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Adaptive Physical Education

Adaptive Physical Education

Looking at today's hero of our sports section, rscu student majoring in Adaptive Physical Education "Dmitry Cherkasov you would never have thought of that before you vice-champion in Taekwon-Do. Pleasant, open and friendly guy – he did not like the formidable fighter, sending a knockout the next opponent. Even more surprising conventional wisdom 20-year old boy, who now talks like a real man. This is partly explained by the fact that since childhood, Dmitry had a good teacher of martial art Taekwon-do, which could affect the formation of not only its physical form, but also the spirit. – Dime, tell me how to pronounce Taekwon-Do or taekwondo? – Taekwondo – a few other sport.

The founder of Taekwon-do General Choi Hong Hi, when I began to organize the movement in the 50's of last century, and his disciples came, became very influential person in Korea. Government feared coup and removed the general from the country, covering him from entering again. And then one of their students, Choi Hong Hi was invited to come up with an alternative. He is, without thinking twice, removed the punches and did taekwondo kind of martial arts, which we now know as an Olympic sport – taekwondo wtf. Taekwon-Do translated from Korean means the way of kicks and hands. – How did you come in Taekwon-do? – Engaged for 12 years, a child given in section parents. First, take it as fun, then there were the first achievement, and even hobbies. I practiced on Monday and Wednesday, and the girl that I liked, worked Tuesday and Thursday.