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Month: May 2011

French President Nicolas Sarkozy

French President Nicolas Sarkozy

In Poznan, Poland to participate in a two-week climate summit attended by more than 11,000 delegates from 186 countries, including representatives from governments, business and environmental organizations. Among the main tasks Conference participants – summarizing the activities of the international community on climate protection and development of environmental action programs in 2009. Delegates also discussed the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol and developing preliminary version of a new international agreement on climate protection, which will operate after 2012, when the Kyoto Protocol expires. During the talks, the scientists drew public attention, that raising the temperature of the environment in the coming decades by two degrees Celsius could lead to an increase in droughts and floods, resulting in millions of people face starvation. This, in turn, may lead to the outbreak of armed conflict and millions of refugees.

By the end of last week, French President Nicolas Sarkozy said that participants in the climate of the eu summit in Poland has not yet been able to agree on measures to the fight against global warming. Under the eu plan, by 2020, greenhouse gas emissions must be reduced by 20% compared with 1990 levels. In addition, the proposed increase use of alternative and renewable energy sources. However, some countries in Eastern Europe, including Poland and the Czech Republic do not agree with the need to sharply reduce harmful emissions, pointing out that such measures do not account for the low income level of their citizens and dependence of their economies on coal.

Labor Work

Labor Work

Overall Classification of Economic Activities (NACE), this activity does not exist! At best, the firm ‘dive’ under the protection of a building permit I and ii levels, where the designated types of work up to 40 meters and over 100 meters, but this from 01.01.2009. will be closed due to the cancellation of construction licenses. And if this kind of nace existed, the Social Insurance Fund (SIF) in accordance with the declared main activity, could define a class of professional risk insurance rates for compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases, the amount of insurance rate. None of these things, just as there is no deduction from the aerial work in the fcs and fms – here already face tax violations and vengeance begins to smell of the Professional Code “. Not defined for this type of unsafe activity in several other legal documents, such as classifier Rosstroy.

Work climber has the status of a particularly dangerous. Therefore requires a special approach to staff, the organization of labor at the highest level, own system of training and recertification training, full-scale system of insurance. To date, the profession of industrial climber can only be obtained in several Russian cities: Moscow (OMG tc ‘Professional’), St. Petersburg (LEU ‘training centers’), Irkutsk (Regional PromAlpTsentr, ANO), Novokuznetsk (Novokuznetsk regional center of industrial alpinism). Once a year, every employee who works at height, required to undergo re-education (recertification), and medical re-examination. People should learn to save themselves in an emergency and emergency situations.

After all, climbers often work in industrial workshops enterprises, where it is impossible to stop production. Many employers are wondering: Are there any government approval requirements for the Labour high altitude? Unfortunately, government regulations do not meet the admission of the nature of work performed. No additional regulatory documents, but before the opening performance of work attire, admission and fill the log-TB – no, yes, and it does not always. To the company is no formal requirements for the customer is not presented, many types of aerial work simply does not officially licensing, such as cleaning and . Although companies employing high altitude, should be on a special state control. It is government control will be removed from the market of unscrupulous employers (who were divorced a great many), because of the activities which the vast number of accidents, will monitor the admission of workers at the height of the profession and to regulate the market itself. From the foregoing, we conclude that while the state can not keep up growing markets of the construction industry. New technologies very quickly come into our lives, demanding government attention not only from a technological standpoint, but also in security matters of performance. C since pf ruling Labor dated May 17, 2001 on approval of the profession ‘industrial climber’ has been almost 8 (!) years, but no further action was not followed. A promalpa market is growing every day, according to statistics, in Moscow alone has about 2,500 alpfirm (!), how many working illegally ‘wild brigades’ and solo ‘shadow promalpov’ – statistics is silent! Geometrically increasing number of accidents, avalanches growing number of unscrupulous brokers, dumping and break fees in this market segment, guest workers from neighboring countries. Needed not only literate state control in this sphere, but also the interaction between State and by the market participants, which will articulate the direction of promalpa separately, identify weaknesses and to direct all available resources to address them.

Motagua Valley

Motagua Valley

Consequences of a military disaster was so great that it even affected the fate of the northern states Maya – the destiny of Tikal and Calakmul. History of Copan in usual presentation begins with the appearance here of the royal dynasty (426 AD). Yaks K'uk 'Mo, sent the Divine King of Tikal from hundreds of kilometers from the capital into the depths of the jungle, wandered into the valley of Copan. Here he founded his dynasty – built a 'family hearth and home' and established the cult of the god, the patron of his own family. Three days later, Yaks K'uk Mo repeated celebration of Quirigua – reported by another inscription carved on the stone, which scientists have recently deciphered. Copan was lying in a fertile river valley, where centuries of settled farmers, cultivating maize. Royal city grew rapidly. Not without reason, archaeologists approx Rest of his 'Paris of the Maya': people flocked here from all surrounding areas.

