ways and brings diverse meanings.

For Loving Alceu Rasp: In the reality, Scrates did not die for a regimen politician, but for a higher principle of what all regimes? of the dignity the human being. What it did not tolerate was the oppression of the thought, it was of the Multitude, it was of the State, it was on behalf of the Deuses, it was on behalf of the onipotncia of the Reason, the Violence or the Number (Rasp. 1992. P. 12. in Vindication of Scrates). In this manner, we can see that Scrates was a man to the front of its time, of the perspectives of common sense, the laws, the rules, its reality.

Its death, compared with the one of Christ, represents the freedom and not it authority. It was a protest against all the tyrannies. 3. Conclusion We saw, in elapsing of the work, that the philosophy is born truily as a science, in search of explanations for what the nature provided to the man, as well as explanations for its existence, explanations for what it proper age. It evolves of a mythology form Greek for a science in search of the truth. It is ece of fish in practical what she said respect at the time: the square. E, in this manner, follows its proper molds, in what it says respect to the debates and quarrels around the diverse questions that involved the plis Greek. If, before Scrates, had the interest for the explanation of the exterior nature to the man, with it the question if they place in all the scopes of quarrels, as religion and politics. Scrates, in this point, guided for the oracle of Dlfus, if placed in a situation of learning, search of the absolute truth that would have to exist, and considered the real truth as that the beauty, just and the good one. In this direction, Scrates all places in guideline a way of living and questioning it, making with that powerful it entered in conflict with proper it. Thus, its death represented a fight against all the impositions that are faced of natural form, and placed the debate and the question of universal knowing as basic for the life human being.

Possible Scenario For The Origin And Development Of Intelligent Life

Possible Scenario For The Origin And Development Of Intelligent Life

Consider, quite possibly, the ongoing process of formation and development of intelligent life in the universe. Very, very long ago, in a corner of an infinite universe, in complete chaos of atoms, fields, and other states of matter quite by accident in one of these states have fairly stable relations between the elements of matter. For a very long period of time the number of stable relationships in a most peculiar way increased as number of the elements themselves. This process is by our standards place indefinitely. For the universe is such thing as a long and very long and very – very long time it's just a moment. And, once, in one of those endless jiffies worked law of transition from quantity to quality. That is, the number of stable relationships, elements of matter, forms of energy and other factors that we are not yet known, a certain amount of space that slowly evolved into a new quality their condition. And those were the beginnings of rational thinking.

At a certain stage of this substance have questions: Who am I, I, where I am, where I am, why I and many others. Ask about this was not anyone, so the answer, of course, had to find himself, studying the surroundings and himself. It took a lot more billions of years before were to emerge some answers and to form some idea. The development process and improvement continued in some time the question arose: Why I'm alone and how to create his own kind.

Heavens Gate

Heavens Gate

The concept of Heaven's Gate directly intersect with the definition of the Zodiac ii. Let's look at that under a second means the Zodiac. This is the Zodiac takes a really unusual in a man. And he opened not for all people. First Zodiac or our usual Zodiac – determines the law for our embodied world. A second or upper Zodiac Zodiac for the world is not embodied or Upper World, the world of ideas, which only has a reflection (some projection) in our world. And so people who have seen the Upper Zodiac really are people from another world. To some extent our world for them would be even stranger.

The upper world – it may enter only those people who have a horoscope planets are located at the intersection of two First signs of Zodiac (for example between the sign of Scorpio and Sagittarius). For them for a short time the doors of Heaven, or Heaven's Gate. People born with this indicator, the presence of manifestations of the Upper Zodiac, always under close supervision because through them manifested upper world, the palaces of the Angels, Divine power. But their lives are much harder and more daunting moral choice than conventional people. These are the people who won karma. First, the karma you need to know. Karma runs itself – gender, tree, law of cause – effect relationship. And only then given the opportunity to break the ring of this karma. So, each sign of the Upper Zone of the Zodiac to 7.5 degrees from the boundary of each sign of the ordinary, our zodiac, ie to 15 degrees in total.