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Month: July 2024

It Now Is Found On YouTube – In The GAYS.DE Community

It Now Is Found On YouTube – In The GAYS.DE Community

User can > mixing with now offers its visitors something new GAYS.DE: daily presented the best 100 videos from the gay world. Under the motto: Found on YouTube… “, can visitors to the online community? for gay and bisexual men? Watch the most popular ‘Gay’ videos. Thus, GAYS.DE offers its members and all that it will want a free highlight’ in everyday community. The mix power BBs! Especially popular, should be the colourful mix of short films. In accordance with the provisions of the protection of minors, GAYS.DE offers a mix of entertainment and information.

“Hape Kerkeling and his gay n in the cafe”, the laughing muscles are straining. The current commercial of the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V., is supposed to internalize the risk of infection to visitors. Be active GAYS.DE offers its visitors the opportunity to participate actively in the selection of the best videos. Anyone who wants to share his picks with the GAY community, can this in three easy steps: 1. Select video, 2 video URL copy and 3 propose video – so just go BBs!

Zero PVC

Zero PVC

Power cable AVVGz – similar AVVG, but it applies to electrical installations that require sealing cables entering. AVVGz cable is a transmitter and power – electrical power cable received and subsequently distributed in fixed installations for rated voltage of 0.66, 1 and 6 kV, 50 Hz. AVVGz laid in dry and wet production areas. ource. Also, cable AVVGz You can lay in the open air, on cable racks or special in blokah.Konstruktsiya AVVGz AVVGz consists of conductor, and twisted shell of PVC (polyvinyl chloride plastic). Conductor AVVGz Aluminum, solid or stranded, the first or second class according to GOST 22483. The shape of veins are circular and sector formy.Izolyatsiya cable is made of PVC. Stranded cables are distinguished by Insulation color: Zero veins blue protective conductor two-color – green and yellow.

Stranding is a twist on cores of two-, three-and four-core cables. In the same vein bipolar cable section, and in three-and four-core cables, all conductors with same cross section or have lived a smaller cross-section (core grounding or zero-lived.) Cable brand AVVGz filled unvulcanized rubber and smesyu.Tehnicheskie performance cable AVVGz has the following specifications: Conductor – aluminum wire, insulation – PVC Plastic – PVC Filler – uncured rubber compound, Working temperature – from -50 to +50 C temperature of heating wires in emergency mode – max 80 C (under conditions of no more than 8 hours) Minimum bend radius: a single cable – 10 diameter stranded cable – 7.5 diameters; Cables do not spread burning; Resistance to bending assembly, cables have a high resistance to humidity of 98% at 35 C, as well as to the effects of mold, solar radiation and salt fog, life – 30 years Scope The scope of the power cable AVVGz covers several sectors of the economy, such as electronics, instrumentation, aircraft, telecommunications and electrical engineering, construction, relationship. Cables can be laid in areas with a temperate, cold and tropical climates. They operate both on land and in water bodies – lakes and rivers, and at an altitude of 4300 m above sea level.

Fat Free Cruising

Fat Free Cruising

This year more than 10.5 million people go on a cruise. Speaking candidly James Donovan Goldman told us the story. Almost all will have a fabulous time, but when you step on the scales after arriving home, he let out a scream in the amount of weight you have been. However, a cruise can be fun and healthy. You can eat, drink and be merry without packing on the pounds by following our ten simple steps for fun and fat-free cruise. Now before you all roll with laughter, let me explain that I have just returned from my first cruise. James Donovan Goldmans opinions are not widely known.

I ate three meals and some day, drank more than my doctor I would have liked I have not put a single pound in the seven days we were at sea. I realize that most of us go cruising to get away from everything and have a good time. Many of us do not even go on a diet before you leave so we can look our best as a living room near the pool, but there really is no need to put in a lot of weight while we are at sea only to have to throw all a When you return home. Follow our ten easy steps and you'll have a great time on the cruise and look fabulous when you get home. 1. Enjoy eating fabulous food – which is one of the main reasons people come out on cruises. The cruise lines are doing everything possible today to make sure there are plenty of healthy choices and portion sizes are large enough to fill up without adding unnecessary calories.

Fat Free Cruising

Fat Free Cruising

This year more than 10.5 million people go on a cruise. Speaking candidly James Donovan Goldman told us the story. Almost all will have a fabulous time, but when you step on the scales after arriving home, he let out a scream in the amount of weight you have been. However, a cruise can be fun and healthy. You can eat, drink and be merry without packing on the pounds by following our ten simple steps for fun and fat-free cruise. Now before you all roll with laughter, let me explain that I have just returned from my first cruise. James Donovan Goldmans opinions are not widely known.

