American Republican Congressman Duncan Hunter
Lord, sorrows were not made for the beasts, but for men; But if men feel them too, they are beasts. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra the human race will always be in conflict, and since then, some countries give rise to actions that leave much that say that human factor that distinguishes us from the animal species, thus, there will be those who have given way as we will indicate in the letter to the construction of walls, walls that are known as of shame, as the last that the United States has ordered to be built to prevent emigration to their territory, especially the Mexican, the countries Central American, Latin American. This wall is known as Tortilla wall, and as stated in Wikipedia, is a physical wall built by United States on its border with Mexico. Its aim is to prevent the entry of illegal, mostly Mexican and Central American immigrants from the southern border toward U.S. territory. Its construction began in 1994 under the program of fight against illegal immigration known as ‘Operation gatekeeper’ (Operation Gatekeeper). Currently consists of several kilometers long border Tijuana San Diego. The wall includes three walls of containment, illumination of very high intensity, motion detectors, electronic sensors and night vision equipment connected to the American border policemen (Border Patrol), as well as ongoing monitoring with off-road trucks and helicopter gunships.
Other sections of wall exist in the States of Arizona, New Mexico and Texas. It is known that since 1994, when he began the construction of the wall illegal immigrants have attempted to cross by more dangerous areas, such as for example the Arizona desert, which has resulted in more than 3,000 deaths since the start of its operation. It has been public knowledge that recently, American Republican Congressman Duncan Hunter (to California), proposed a plan to the Senate on November 3, 2005 to reinforce the border barrier between the two countries.