The Postmodern Column
THE postmodern Manuel Garcia Estrada the nation and hate. Every day the State in which the Mexican political class finds itself is thin, each day the most famous of those who say govern and their games become specimens that deserve to be investigated and find out what they really are doing and who serve. The Governments of the States, the federal executive, Congress every day show us how they are grouped in an interwoven family, legendary and strategic cronyism to his dominance in the power, as if it were a caste trying to convince that you there but continuing their practices which border on the monarchical. Those who govern at all levels demonstrate in his exercise of power its virtues or vices, it is easier to sponsor them therapy so they can obtain self-esteem that make them candidates or officials. We paid a very high cost for having among the ranks of public servants who only know an agenda, that of their bosses. Who only know one way of communicate, that of the Court. Courtiers of the Government of the State of Mexico are not anything different to the rest of the country, but unlike other places where the hegemony of the PRI has gone State officials love be venere them and will talk to them pretty, according to that with so much barbarism auto humiliation citizens would know how to deal with them. They are wrong and his Government and great hard presence what takes them Office, then returned to be what they always were: nothing.
There is nothing worse for an official to not get bone in the next administration because when they awaken from their great monarchical exercise just gifts, the applause and the transcendence that believe that they obtained with streets bearing their names and surnames. Vacuum that have always had dropped them as water tray and while they filled with money in many ways it is certain that they ceased to exist. There is a hatred in the middle and popular classes is brewing every day. People are fed up with the regime filled with mediocrity and compadrazgo, the same meritocracy that appears to live in where that most studied in schools and universities is of higher quality has fallen on the floor. People also noticed that masteries, private schools promote doctoral degrees and specializations more to get money more years of the same market. That hatred which magnifies everyday may not be subject to forms that the Government and the rulers want.
I sincerely hope that our national educational level will enable us to vote for change. Surely the maestra Elba Esther was responsible for that be taught more to Gandhi in schools that violence, that teach more ethics than laziness and traps and apathy, which teach better to live together peacefully and in a genuinely civilized manner and not with hypocrisy based on medieval ideas prevents science move forward with force. If education has certainly improved the Mexicans we can resolve this better. A nation must not be allowed having a group of selfish and immoral subjects who are able to remember anything to conserve fat wallets and large houses in Polanco because if you do you must allow that hatred and resentment grow and one day is manifest in unexpected ways. Economic, social, racial, religious and ideological stability depends in the societies of political stability and that already is not.