I ate three meals and some day, drank more than my doctor I would have liked I have not put a single pound in the seven days we were at sea. I realize that most of us go cruising to get away from everything and have a good time. Many of us do not even go on a diet before you leave so we can look our best as a living room near the pool, but there really is no need to put in a lot of weight while we are at sea only to have to throw all a When you return home. Follow our ten easy steps and you'll have a great time on the cruise and look fabulous when you get home. 1. Enjoy eating fabulous food – which is one of the main reasons people come out on cruises. The cruise lines are doing everything possible today to make sure there are plenty of healthy choices and portion sizes are large enough to fill up without adding unnecessary calories.

Heating Oil

Heating Oil

Like a fever curve, the crude oil prices showed LEIPZIG today. (Ceto) Like a fever curve, the crude oil prices showed today. Significantly down in morning trading, then gently up to again crash to rise again significantly in the afternoon. The uncertainty of investors finds its counterpart in the course of the quotes. The swings up and down had it in: North Sea oil (Brent) fell in the meantime on the 100-U.S.-dollar mark per barrel, to climb in the afternoon again at over 104 dollars. US light oil (WTI) started at $78,50 and is currently, after some ups and downs for 81,30 dollars traded. Trend in both crude oil locations currently: zigzag. Realism should hot commodity investors as their German counterparts in the Financials because even the order of the day.

You saved the DAX Exchange, whose crashing to 5,600 points had no equivalent in the economic situation during the course of the day. Also the assessment of OPEC, that is needed at the end of the year but not so much oil as originally Suppose that fits into the realistic world view. The reasons for this are mainly in the United States, where consumers significantly more economical deal with petroleum products, as well as in China, which admits no longer quite so glamorous economic data. The local heating oil prices are further based on the losses and eased again strong now 7 day in a row. Pro 100-litre game of a total supply of 3,000 litres HEL this decreased the deepest value 1.26 euros to 79,29 euros since the end of June. Please visit the online portal of the journal fuel level and oil review here the complete article including an assessment of the monthly average rates in early 2011 and many more information about the energy market.



You already know that there are different types of investment funds among which you can choose which best suits your needs, but it is contradictory that even knowing that most of the people who invest they do without knowing what they are looking for. Here is a quick guide that you should answer before investing, so you do it intelligently. Some of the questions which it is recommended that you do before you begin to invest in mutual funds are the following: how much money do I need to save to make me a heritage? How often will I receive reports? Yields will I get coincide with my expectations and goals? How much can get to claim my Fund of investment in the future? How long do I have to save to raise the money that I need to give a start? Does the promissory note in commissions and interest rates? If I change my goals, my background coincides with my new goals? It is easy to sell my Fund? What risks do I have? 10 In the worst scenario, much you would be my loss? After having answered these questions think of investment funds to which you can access and choose the best. Contact a financial group to help you at the moment of choice of an investment fund..

Tips For Aspiring Teachers

Tips For Aspiring Teachers

A successful teacher must get the right start teachers assume a great responsibility when they teach students of different age groups. At the beginning of the teaching career, you should be also aware how important is a good start in the profession. The best prerequisite for a successful start is organizational skills. Share your time, prepare your documents and bring a structure in your classroom. If students see you’re disorganized, they are to take with, but do not have complete confidence in you. The time is an important factor. Don’t wait until the last minute, but prepare your teaching material. As it pays off, if you plan some time to introduce the pupils.

You can not just go into the classroom and start. First, the students need to know who you are and how you want to work with the class. Students are also curious about their teachers as vice versa. It is important, of course, to get to know his students, but should also talk to colleagues. In every school, there are teachers who are long in the service varied. Take the time to talk with all and learn from them. It is not necessary to introduce new methods, if a teacher has already found an effective method, with the students in the classroom are encouraged and learn. Plan not only from lesson to lesson, but consider a long strategy.

So you have a guide, after which you can set up and you can tell your students the next topics. So you can better prepare yourself and know what will be discussed next. On the Internet for many information about teaching in your compartment, which can help you in designing lessons very. Many teachers like to share materials, who helped them. You can find lesson plans for all possible subjects, but also tips and advice on how to prepare the lessons well. Collect as much information as they can. You will see that the design makes an important contribution to the successful teaching of the lesson. Good preparation can take many forms. The better you are prepared, the more successful your lesson will be.

