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Month: June 2012

Fernandez Manueco

Fernandez Manueco

They say to me that less it is wanted in Valladolid than in Madrid where they shepherd Mariano Rajoy and others prceres of the Popular Party. Although it is watched, the thing has its logic. Fernandez Maueco presides over the Committee of Rights and Guarantees of the PP, a species of disciplinary organ whose composition approved the last Congress National of the party. So until the next congresual event tosa is no that him. The one of Valladolid is different. The officious capital of the region now lives buried political effervescence on the parties in its periodic preparation of electoral lists. That is: lobbyings, trips, alliances and treasons without story.

Then, at the time of the photo, all smiling ones as if never there were broken a plate. In the middle of all this mopped is our man. Everything, because has its hopes and their possibilities of continuing prospering in its fecund political race that, from a councilman position, has taken to be advisor of the Meeting and to regional secretary to him of the PP. Before that he presumes himself will be the last mandate of Juan Vicente Herrera like president of Castile and Leon, their possible successors look for to be located in the line of exit well, just like they do in the F1 Wettel, Alonso, Webber and company. According to one of my sources, Maueco could be a good candidate to that succession: ” It owns a good natured character, he is worker, it knows the party perfectly and it enjoys supports in the Gnova” street; soothes national of the PP. In his con must not belong to no of the factions of the party, are that them, its somewhat reserved character say and not to pay too much attention to some interlocutors, right the opposite than the politicians do of race, like Gonzlez Pons or Rubalcaba, who put themselves to the telephone with the first journalist. In any case, to clear it of in the middle, their adversaries walk postulating it for mayor of Salamanca, instead of a Julian Lanzarote whom already they give by amortized. As he sees himself, one is a fine way, and until elegant, to say goodbye to a possible opponent and to clear therefore the way of those who inhales a to chair the Meeting. One, in its ignorance, supposes that the mayor position would not scorn Maueco to it like retirement prize, we say it thus, like it happened to him to Juan Carlos Aparicio in Burgos once Aznar defenestr of the Ministry of Work. But at this point of the film, on the contrary, Alfonso Fernandez Maueco still has much race ahead like so that they remove from pole position to him to first of change.

National Congress

National Congress

This fact mobilized the educators, religious entities and other sectors of the society who, during months, had taken some initiatives, amongst them the performance next to the National Congress and to the Ministry of the Education, in sight of the alteration of the related device. Amongst all the modifications carried through in Religious Ensino, currently, one becomes distinction between the education of the particular schools and the public schools, each one appealing its particularitities. Inside of the spirit of the new law of Religious Ensino, she is necessary to have present that it is not desired to give catequese in the public school, but to make an education that respects the cultural plurality and the religious diversity inherent most of our estudantil population. It is not function of the public school to educate the faith, nor to make proselitismo, that is, propaganda of one another religious confession. The objective is to present transcendente, as it is conceived in the most varied religious cultures and traditions.

However, we can verify that the religious schools already perceive that the pluralism of religious options does not only exist in the official net. Also inside of a college catholic, Methodist, baptist and others, it has pupils that they choose the educational establishment for different reasons of the religious formation. This beginning of affirmation of religious pluralism in Brazil, reality that tends if to extend in the next years, must provoke not a proselitista logic and of conversion, but the challenge of a permanent dialogal exercise.

Italian Executive

Italian Executive

In the week where plus a chapter of the crisis that if uncurls in U.S.A. and the Zone of the Euro it comes to tona, with the degradation of the note of credit of the Italian debt of ' ' A+' ' for ' ' A' ' , more uncertainty hangs on the perspectives of recovery of the world-wide economy. The meeting enters the main world-wide leaders in the General meeting of the ONU and the conversations parallel bars on subjects related to the evolution of the crises American and European do not only serve of alento for the increasing uncertainties with regard to the solution of Greece or Ireland, but also with regard to the other members of the PIIGS, over all Italy. The announcement of the package of stabilization of the Italian economy caused innumerable protests and not only launched for land the popularity of the first-minister Berlusconi, but also if it did not show capable to balance the national accounts, as much in the short one, how much in the long stated period. This because, at the moment where United States and the Zone of the Euro try decreases taxes of creximento or until shrinking of the real product, in special of the industrial product, the solutions pointed for the majority of policy makers goes to the meeting of the economic ortodoxia, when, in the truth, economic history teaches the opposite exactly. The recent package of measures of fiscal austerity approved by the Italian Executive is the case most recent. The Italian deficit that was of 4.6% in 2010 must, according to government, being reduced for 1.6% in 2012, generating a economy for the public coffers in the value of 20 billion in the year that it comes and 25 billion in 2013. This will be executed through the increase of taxes for the band of raised income more of the population, cut in the available budget for the congressmen, reduction of the administrative machine, saw reduction in the number of provinces, privatization of municipal companies, flexibilizao of the working laws (what theoretically it would facilitate the act of contract) and reduction in the social expenditures.

