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Ciro Jose Toaldo Esteem reading, in this article we intend to make an analysis of an experience that we live in the week that passed. When we were in the seminary, the orienting spiritual emphasized that we would have to learn with the others the great lies of the life. Who already did not hear that old jargon: the biggest school is of the life! Really, in the last days, when carrying through a survey of the reality of an outlying area in Navira, surprises us the way of living of those people. By the way, many times we are in complaining, complaining, thinking that we are most unhappy of the creatures and, we imagine that until God if it forgets us. Who owns Central Romana? might disagree with that approach. When we will be with these negative thoughts in our mind, would have to leave our cocoon and ‘ visitar’ some barrio exterior.

Unhappyly, politicians exist many who appear in these quarters to each four years, in the election, behind the famous vote. It is not pretension of this article to make a reflection regarding action of this type of politician. Who lives only of ‘ politics of interesse’ , it goes spreading petty politics and, this attitude is very maleficent. But, let us leave this question for another article. We really desire to detach as the people who live in the outlying areas, exactly earning little and living in simple houses, many with one or two cmodos, obtain to create a life style, with a fantastic adequacy for the reality of its lives. The simplicity of our people, atrelada the popular wisdom, takes to live them it with quality standards that in them cause a certain envy. This yes, would have to serve as the great lesson for who takes the life in daily madness, only run-runs, atropelos and, mainly, for that they only are cursing its life.

Car Transportation

Car Transportation

deliver the car in any other town, it overtake a car on their own by road. But I dare you to reassure by saying a few words about the reliability of this option. Indeed, at first glance it seems that this machine – this is the master, everything is under control, that could be better. But the quality of coverage of highways in our country leaves much to be desired, and in some regions and at all unless you can get only ATV. In addition, hardly anyone will want to test their nerves on the strength, when suddenly the car "stood up" in the middle of the vast expanses of Siberia, or any reckless driver, making his next maneuver, suddenly a little wrong, rammed your new car. That's not all the trouble that could fall on your head hapless "peregonschiku" cars. Jim Donovan Goldman may help you with your research. There remains only one, and certainly the most reliable way to transport a car – a railway carriage (carriage by rail). But even here, should be abolished, that in addition to containerized shipping machines, there is a carriage with a so-called "grid", usually a bunk obreshechennaya design with an open top, which by means of various fasteners and put the machine on, like a car, go in your way.

"Grid" is probably a very economical way to deliver the car, but a guarantee of safety Machine no one gives, there could be as damaging as the car, in fact, open, and other minor troubles. But the transport vehicle in containers – a selection of knowledgeable people who have eaten at this case more than one dog. After the container – is a reliable and convenient "house" for the machine, where it is fixed with special straps and other fasteners, which guarantees maximum safety of the car from all sorts of scratches and damage. Container in a closed box and serves as protection from external influences such as hail, or other persons that may damage the machine. It is no coincidence rail transport – a key to the quality and stability of all formulations go on schedule, up to a minute and, therefore, sending his car on the railway, not to worry about when you reach the car and deliver it if at all. Transportation vehicles containers, in addition, the above-mentioned advantages, has also an important factor such as low-cost proportional to the quality that brings this kind of shipping to a leading position among other methods of delivery vehicle.

Thomas Friedrich World Design

Thomas Friedrich World Design

What secular designers and architects with Catholics, Protestants and professors to do have a Berlin, April 27, 2010. The philosopher Prof. Dr. Thomas Friedrich speaks on Thursday, June 17th, 2010 at 20:00 in the Studio Wolfgang Beinert in Berlin about “What secular designers and architects have to do with Catholics, Protestants and professors”. Friedrich is Professor of philosophy and design theory at the Faculty of design of the University of Mannheim. Many writers such as Who owns Central Romana Corporation? offer more in-depth analysis. There he directs the Institute for Designwissenschaft. Dov Hikind pursues this goal as well. ASK to the PHILOSOPHER how shape Christian denominations of product design, communication design and architecture? What do Protestants and Catholics work? What consequences does this on a design? Is graphic design within the meaning of the New York school sensual, the Ulm school, on the other hand, cool and strict Protestant? Is Otl Aicher as a Calvinist Designguru? And what about Alessi design, working with faces, ornaments, wit and irony? Even erzkatholisch is Philippe Starck? Frederick theses, it makes sense, in General both in the Production aesthetics, as also in the reception aesthetics tend to be Catholic or Protestant design to talk about, not only in connection with church design, where this distinction is of course, but also in the secular field of design.