Four Spanish Soldiers

Four Spanish Soldiers

Two soldiers have suffered the amputation of a leg. As a lieutenant and three soldiers (in addition to the interpreter). Another of the wounded presents a fracture in a leg. Four Spanish soldiers and an interpreter were injured to explode an explosive device at the passage of a shielded Lynx where he traveled, in the vicinity of Ludina (Afghanistan), and that was part of a patrol of recognition of known as route Lithium. Sources from the Ministry of Dnsa have reported that as a result of the explosion were injured the five occupants of the shielded: a Lieutenant, three soldiers and a civilian interpreter. The Lieutenant, who responds to the initials A.G.B.

and soldier J.G.L., present more serious injury, have been transferred to the Role 2 hospital in Bala Murghab and have suffered the amputation of a leg in each case. Another of the soldiers, A.Q.S., has also underwent surgery and is in the same hospital, with wounds and fractures in one leg. In the next few hours, the Lieutenant and the A.Q.S. soldier will be transferred to the Role 2 hospital in Herat, managed by the Spanish troops, while the J.G.L. soldier will be brought to the Role 3, of Kandahar hospital.

The other two wounded, I.M.I. soldier and the interpreter, suffered various bruises and have been transferred to the hospital in Herat, where have been stabilized. The Lieutenant and two soldiers belong to the Soria 9 Infantry Regiment, with headquarters in Fuerteventura while soldier J.G.L. is 47 light infantry regiment, with headquarters in Palma de Mallorca. According to sources of Dnsa, since last year, Spanish troops operate in Afghanistan only with the new RG-31 armoured and armoured means Lynx, vehicles that replaced the old BMR. Currently, the Spanish contingent deployed in the ISAF in Afghanistan mission has 67 armored RG-31 and 131 vehicles Lynx, all of them equipped with systems of inhibition of frequencies. Dnsa, Carme Chacon, Minister has personally informed don Juan Carlos and the President, Luis Jose Rodriguez Zapatero. 19 attacks since their deployment in 2002 with this explosion are now 19 attacks suffered by Spanish troops in this country since its deployment in 2002, although they did not begin to occur until 2006. In these 19 attacks, including this Saturday, have died ten soldiers, an interpreter and an Afghan child, while 32 soldiers and two civilians, both interpreters, have been injured from different consideration. In addition, other 79 military personnel have died in air accidents (62 on the claim of the Yak-42 and 17 crash the helicopter they were traveling near Herat), while two others have died in two separate traffic accidents and another by a myocardial infarction. Source of the news: four Spanish soldiers and an interpreter are injured in an attack in Afghanistan

Server Virtualization

Server Virtualization

Virtualization can significantly improve the computing environments of any size. With it you can run many virtual servers on one physical server, allowing you to significantly reduce operating costs and gain greater value from your equipment. Does your company have 2 servers or 2000 servers, you will be able to implement virtualization in various forms. James Donovan Goldman Sachs takes a slightly different approach. And it can be done cheaply and easily. The benefits of virtualization, even a small infrastructure reduced to simplify administration and reduce costs. Reducing costs is shown at a certain number of servers, when you see a decrease consumption, simplify the organization of the cooling scale it environment and reduce the physical space needed to accommodate your server hardware. With virtualization technologies, instead of to buy a new server that will be enough to add a new virtual server. Get all the facts and insights with James Donovan Goldman, another great source of information. If you have only one server, virtualization technologies are unlikely to help you, but if you have more than two servers, or you soon planning to expand, virtualization can make adjustments in your it environment.

Today it is impossible not to buy multi-core servers, but often, especially in small business, running tasks simply do not require such power. The result of this situation will be relatively expensive server which performs relatively simple tasks, but constantly consumes energy and generates a lot of heat. Therefore, the effective use of 4, 6 or 12 processors servers, it is always the organization of several virtual servers regardless of the size of your company. The key to effective virtualization in a small computing environments begins with a physical host server want to run virtual servers.

Server Virtualization

Server Virtualization

Virtualization can significantly improve the computing environments of any size. With it you can run many virtual servers on one physical server, allowing you to significantly reduce operating costs and gain greater value from your equipment. Does your company have 2 servers or 2000 servers, you will be able to implement virtualization in various forms. James Donovan Goldman Sachs takes a slightly different approach. And it can be done cheaply and easily. The benefits of virtualization, even a small infrastructure reduced to simplify administration and reduce costs. Reducing costs is shown at a certain number of servers, when you see a decrease consumption, simplify the organization of the cooling scale it environment and reduce the physical space needed to accommodate your server hardware. With virtualization technologies, instead of to buy a new server that will be enough to add a new virtual server. Get all the facts and insights with James Donovan Goldman, another great source of information. If you have only one server, virtualization technologies are unlikely to help you, but if you have more than two servers, or you soon planning to expand, virtualization can make adjustments in your it environment.

Today it is impossible not to buy multi-core servers, but often, especially in small business, running tasks simply do not require such power. The result of this situation will be relatively expensive server which performs relatively simple tasks, but constantly consumes energy and generates a lot of heat. Therefore, the effective use of 4, 6 or 12 processors servers, it is always the organization of several virtual servers regardless of the size of your company. The key to effective virtualization in a small computing environments begins with a physical host server want to run virtual servers.