Scientists have discovered traces of Copan in the obvious presence of foreign 'guest workers'. In many ways, prosperity of the city ensured that his government controlled a large deposit of jade in the Motagua Valley. For the Maya, jade was more valuable than gold: it produced a variety of masks and decorations, and delight us today. However, gradually increased and the rulers of the town of Quirigua. They have been handier to control the place of production Jade, by the same authorities Quirigua held in his hands and an important trade route, padded to the Pacific Ocean.

Legal Guarantees Are For All Citizens

Legal Guarantees Are For All Citizens

The political opposition and the media have been quick to speak of impunity, which unfortunately has been a pressure on the national government, ignoring the principles of law has been quick to condemn the court decision, de-legitimizing the rights and guarantees that the Political Constitution established for all Colombians without exception or discrimination because of their profession or trade. The deprivation of liberty as a preventive measure seeks to ensure that whoever is appointed to the commission of a crime is brought before the competent authority or perversely in not influence the course of the investigation, is a measure that the prosecution asks the judges in accordance with the gravity or nature of the crime under investigation, is granted until a period not exceeding 90 days during which the process must reach the trial judge prior indictment charged. In the case of the military linked to the murder investigation of a protected person, such detention had exceeded so exaggerated the terms set by the professional procedural rule, even more than 240 days in some cases but failed to open stages of trial, and if it has not done is because there is insufficient evidence of his responsibility. The only rights which expressly does not recognize or limits the Constitution to members of the security forces are political participation and labor association, says the art. 219 of the Charter, law enforcement is deliberative may not assemble except by order of lawful authority, or direct requests, except for matters relating to service and the morality of the respective body and under the law.



Thus, the end is not clear, firstly, in what order to acquire land in the ownership of individual entrepreneurs who have these plots of land on the right of inheritable possession for life, and secondly, whether on such land imposed by law on “dacha amnesty” presumption of law property, and finally, thirdly, if we assume that the “dacha amnesty” does not apply to the acquisition of the property entrepreneurs of land from the agricultural lands, that they possess the right of inheritable possession for life, then what about the land not because of agricultural land either belonging to other categories of land? It seems that in these cases should apply the norms of the Law on “dacha amnesty”. If the basis for the spread of “dacha amnesty” to put a sign of lack of citizen possessing land, business activities associated with its use, it can lead to a rather unfortunate consequences, distorting the meaning and substitute standards of the Act..

Judicial Department

Judicial Department

To illustrate this assertion, we give some figures. According to the Judicial Department under the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation in 2007 only 0,8% passed in the court of professional cases have ended acquittal, the appellate court in professional cases modified or revoked only 12,3% to appeal the verdict, the appellate court lifted or modified by 16,3% appealed court decisions in civil cases. Thus, if the results of the work you hired a lawyer to obtain a court decision that is not relevant to your interests, change it would be extremely difficult, or, in general, impossible. How not to make a mistake in choosing a lawyer? Unfortunately, despite the fairly wide range of proposals for legal services, find a specialist right for you, is not easy. Firstly, in this issue of little use advice friends and relatives who have had experience with our judicial system and apply for legal aid. Even if they hired a specialist good job, you may find that you it is not fit. The reason is simple. In the legal profession (including lawyers) is not compulsory specializations, such as doctors. Therefore, every lawyer has the right to provide legal advice on any issues (protecting the interests of in professional cases, with certain exceptions, may only lawyers with a status of counsel). However, given that the Russian legislation currently includes 2,727 current laws and more than 286 thousands of regulations, it becomes clear that the purpose of specialists in all areas of the law simply does not exist.

