Citizens and the Legislature
In May the legislature will introduce bills, a number of citizens not less than five percent (5%) of the existing electoral roll in the respective date or fifteen percent (15%) of Councillors or Members of the country. The popular initiative shall be handled by Congress, in accordance with the provisions of Article 163, for projects that have undergone emergency event. Proponents Citizens have the right to appoint a spokesman to be heard by the cameras all stages of the process. (Article Amended by Decree 99 of 2003) Article 156.
The Constitutional Court, the Supreme Judicial Council, the Supreme Court, the State Council, the National Electoral Council, the Attorney General’s Office, the Comptroller General of the Republic have the right to submit bills matters relating to their functions. ARTICLE 157. No bill shall become law without the following requirements: Have been published officially by the Congress before being sent to the respective committee. Have been approved in the first debate in the relevant standing committee of each chamber. The rules of the Congress shall determine the cases in which the first debate will be dispensed at a joint meeting of the standing committees of both Houses. Have been passed in each house in the second debate. Having obtained the sanction of the Government.Every bill must relate to the same subject and will be inadmissible provisions or amendments that do not relate to her. The President of the respective committee rejected the initiatives that are in line with this principle, but its decisions may be appealed before the same committee.