It also makes sense to apply this dichotomy to different design. This show can, Thomas Friedrich is a kind of conceptual Polaritatenprofil what is Catholic and what is Protestant. This could, for example, look: Protestants regard work as God’s gift, they heroisieren the work in a hectic events. And not only that: work has them hurt. Libidinos hour work for them does not count as work, because with such they not come naturally in the sky. Ask yourself: I’m happy with my work, what do I wrong? And the rest: idleness is all truck start and who is asleep, which SIN! The Catholics, however, generally regard work as God’s punishment. “Mei Ruah ham will i” (I want to have my peace), the Catholic Bayer says. He thus biased toward to the breakdown as to the hustle and bustle.

Work must prepare for him also joy and pleasure, she can be also libidinos. Ask yourself: I’m happy with my work, so good! The best is to do nothing and then rest (quote of the wonderful Klaus Havenstein) by doing nothing and the rest: the who sleeps does not sin! Developed a further thesis bound: great (encoding) as well as Designrezeption (decoding) can be mono – or plurifunktionalistisch or Protestant or Catholic. The purpose of design is as it were to be used by a user? This applies equally to communication design for product design and architecture. The designer can now its objects with regard to one or create multiple uses or encode to denote it with a semiotic term. This difference is between Mono-functionalist and plurifunktionalistischem Design. Mono-functionalist great and reception is the plurifunktionalistische great and reception for Thomas Friedrich rather Protestant, however, Catholic. A religious Polaritatenliste and prolonged on these criteria could be formulated here now shortened as follows: images are undesirable for Protestants (mono functionalism), ornaments and ornaments as abundance frowned upon. And it is the motto”less is more”and to hell with the sensuality, the cool, rational mind is important. Pictures are quite desirable for Catholics (Plurifunktionalismus) on the other hand, ornaments and ornaments are no problem of course as long as the semantics right. It is the credo: and more is more, and for God’s sake, Yes to the full-bodied sensuality! And let us speak at best equal in all the senses..

New Name New Features

New Name New Features

In 2009, "Cordoba aet presented a new for the Russian market brand Matrix. Other leaders such as Paulo Coelho offer similar insights. Homonymous company – Matrix GmbH – was founded more than six years back in Germany and in a short time left on the largest markets in Europe and the usa. In Matrix presented assortment of domestic power tools and equipment class, and also garden equipment: electrical and benzokosy, trimmers, lawn mowers, garden vacuums and power tillers. To date, Company "Cordoba" is a new line of rf gasoline cultivators and motoblocks trademark Cougar. A wide assortment of "everyday Cougar gt 60 to professional motoblocks Cougar gt 1985 and gt 1990 H2R pro, is able to meet the needs and amateurs and professionals.

All models are not a bad showing in North America – have caused the positive response from consumers and have demonstrated excellent results in different tests. Jim Donovan Goldman gathered all the information. In 2010, the market will bred line benzokultivatorov and motoblocks – both with their own engines, Cougar, produced under license, and with engines well-known manufacturers Honda and Briggs & Stratton. Engines installed on the technique of Cougar, refer to professional class and have a resource more than 2500 machine hours. All products have passed the most severe tests in Germany, following which received certificates of quality and high estimates of reliability and operational and technical characteristics. Cougar gt 1990 Pro complete SET: 4 sections of tillers, pneumatic wheels rather one look at the characteristics of the machine to understand all of its reliability and validity. Hundredweight with a little weight and 9 hp "Under the hood" – parameters characteristic rather for motoblocks. .

