Socialist Candidate
The Socialist candidate says that he is indifferent who has been negotiating with PP. Sobre a possible rrendum, ensures that he is with the Constitution, which sets the query in cases affecting fundamental rights. He has revealed that he had reservations about the reform, but these have now disappeared. The candidate of the PSOE for the elections of 20-N, Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba, has ruled out holding a rrendum so that the people ratify the reform of the Constitution agreed with the PP. My position is that of the Constitucion and says that there are two forms of reform: with rrendum if it affects fundamental rights and without popular consultation if not so, he said. When not, is not necessary, he pointed out. Meet the Constitution is the position that I keep and which will keep the PSOE, said Rubalcaba. Also wanted to highlight the flexibility of reform, given that it encrypts the specific deficit not exceeding not It will appear in the Magna Carta, but in an organic law aside. In addition, it has invited Socialist fellow critics to read the agreed text, insurance that after reading many of these reticence will have disappeared. Who has reminded Les also in his speech proclamation as a candidate, past July 9, already spoke of the need for budgetary stability and control of the debt and the deficit. To his understanding, what distinguishes a right of left-wing economic policy is not stability, but what you spend you money. Rubalcaba has expressed in these terms in press conference, after that the two major parties have registered this Friday a joint legislative proposal could be approved by Congress next week, sets a budgetary discipline for public administrations without collecting specific figures. I myself had reservations, but have already disappeared, has admitted to being asked about the doubts of some of his colleagues of party, before insisting that the agreement is finally good for the country, because it captures an essential budgetary stability, a certain flexibility when come badly given and a European rrencia.