Golden Retriever

Golden Retriever

Learn about the temperament and personality of the Golden Retriever. Discover how is, its features and how it behaves. Labrador Retriever temperament Los dogs Golden is one of the most popular in the United States, Canada and Australia dog breeds. Millions of people worldwide have a labrador! they are very affectionate, they are dogs made for people. They are very loyal and affectionate with their families. The farmers are dog friendly, happy and valued by his temperament, stable and reliable. The farmers are of good character and confidence.

very easy to carry. willing to follow you, always looking for your approval. The farmers are very affectionate with their families and wish much close physical contact: massage of abdomen and behind the ears caresses. They love human company and attention. They always want to be with you and follow you where you go! will be always on your feet, sit in your lap, and rely on you! If you don’t like having a dog behind you all the time then probably the Golden dogs are not for you because He only wants to be with you! He will give you welcome with enthusiasm at the door moving tail and you were kissing every once you get home.

The farmers are very intelligent, highly trainable, and learn commands and orders very quickly. They also love to chew things! they put into their mouths and chew everything what you can get to your around. They also love to carry things in his mouth. The farmers are friendly with everyone! They get along well with other dogs and strangers. The farmers are not one-man dogs because they enjoy the company of everyone! They are friendly and patient with children, even if the child has bad behaviour and is irritating. They love to run and play with the children, but must be careful because it can accidentally hit a little boy playing with them by the excess of enthusiasm.

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