Obama And The Death Of Bin Laden
It has few days faleceu Osama Bin Laden. Died for commands of U.S.A., its disappearance caused critical forts regarding the lack of ethics inlaid in the celebration to the death of an enemy. Not obstante such quarrel to be valid, I believe that it dims great cerne of the question: why it was not captured alive? To arrest the maximum leader of the Al-Qaeda, and not to kill it, would be much more advantageous, therefore of it if it could completely extract the maximum of information regarding the next steps to the terrorist organization, that would be obliged to modify all its immediate hierarchy, all its internal organization and all its plans of attacks, disarticulating itself. Bin Laden alive, therefore, would represent an enormous profit of time for U.S.A., that would have all the conditions to jam the extremistas before its eventual rearticulao. But, unhappyly, what Bin Laden wise person died with it, and the Al-Qaeda continues solid and strong. Logically president Barack Obama is intelligent and she is not unaware of such facts. However, between acting inside of the logic and if using to advantage politically of the understandable desire that most of the Americans nourished in desiring the death of Bin Laden, is clearly that it opted to the second option, a time that its popularity was in low due to slow recovery of the effect of the economic crisis world-wide initiate in 2008. Therefore the order was to kill Bin Laden, and not to arrest it, despite it was disarmed, as in fact he was, and that metal ring AK-47 that always loaded was not to its reach when of the appearance of the military of U.S.A. In such a way, Barack Obama obtained what it wanted: an enormous increase of popularity with efusivos compliments of the majoritria republican opposition in the Congress, that was obliged to recognize festejada ' ' vitria' ' , practically guaranteeing its re-election to the maximum position in 2012, exactly that to the costs of not the exploration of a true alive archive whose transmitted information could come to increase, in fact, the security of U.S.A.