Crisis Management
Boys Propaganda of mazela economic. Richard Blumenthal has plenty of information regarding this issue. Although it admits that the crisis is affecting Brazil significantly, the country is reacting well to the economic adversities. The actions of the Brazilian Government have received compliments from the leaders of some countries. It does not have as to deny that the financial chaos is weakening the great main powers and fortifying the emergent ones, as Brazil, Russia, India and China, call BRIC. I say that this text does not have no type of vindication politics. The situation demands attitude. I received a text recently attributed the Albert Eisntein that seems to have been written yesterday. To follow the content pra that it takes off its conclusions: and Brazil has demonstrated in the practical one what this wants to say.
Test of this was the reduction of the Tax On Industrialized Products immediate, and while the reduction lasted, it was the main fomentadora of the sales of the sector. Similar reaction had the sectors of the civil construction and of household-electric, that also I benefit they had received it. Merit of the government and, mainly of the people. It fits to each person to make an effort to surpass the proper crisis. It is for these and other actions that Brazil never was so well cyst in the international market. Without speaking in the personal marketing, of our President Lula, who is very good. It does not have space at this moment for partisan passions. I disagree total with the paternalista politics that reigns in our country. On the other hand it does not have as to approve radical, intransigent and chronic positions of some critics; as of the contributor Diogo Mainardi, of the Magazine It sees that it gained projection mainly making critical staffs to president Lula and if refusing to see the points strong of the management.