The Reality
For it I oppose this versicle says that all the things are naked and clear to the eyes of God, that is, as well as who this naked does not have as to hide the defects of your body for who this being contemplated such nudez, thus also no matter how hard somebody uses masks to hide your defects, ahead of God and as if it was naked that is without masks clearly leaving for God who in the reality it e, observes the text that if follows and knows that of God nothing is not hidden. Sl 139:1 – 4Senhor, you me sounding leads, know and me. You know mine to seat and my uprising; of far you understand my thought. You investigate my floor, and mine to lie down, and know all my ways. Without he has a word in my language, here it is that, Sir, everything you know. Coming back to discourse on you mask that they are used for some Christians to give in all the situation well where they meet. Some when they leave house to go to the temple where congregate mask place it of the sanctification, if it becomes an exemplary Christian, it however, goes to the studies, it participates of the saint supper and it makes everything that a Christian I legalize makes. But when he finishes the cult that it arrives in house and takes off masks it (behavior) it comes back to be what it and in the reality, when and married and a husband who maltreats the wife, and one I adulterate, spanks the children, and if wants fulfills with its duties of man of the house. When if he deals with children, when masks he takes off it of a good son who it uses in the church and the society where he dies, shows a behavior lastimvel, does not respect the parents, attend videos of ponographic content, practises sex that and condemned for God for being it are of the marriage and others many atrocities.