Providing Strong Protection

Providing Strong Protection

Questions reliable protection of a variety of public and private buildings have recently paid too much attention and it is not surprising, as the lack of protection of buildings, whether nefteperabatyvayuschy complex, enterprise for production of food or historical object, and yet its lack of equipment, may lead to a very insidious and pernicious effects, manifested in the theft of goods, materials, financial funds or valuable items. And often, as it leads a practice of theft can not be conducted solely by the criminals and repeat offenders experienced, but also personal, not decent workers using flaws in the protection to carry out their dirty dealings. To prevent incursions on the object and stealing from him, organized the whole security systems and units, consisting, for example, from the former police officers, they equip the ultramodern equipment and equipped with everything required to ensure a reliable clock security facility. However, sadly, even with its thorough professionalism and seriousness of its equipment, employees of the firm can not guarantee reliable vigilant control over the entire territory of the object, and in particular the protection of the perimeter of the holding in most cases rather large parameters. As the front boundary of the territory or building, the perimeter – this is the place through which the penetration of an object or an unauthorized exit, identification of these facts helps prevent theft from the facility and its safer ohrane.Osobo useful gear perimeter of the object, making it possible to continually provide control over him and all the facts of violation, shall be submitted technical means of protection (TCO), or a means of protecting the perimeter. Stuffy sense of technical systems for perimeter protection in a fast-fact-finding invasion of protected sites and responsiveness main force protection to prevent the results of this penetration. Naturally to the perimeter protection systems, whose development began long ago, are different partitions; pcb or control exclusion zone; signal penetration and motion sensors that belong to the means of detection, buzzer or Perimeter alarm, barbed wire and all sorts of unnatural difficulties.

One of the most important and responsible places in different perimeter security system, responsible for the fact of disclosure of the penetration of the protected object, appear sensors and perimeter security perimeter security system, marking the invasion of object and immediately notify the service of the fact of the seriousness of the . and modalities of perimeter security alarm, which contain spooby intrusion detection and perimeter detectors, they are presented fairly elevated requests: the ability to detect the minimum time the offender and the fact that the invasion of the object, the lack of control areas and no clear line contours and relief space, the ability to mount an inconspicuous, stable and reliable operation in various climatic conditions; resistance to a variety of industrial electromagnetic interference directions. Before the construction Perimeter alarm system used wired systems that respond to touch him, Comrade currently typically used the most efficient and reliable wireless perimeter security systems, built on different operating principles. Among the variety of systems of this type the perimeter of the most popular because of their reliability, ease of use and speed of response to the facts of the penetration of an object occupied radiowave perimeter security systems, which consist of a radio wave detection sensors and Microwave security systems that use sensors or Microwave Microwave emitters. Possessing all the suitable properties of perimeter security systems, these types of wireless security systems, have gained immense use for the protection of various public and private facilities.

Appeal Against Actions

Appeal Against Actions

Current legislation provides for appeal of actions and decisions of experts of the tax authorities in court: if the taxpayer is an individual (not an individual entrepreneur) – in the civil procedural law (Chapter 25, ccp RF); if the taxpayer – an individual entrepreneur or legal entity – in order of Arbitration Procedure legislation (Chapter 24 of the APC). The entrepreneur has the right to submit an application to the court within three months from the date when he became aware of the violation of their rights and interests (paragraph 4 of Art. 198 apc, Art. 256 ccp RF). The court is entitled to suspend the contested decision of the tax authority before the coming into force of the court (Section 3, Article. 199 apc, Clause 4, Article. 254 ccp RF). However, in accordance with the arbitration procedure legislation it may be done only at the request of the applicant. gic rf allows the suspension of the contested decision by the court on its own initiative.

Consumer Rights

Consumer Rights

Application of the Law of Ukraine "On Protection of Consumer Rights" to disputes arising from credit relationships, possible if the object and the cause of action is a question of providing information to consumers about the conditions of the loan, such as interest rate and currency risks, the procedure of execution of the contract, etc. preceding the conclusion of the contract. After signing the agreement between the parties arising credit relationship, and therefore to disputes over the implementation of this treaty the law could not be applied, and the application shall be special legislation in the lending system. Courts must pay attention to the fact that the commitments that involve the guarantors, the increase in credit interest rates, even with the consent of the bank and the debtor, but without consent of the surety, provides no basis for imposing on the latter liable for any failure to perform its obligations by the borrower 'Yazan front of the bank (part 1 of article. 559 Civil Code of Ukraine). Establish in the contract surety term in the form of "to full implementation of the borrower's obligations to the Union or to the full implementation of the surety commitments" can not be regarded as setting the term of the guarantee, as it does not meet the requirements of Art. 252 Civil Code of Ukraine.

According to this rule-determined period of years, months, weeks, days or hours. The term is defined by a calendar date or an indication of an event that must inevitably ensue. This in the contract of guarantee is not installed. In the case of death of the debtor of the principal obligation secured the contract of surety, if the successor has accepted the inheritance, it is necessary consent of surety be responsible for the new debtor, if the guarantee contract does not contain as a condition of consent to bail to answer for the execution of any new obligations to the debtor in the event of a transfer of debt principal obligation. Heirs have the obligation to pay accrued interest and penalties only if they are committed to the borrower (the heir) in their lifetime. Other accrued liabilities is not actually related to the individual borrower and can not be awarded for the payment of the heirs.