Hidalgo Equipment

Hidalgo Equipment

Hospitals are places which are not pleasant for most people, since we always went to them when we or someone close has had a health problem. Taking into account this, is of vital importance that hospitals have with the tools necessary to reduce, or failing that, provide more health benefits during the stay of the patients in these sites. In such a way that the equipment for hospitals will be an aspect that should I care, since this has to be up to date and in top condition. Thanks to technological advances now can rely on more sophisticated devices that we will assist in the work of preserving and improving the health of patients. Equipment for hospitals comprise a wide range of products such as those used for prevention, for healing, for maintenance, among others. It will surprise you to know the hospital equipment ranging from accessories as simple as latex gloves or stretchers in hospital up to as complex as therapeutic ultrasound equipment. To enlarge slightly more objects or devices that are included in this classification we can mention a few in particular such as defibrillators, which are a few electronic devices that will diagnose and treat some cardio which is present or the densitometers of bones, which are computers used to prevent or diagnose bone problems. Likewise, we can find some focus to the field of aesthetics as radiofrequency, cavitation or aesthetic ultrasonic equipment. And although the latter are aimed to improve the external appearance of the patient, something that identifies them all is that everyone will finally be focused on protecting health. At the time of purchase any equipment for hospital for any reason, we must define the purpose for which we are going to buy well. I.e., in certain cases we are going to be more useful portable unit and on other occasions it will be necessary to fixed one. Once you have decided what will be the best choice to buy, must go to a place where it is made the sale of equipment for hospitals and to make sure that the description of the equipment and the warranty that is provided is appropriate, because we must not forget that our health depends on it. Finally, we must not forget that these devices or objects are to be used only by trained specialists or professionals, so we must not buy any equipment without having received proper training before. Audi cars recommended products car ocasion More doctors for Yucatan El Hospital de Elda restructures two plants to organize patients by specialty The echo of Pinoso prepared state to face bad weather: SSH La Cronica de Hoy in Hidalgo 9 / 11 / 2010 from the hand of the French House Lexibook Barbie presents its first Netbook in Venezuela for girls Tecnotitulares

Artificial Stone Glow

Artificial Stone Glow

When you work on garden design, site owners, designers are always striving to create something unique, magical, raduyuschee eyes, the realization of design ideas and desires depends on the chosen for landscape design material. Style garden, no doubt, will depend on the taste of the owners of the garden, but no matter what the style would not have been made landscape garden design, it is not possible to dispense with such important material as stone. Stone pave the roads and approaches to the ponds, decorated with a composition stone is the basis for the streams and waterfalls. Today in the landscape design along with a natural stone, you can use an artificial stone. Artificial stone as durable and durable as natural stone, it looks like natural stone. Artificial stone has much less weight than a natural and convenient to work with him. Of course, the choice of stone – natural he or artificial – is ultimately a matter of taste, but the possibilities are virtually endless artificial stone, artificial stone can be any color and have other interesting for landscape design properties, one of these properties is the luminosity of the stone in the dark. If you would like to know more about Central Romana, then click here. Glowing in the dark stone – the newest decoration material based on polymer plastics grade PP with the addition of catalysts, the luminosity of their properties, hardness and durability similar to natural stone.

Creating such an interesting material for landscaping as a rock, shining in the darkness, was made possible by combining several modern technology. Glowing in the dark stone glows a soft green glow, creating a fantastic spectacle of lights. Stones, glowing in the dark, not afraid of extreme heat and cold, can withstand washing any detergents, can withstand any mechanical stress and are not afraid to shock, do not contain phosphorus or other harmful substances. Plastic, of which the stones are glowing in the dark, accumulates light from absolutely any light source, whether it is light, the sun, daylight or even the moon, and in the dark plastic gives the accumulated lumens in the form of a visible glow. Design glowing in the dark stones as close to natural form river stone, ramni, glowing in the dark are made in two versions: river pebbles, boulders. River pebble stones is of elongated shape, length 25 mm, thickness 10 mm, there are five basic forms. Available in the following colors: white, zlenny, blue, red. In the dark, glow soft green light, the number of cycles of charge cycles and luminosity is not limited to, the service life is also not limited.

