Victor Hugo
In 06/09 the governor of Paris, general Trochu, assumed the control on behalf of ' ' Government of Nacional' Defense; '. Victor Hugo returned from the exile; 300.000 parisienses had been mobilized to defend the city. Trochu in the truth feared two enemies: the prussianos and the socialist ones of the laboring quarters. From 15/09 the city was surrounded by the prussianos. An attempt of general Ducrot to bar the advance of the enemy failed in 19/09; Versailles fell in the following day. From 23/09 a line of communications with the remain of the country was established by means of manned balloons. In 08/10 it had a rebellion principle to knock down Trochu and to install a socialist government, then controlled. In 27/10 they had left Paris the last foreign legations.
The situation becomes depressing: the prussianos limit to bomb it city they wait that if income; the parisienses wait in the inactivity that some army comes of the west to breach the wall. Meanwhile they face fomes and illnesses. But in 29/11 Trochu tries to breach the wall, without success; the fight was extended up to 03/12 around the bridges of the Marne; it had 12,000 losses. The cold increases the suffering of the civil population; it has enormous loss of life of children. From 27/12 new cannons of the Krupp they intensify the bombing. The animals of the zoo are sacrificed and vendidos to feed the population. At the beginning of January the bombing is still more intense.
It has chronicle food lack and coal. In 18/01 attempt had despaired to breach the wall with integrant of the Garde Nationale. It had 1,500 died. The new defeat provoked the fall of Trochu and its substitution for general Vinoy. In 22/01 it had new socialist agitations, with five died. Finally, in 26/01/1871, the city capitulated.