Extraordinary! To wake up, one more time, with the notice of plus a victim in the exit of the Shopping makes me to Manara to believe that this spectacle renews its personages to each week and, mainly, its way of performance. The ingressions, for the visa, must reach an incredible number of spectators, who attend the scenes with new performances when passing of the days and if they delight in the details covered of desumanidade. You, who are reading this article, can be the next one. for my surprise? It will continue not to fight for its right to go and to come, assured for the Federal Constitution. Being thus, a cautious and private citizen ahead of that it is cabvel.
Private for who? For the outlaws, delinquents, assailant, assassins? Not only for them, gentlemen! But, private, before everything, for the corrupt system, the Government and the corrupted institutions, that seem not alone to leave to fulfill its duty to provide one MINIMUM of security we, citizens of good, as well as, if to relieve to the custom of ‘ ‘ to leave passar’ ‘ or ‘ ‘ to make sight grossa’ ‘ , that he confirms yourself for the reporters: ‘ ‘ the crime occurred in the situated exit in front of 12 District Police station, that was closed at the moment of tiroteio’ ‘. Joo Person coexists crimes nonsenses that engrandecem the violent universe, printed the all moment in the existing medias, imputing to the citizen the obligatoriness not to be able to enjoy of its right of freedom for distrust to the acts delinquents involve who them. Obligatoriness? Yes, since we seem to be living at the time of the Bandarquia, in which the government was exerted for the bandarcas, in ours in case that, the outlaws of the slum quarter Are Jose and all the others.