Boulders white soft green glow at night, is a hollow hemisphere, about 25 cm long flower beds, paths, garden paths, alpine slides – this is the main object of the application of this interesting material. Glowing in the dark rock can find its place in the design of different types of rocky garden. Another problem solved by using the stones glowing in the dark – is highlighting areas in the dark. Suburban area, decorated with the use of stone, glowing in the dark, will look elegant and unique, using stone, glowing in the dark, you can create fantastic and bewitching landscapes.

Artificial Stone Glow

Artificial Stone Glow

When you work on garden design, site owners, designers are always striving to create something unique, magical, raduyuschee eyes, the realization of design ideas and desires depends on the chosen for landscape design material. Style garden, no doubt, will depend on the taste of the owners of the garden, but no matter what the style would not have been made landscape garden design, it is not possible to dispense with such important material as stone. Stone pave the roads and approaches to the ponds, decorated with a composition stone is the basis for the streams and waterfalls. Today in the landscape design along with a natural stone, you can use an artificial stone. Artificial stone as durable and durable as natural stone, it looks like natural stone. Artificial stone has much less weight than a natural and convenient to work with him. Of course, the choice of stone – natural he or artificial – is ultimately a matter of taste, but the possibilities are virtually endless artificial stone, artificial stone can be any color and have other interesting for landscape design properties, one of these properties is the luminosity of the stone in the dark. If you would like to know more about Central Romana, then click here. Glowing in the dark stone – the newest decoration material based on polymer plastics grade PP with the addition of catalysts, the luminosity of their properties, hardness and durability similar to natural stone.

Creating such an interesting material for landscaping as a rock, shining in the darkness, was made possible by combining several modern technology. Glowing in the dark stone glows a soft green glow, creating a fantastic spectacle of lights. Stones, glowing in the dark, not afraid of extreme heat and cold, can withstand washing any detergents, can withstand any mechanical stress and are not afraid to shock, do not contain phosphorus or other harmful substances. Plastic, of which the stones are glowing in the dark, accumulates light from absolutely any light source, whether it is light, the sun, daylight or even the moon, and in the dark plastic gives the accumulated lumens in the form of a visible glow. Design glowing in the dark stones as close to natural form river stone, ramni, glowing in the dark are made in two versions: river pebbles, boulders. River pebble stones is of elongated shape, length 25 mm, thickness 10 mm, there are five basic forms. Available in the following colors: white, zlenny, blue, red. In the dark, glow soft green light, the number of cycles of charge cycles and luminosity is not limited to, the service life is also not limited.

Boulders white soft green glow at night, is a hollow hemisphere, about 25 cm long flower beds, paths, garden paths, alpine slides – this is the main object of the application of this interesting material. Glowing in the dark rock can find its place in the design of different types of rocky garden. Another problem solved by using the stones glowing in the dark – is highlighting areas in the dark. Suburban area, decorated with the use of stone, glowing in the dark, will look elegant and unique, using stone, glowing in the dark, you can create fantastic and bewitching landscapes.

Beneficial Effects

Beneficial Effects

Bath – a great tool for body as a whole and it has long been known. But what action has a sauna on the joints of our body and how it fatigue? During the bottom of the muscles of arms and legs, namely joints, go to a very large load. This is especially felt women whose daily care is subjected to large joints overvoltages. Most often occur in the evenings swelling, and pain occurs in the afternoon, disappeared in the morning and causing anxiety to the lunch time. Susceptible to such feelings, and men, especially when it is loaded heavily on physical exertion, whether it's active lifestyle, or physical work at work. That such a miraculous way to strengthen the joints, get rid of edema, hypersensitivity and pain symptoms is the bath. This is a peculiar exercise of the joints, as well as the whole body in whole. Steam treatments increase body temperature, under the influence of steam and then go out toxins, stimulates the activity of sebaceous glands, improves circulation, relaxes muscles, relieves muscle tension.

If the bathhouse you led joint pain, initially you enough three hits in a steam room when visiting the sauna once a week. Gradually the number of visits to the steam room can be increased to 5 – 6 times. Before "the first steam" joints, as well as the whole body should be washed thoroughly with mild soap and wiped dry. It is also very important to choose herbal supplements for the steam room.