Psychical Research

Psychical Research

Already others, skeptical, attributed to the phenomena the brazen frauds or, in the maximum, the unknown capacities of the human being that, not knowing the causes, atribua the presumptions espritos its effect. Scientific period (of 1872 to the current days): The espiritista wave called the attention some famous scientists. Many of them were curious with the espritas manifestations and if they had approached to the study of the paranormais phenomena with the purpose of – definitively – clarifying if it was a great fraud, if was a manifestation spiritual or if it was a new area of natural phenomena, however unknown of the first Cincia.A great inquiry was directed by Willian Crookes, English physical celebrity. This inquiry arrived the conclusion that diverse of the phenomena called ‘ ‘ espritas’ ‘ they really existed and they deserved to be investigated more deeply. Crookes continued with its research, also with one mdium – Florence Cook – that was the epicenter of ectoplsmicas sessions.

As well as Crookes, other scientists had dedicated the paranormais research to it. Russel Wallace, Willian Barret, Henri Sidgwick, Myers, Oliver Lodge, MacDugall and others. In 1882 the traditional SPR-Society was established will be Psychical Research, in London. Soon later, in 1885, it was established American SPR. Innumerable works had appeared as fruits of the undertaken research. Some defended the Espiritismo, others condemned. One of the great exponents of this time was the French fisiologista Charles Richet, author of the celebrity ‘ ‘ Treated to Metapsquica ‘ ‘. great problem of the research of the time was in the method.

All the research were qualitative. They did not take in account the repetition of the experiments, therefore the phenomena are of fugidio character, impossible to be reproduced to the will. The scientific community started to understand that the success of the Parapsicologia as science would depend – necessarily – on new methods that approached it other sciences more than. Some attempts had been carried through systemize the experiments, but, in its majority, they had failed. From 1930, the Laboratory of Parapsicologia of the University of Duke, in U.S.A., under the coordination of Joseph Banks Rhine, started to carry through a series of experiments based on statistical principles. The most famous experiences had been carried through with baralho Zener. This baralho is composed of 25 letters, with five different symbols (that is, five letters of each type). The symbols are: waves, star, square, cross and circle. after to mix randomly the letters, the tests look for to evaluate the capacity of extra-sensorial perception of the evaluated ones. The experiences in Duke had obtained to approach the Parapsicologia of too much sciences. In the Congress of Utrecht, in 1953, the Parapsicologia was crowned as Science.

Regional Integration

Regional Integration

An ambient dimension in the inaquality also exists, still for gaining visibility and recognition public politician, for the consequent creation of public politics directed to the confrontation of this problematic one. the socioambiental conflict is the clear expression of this ambient dimension of the inaquality, polarizing social citizens in anti-symmetrical conditions of access to the power, and in this context, the ambient politics can blunt as an element of distributive justice, adding it excessively the distributive politics. (LAYRARGUES, 2009, p.23) In this context if it inserts the PDRS Xingu in a region of significant territorial abrangncia with the objective to improve indices of quality of life, providing creation of democratic spaces where the popular participation is axle in the power to decide processes. Technical the Plan presents an inversion in the logic of exploration of the natural resources, clearly inserting the region in a context of exploration of the natural resources, that is, demonstrating to the investor the respective potentialities, however in contrast to previous moments, it searchs to guarantee the reinforcement of the popular participation in this context of development. In accordance with the Secretariat of Regional Integration: All the economic activities of the region represent job sources and income, therefore, the plan goes to search in the base of the activities the incentive that lacks. Beyond structuralizing and fortifying the local economic bases is necessary to value the knowledge of the traditional populations? many work in familiar or communitarian production – that they can help in the manipulation of the available natural resources and promote its use sustainable. (PAR, 2009, P.

32). Between foreseen actions to benefit to all the local population, are relative a have carried, communication and information, energy, storage, health, education, social assistance, habitation, basic sanitation, public security, agrarian regularization, agrarian reform, among others. From there the importance of its execution and the participation of the community in favor of the improvement of the quality of life.

