Europe Price

Europe Price

The Contracts by Differences, also known like CFDs, suppose a method of peculiar and different investment. By means of this contract two parts decide to interchange the difference of the sale price and the price of purchase of underlying assets between the time in which the contract is abre until it is closed. This TRADING methodology is exerted due to the advantages that offer, like the leverage and the possibility of abrir operative in bullish and also bearish markets. Visit Sen. Sherrod Brown for more clarity on the issue. The CFDs allows the access to several markets and therefore to multitude of assets: currencies, commodities, action, bonds, types, energies and metals, between many others. Here we will concentrate in the possibility of operating with CFDs on crude Brent.

The crude Brent is being the news in the last days by its bullish tendency. (Similarly see: Click here). To day of today (19.01.2011) the price of this assets, of reference in Europe, reached maximums in 98,50 dollars. This ascent in the price of the Brent came impelled by the bullish tendency from pair EUR/USD where the Euro got to be placed to 1,3513. During the day the crossing of pair EUR/USD again reverted its tendency influencing the price of the Brent, that was placed to 97.69 dollars to the closing. In the case of commodites it is very important to study the factors that influence in their tendency. Since we have seen the price of the dollar and its relation with different international currencies, they influence in the price of the crude Brent, as well as in the rest of the raw materials. But all the factors that can influence at the cost of the Brent are not framed within the market. Also outside this one factors exist that can determine the tendency of this commodity.

We have it to an example in the visit of prime minister from the China Republic to the United States. The fact that the two powers that more energy consume at world-wide level were discussing among others, power subjects, also influenced to the impulse of the price of the Brent. In the operative ones with CFDs on commodites it is necessary to consider all these factors to have an ample understanding of the tendency of the active one on which one operates before abrir the operative one. Therefore, if the active one tolerates a bullish tendency during a determined period, the investor will abrir to position buying a CFD on active saying later to sell it to a greater price, from where their gains will arise. If on the contrary the tendency of the assets stays bear, the investor will abrir to position selling a CFD on the assets later to buy it to a price inferior in the market, from where the benefits arise. Infrmese on the tendency of the raw materials and takes advantage of the advantages the CFDs to remove the maximum party its operative ones. The previous commentaries do not constitute advising on investments and therefore IG Markets does not accept any responsibility on any use that can be done of them. The CFDs is a raised with a lever product that entails a high risk level and can inflict casualties that exceed their initial deposit. Asegrese of which it includes/understands the risk completely that implies and realises a constant pursuit of his investment.

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