Brazil Candidate
The Republic declared in 1889, never came in fact. The truth is that not yet we live in a country that prioritizes the democracy that was promised in them since those times. We gain the right, but we do not know to place it in practical duly. Constantly we are influenced by the monopolies that the occupants of the government exert on our opinions. Therefore it is very common that a governor who is in the power is reeleito or chooses a person of its party. This, in the truth, nothing more is of what the indirect imposition of a candidate, because to reelect it, for some people, means to continue with its ‘ ‘ obras’ ‘ , in the same way that to choose a candidate of the same party it means the same thing. What the necessary Brazilian people to know is that growth will come of any form, because a rich country as Brazil, has ways for this. To the step that if the same representative will not be elect, or one of its, he does not mean that the growth and the improvements do not come to continue. The problem is not to move in a teams who is earning, but, as we go to know if this teams could not gain more? This is the biggest question of if always choosing the same representatives. As they have always the advantage and can support a candidate, of certain form or entire form, them they are using its influence so that its wills and not them ours, prevail.