Renato Dobelin

Renato Dobelin

To cite an incredulity case, I came across myself with a sad notice, therefore a father (Leobino Dobelin), with pain in the heart and with much indignation, outdoors launched several to remember the anniversary of the death of the son, Renato Dobelin (34 years) in Sumar (SP), therefore after three years still that one in case that he were not refined. In the billboard, it has a photo of the youngster asking to the father if the outlaws had assassinated who it already were in the chain and, in the photo of the father he has a reply in relief form: ‘ ‘ not my son, in this country is more easy here to pass a camel for the deep one of a poor needle of what having justia’ ‘. He is really lamentable. Worse it is to know that thousands of Leobinos exist that are for the country waiting for justice, therefore unscrupulous people take off the life of its children In proliferating of the indignation we can cite others as many situations, beyond the justice lack, it register others, as the abusive collection of taxes.

We live in a time where the citizen if to gain a little more than the minimum wage has that to pay for everything. About many moments already I thought about even though releasing to work, therefore great part of what if it earns goes for the public coffers and in good we know of how many shunting line cases. Another situation, in the truth a continuation of what we write, says respect to the abuse of being able and the will of ‘ ‘ ferrar’ ‘ the good citizen. I do not want to write to complain me of a fine of the operation of carnival of the Road Policy, but the form as the boardings for the policemen are made and the places that they choose are clear and well-known that makes to prosper the machine of the fines, therefore where must fine and would have to be – they are not – who leads most worse is always we them citizens. I do not enter in the merit of the education that is our field, where also we find many situations that discourage.

E what to say of the public health? The Campaign of the Fraternity that says. Expensive readers at many moments is necessary to have indignation and to desestabilizar the common sense that imagines that everything goes well. But it is not well thus! In this beginning of electoral campaign it distrusts of who presents ready prescription for everything; of who it lives making favors (in one determined moment it will have collection) and also distrusts of who only knows to play the easy role of the opposition, therefore with certainty when it will be situation history will be another one. We go to open the eyes, therefore what we need it is to fix this immense and blessed Brazil.



With this Weber (1926) he brings two conceptions of politics. The first one says that: ' ' for politics we will so only entederemos the direction of the grouping politician today called? State? or the influence that if exerts in this sentido.' ' In this conception, one becomes viable and tolerable use of the force or violence for the state for the guarantee of its power, sovereignty and ideas. In second, it understands for politics ' ' the set of done efforts aiming at to participate of the power or to influence the division of the power, either in the interior of only estado' '. In this way, for Weber ' ' any man who if delivers the politics inhales poder' '. The state consists only of a relation of domination of the man for the man. We could elencar beyond these innumerable other definitions of what it is politics, but will take as base the conception of Dallari (1999, p.10): ' ' politics is the conjugao of the actions of individuals and human groups, directing them it an end comum' '. This common end must have as ideal well-being, the equality enters the components of the society and social peace.

The politics results of the proper life in society, the actions human beings and the necessity of organization of this society, aiming at always to the common good, in such way that if it reaches a society joust and it exempts. Between ethics and the politics seem not to exist a point in common, therefore, to act as the standards politicians they mean that its attitudes are distant of the ethical values of the society. This affirmation seems to be contradictory. If one inhales to a life joust and happy, it becomes non-separable of the other. However, this purpose is mere theory. Where the politics, in the practical one, does not carry through the common good, but the good of the proper detainers of the power and supported its.

February Work

February Work

The Minister of the Work and Job, Carlos Lupy, the Executive Secretary of the MTE, Andres Figueiredo, and the Secretariat of the Work and Social Development of the State of the Cear, Ftima Catunda, had been congregated with mayors of 84 cities and entities executors of Diligent Projovem, to sign covenant of extension in characterizing of surround 11,450 new diligent young, to all will be benefited more than 6,500 young in the 84 pertaining to the state of Cear cities. The objective is to fortify in the cities enterprising vision from the implantation of the programs of professional qualification of the governments Federal and State. The values to be invested in 2010 are in the order of R$ 14,2 million, 55% more than the R$ 9,14 million, value destined to the program in the qualification of 4.866 professionals, when of its launching last year. The goal now in 2010 is to insert in the work market until December, at least 30% of the qualified young. In the act of the signature, the Minister Carlos Lupy and Ftima Catunda, had also firmed the term stops .afirma Is confident and foreseeing that 2010, we will have two million jobs more than generated; in the January month atypically he was negative, this because of the sazonal effect, now in February, it starts to react, and well, from there then the necessity of terms hand of qualified workmanship. It completed Carlos Lupy, Minister of the Work and Job and President Nacional, permitted of the PDT. For the doctor and Councilman Iraguass Teixeira PDT/CE, this program it is of> great importance for the young that they search if to characterize professionally, the parliamentarian remembers that we will have in our capital Pantry 2014, and is of extreme necessity that has a good hand of qualified workmanship better to take care of to our visitors who will pass in $fortaleza when of the accomplishment of the same one.

