Labor Work
Overall Classification of Economic Activities (NACE), this activity does not exist! At best, the firm ‘dive’ under the protection of a building permit I and ii levels, where the designated types of work up to 40 meters and over 100 meters, but this from 01.01.2009. will be closed due to the cancellation of construction licenses. And if this kind of nace existed, the Social Insurance Fund (SIF) in accordance with the declared main activity, could define a class of professional risk insurance rates for compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases, the amount of insurance rate. None of these things, just as there is no deduction from the aerial work in the fcs and fms – here already face tax violations and vengeance begins to smell of the Professional Code “. Not defined for this type of unsafe activity in several other legal documents, such as classifier Rosstroy.
Work climber has the status of a particularly dangerous. Therefore requires a special approach to staff, the organization of labor at the highest level, own system of training and recertification training, full-scale system of insurance. To date, the profession of industrial climber can only be obtained in several Russian cities: Moscow (OMG tc ‘Professional’), St. Petersburg (LEU ‘training centers’), Irkutsk (Regional PromAlpTsentr, ANO), Novokuznetsk (Novokuznetsk regional center of industrial alpinism). Once a year, every employee who works at height, required to undergo re-education (recertification), and medical re-examination. People should learn to save themselves in an emergency and emergency situations.
After all, climbers often work in industrial workshops enterprises, where it is impossible to stop production. Many employers are wondering: Are there any government approval requirements for the Labour high altitude? Unfortunately, government regulations do not meet the admission of the nature of work performed. No additional regulatory documents, but before the opening performance of work attire, admission and fill the log-TB – no, yes, and it does not always. To the company is no formal requirements for the customer is not presented, many types of aerial work simply does not officially licensing, such as cleaning and . Although companies employing high altitude, should be on a special state control. It is government control will be removed from the market of unscrupulous employers (who were divorced a great many), because of the activities which the vast number of accidents, will monitor the admission of workers at the height of the profession and to regulate the market itself. From the foregoing, we conclude that while the state can not keep up growing markets of the construction industry. New technologies very quickly come into our lives, demanding government attention not only from a technological standpoint, but also in security matters of performance. C since pf ruling Labor dated May 17, 2001 on approval of the profession ‘industrial climber’ has been almost 8 (!) years, but no further action was not followed. A promalpa market is growing every day, according to statistics, in Moscow alone has about 2,500 alpfirm (!), how many working illegally ‘wild brigades’ and solo ‘shadow promalpov’ – statistics is silent! Geometrically increasing number of accidents, avalanches growing number of unscrupulous brokers, dumping and break fees in this market segment, guest workers from neighboring countries. Needed not only literate state control in this sphere, but also the interaction between State and by the market participants, which will articulate the direction of promalpa separately, identify weaknesses and to direct all available resources to address them.