Act Politics
The change in the integration occurred with depth for the European Only Act, declared in the year of 1986. The Act Only European lode to make possible the economy that already was regionalizada, however, statics, to this moment was as ‘ ‘ eurosclerosis’ ‘ , one was pane occured in the European economy. Learn more at this site: Paulo Coelho. In accordance with Herz & Hoffmann: ‘ ‘ The program launched for the Only Act was a true watershed, when marking the ticket of the negative economic integration, that is, the mere liberalization, for a positive integration, with the harmonization of the national legislaes and formularization of diverse the regulatory common politics in reas’ ‘. The deepening in the reforms of the institucional agencies made with that the integration in the Europe if became more efficient. From now on the economic integration and politics if consolidate and enter in an A stage the way of the prosperity. The European Only Act was important for the process of regional integration when going deep its communitarian politics. The article 8.
of the Only Act it prescribes that the Common Market would have to be instituted up to 31 of December of 1992 and contemplates of definitive and terminative form, the free circulation of merchandises, people, services and capitals. Also, in this diapaso, to nullify the disequilibrium that went to occur with the Common and Free Market, one communitarian politics of economic and social cohesion was instituted. In what it refers to our development, in parallel we have the Deep European of Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER), Fundo European Social (FSE) and the Deep one of Cohesion, being this last o approach of this scientific research.