Brave Prof

Brave Prof

The historical counterpart derevelao capable to collate and until demoralizing the silence of the agencies and arisada of the skeptics still leaves a bigger sensation of abandonment of the prpria Humanity luck, therefore the only fact concrete that it brought salvation of this caosilusrio of the world could not nor can give to any test of its concretude, demanding only the faith and the confidence in the certification of that, direct ouindiretamente, they had stopped contact with the object of the revelation. The high level mais. If the proper God (here in assumption) judged the Humanity infuriates to dereceber a test of Its existence and ticket for the Land, why haveramosde to think about a concrete ufolgica test delivers of kissed hand the quemno deserved at least a test of God? Soon, not would be nothing surprising osilncio generalized in any search for evidence scientific of taismistrios, what it dangerously approaches in them to the hypothesis of that the proper God (in assumption) would be, so to speak, ‘ ‘ joint phenomenon UFO’ ‘ , demoralizing it due to tests! It is the dapicada end, and of a bite without antidote. We were to bisbilhotar in what we did not fit, and therefore we lose the right to know. In addition, we were hurled numplanetide where we can be ludibriados the life all, without never will quehaver proving it after the life. Inexistent if the such agencies to exist? For queelas they deserve to know what we were denied? Would be consisting agencies deanjos and therefore they had not destroyed the churches? It pulls! It only aches to think Restainclume the faith mortal we. It seems a sad conclusion, but it is not.

E ningumse despairs: the faith is not this thing relays defamed by the skeptics. It is domgratuito and universal, beyond logical and indestructible power to be for the defora side. But why loads d’ water it does not obtain to sprout in some souls to esatisfazer certain people? It only answers: ‘ ‘ I am one dom, and dons doAlto is donations, and the High one knows to choose to who doar’ well; ‘. It donates who to ache.

Charlie Brown

Charlie Brown

But, segundoele, Bobbio ‘ ‘ also entresi emphasized the interdependence of the three ideals, in the direction that also dosoutros the coherent search of each one of them compels to the search, and that the proper definition of each one of them requires the use of the noescorrespondentes to the others two: ‘ Human rights, democracy and peace are trsmomentos necessary the same the historical movement: without humanosreconhecidos and protected rights it does not have democracy; without democracy it does not have condiesmnimas for the pacific solution of the conflicts. In other words, democracia the society of the citizens, and the subjects if become citizens when of them passama to be recognized some basic rights; it will have steady peace, a peace queno has the war as alternative, when more it will not only have apenascidados of this or that State, but of mundo’ ‘ ‘. The main right is the right to the humanity. Quepara happens to make to be valid the human rights needs to hug of comorespeito heart ideas to the creed, color, race, sort diversity, of classroom, denacionalidade.

Without this, we are alone in the speech. With as much thing podreacontecendo in this immense tropical Country, with as much disrespect to the direitoshumanos of as much people, it fits here to cite one tirinha of the Charlie Brown, where omesmo walks solitary in opposing direction to a multitude of manifestants, cadaqual carrying a poster with ‘ below isto’ ‘ below aquilo’. Then the Lucypergunta to the Charlie Brown if it would not go to load a band with ‘ below acivilizao’. Brown answers, philosophical: ‘ ‘ It does not need will fall, deto podre.’ ‘ to lock up this third text of the year, allows me citaro poem Fortini Franc: ‘ ‘ In the amurada Da Ponte the head of the hanged people In the water of the source the dribble of the hanged people In the stone pavement of the market the nails of fusilladed On the dry gram of the Prado teeth of the fusilladed ones To bite air to bite the rocks Our meat is not more than men To bite air to bite the rocks Our heart is not more than men But we read in the eyes of deceased and on the land freedom we have to make But they had narrowed it in the fists the dead justice that if it has of fazer.’ ‘ It waits the next text.