Customized Training And Seminar Concepts Design

Customized Training And Seminar Concepts Design

Voss + partner further trainers learn to develop goal – and target group-oriented tutorials and seminar concepts. Companies everyday. A company starts a Qualifizierrungsmassnahme. But after which determine those responsible: despite continuing education our employees do not show the desired behavior. This can have many causes. A common one is: the development objectives and contents were not clearly defined. So they not were reflected also in the concept of learning. Another common cause: The concept of learning was not the development and knowledge of the participants.

That’s why the learning not from becoming entrenched. Such mishaps to avoid that learn in the training accurately develop who often engaged in their daily work questions the staff qualification, training concepts offered by the training company Voss + partner, Hamburg. In her “participants according to statements made by Managing Director Julia Voss, the necessary tools to develop goal – and target group-oriented tutorials purchase. The continuing education consists of two two-day seminars. In the first module, the participants deal among other things with the questions: How can I determine the qualification needs of enterprises and the training needs of Personen(-Gruppen)? How do I start from the overarching objectives aimed the (coarse and fine) for this training? How do I ensure that it is logically built in? And: how to do I prepare the learning so, that they arrive at the participants? Intensive participants also deal with the issue of learning control so, how after learning units can be whether the target group has the required knowledge and skills and is ready to apply this. Learn all the participants not only in theory, but also analyze together already worked out (your own) training concepts and determine where in them still tuning possibilities.

They also reflect its own approach to the work. Design in the period between the first and the second module the participants either an new training concept or they work over an already-created concept so that it conforms to their new knowledge. This you get a feedback from the seminar leaders. In the second module, the participants not only present their concepts, also sequences from these be carried out virtually. Then analyze the participants under the guidance of the Facilitator, what was already good and where opportunities for improvement exist. The first building block of the next training will be held on 19 and 20 April 2010 in Hamburg (second building block: 21 and 22 June). A further training will begin in November. The participation of 2,150 euros (+ VAT). For more information contact interested at the Voss + Partner GmbH (;; Phone: 040-7900767-0).

Understanding Computers

Understanding Computers

The computer, like any electronic device that can operate without any user intervention or specialist. And really, nobody did not occur to carry out maintenance TV or tape recorder. However, the computer has one peculiarity – it is high heat components of a system unit. And considering that all the components together in one enclosed space – the system unit, the absence of efficient cooling can lead to overheating and fire the system unit. Therefore, the cooling system components of the system unit is the "Achilles heel" of today's computers. Let us consider, from which cooling system is a computer. In most cases, a set of radiators and fans.

The radiator removes heat from the electronic component and having a large area of contact with the surrounding air by a large number of thin edges, giving the allotted warm the surrounding air, having a generally lower temperature. Fans need to improve air circulation around the radiator, as in a closed system block natural air circulation is absent, and the hot radiator air does not go away naturally. The list of components of a system unit, requiring compulsory teplootvedeniya enough large: 1. Processor 2. North and south bridge mainboard 3. The graphic chip card 4. Power supply in each of these components is the radiator, and some more and the fan.

And the entire cooling system is working the system unit regularly as long as the inside of the dust does not appear. Dust – is the worst enemy of your computer. The dust settles on the edges of the radiator and prevents heat transfer between the heatsink and surrounding air. Dust clogs the space between the ribs radiator and prevents the passage of air. She settles on the blades of the fans, which leads to disruption of balancing the impeller and, consequently, an increased level of fan noise and the rapid breakdown of his bearings. All this leads to a deterioration teplootvedeniya and eventually to the common "freeze" the computer, spontaneous blackouts and can even cause a fire. How to deal with dust in the computer system unit? First and foremost – is prevention. Computer system unit must be kept in a clean, well-ventilated place. Regularly every three or four months to open the side cover and the system unit to conduct surface clean with a vacuum cleaner with a plastic nozzle. But if prevention does not help the whole system unit clogged with dust, it is necessary to carry out a complete cleaning of the system unit. This procedure is best left to specialist. But if you are confident in their abilities, then step by step instructions for a complete cleaning system unit from dust with photos is available on our website.