Marina Silva
Dilma is representing the attempt of the government Squid of teruma continuity. But we are seeing for Brazil diverse cases of continuidadequebrada, exactly in governments of the PT. As I already spoke in previous article on ofavoritismo of Dilma of long ago (), it today has undeniable similarities with the mayor of Recife Joo of the Coast and oprojeto of continuity that Joo Pablo, previous mayor, mounted with it nacampanha of 2008. If to take these similarities, then estaremosferrados if Dilma literally to earn, because we saw in Recife the disruption of the alliance JooPaulo-Joo of the Coast and a very coarse government in terms of urban management, quenada remembers the continuity promises. Already we suspect today that Dilma nadatem to see with the way Squid to govern, and the time very probably goes to nosdar this certainty case it earns. Mountain range, in turn, represents everything what Brazil does not want verou to have in return: a politics perspective rightist, conservative, elitist, (after) neoliberal, capenga economically, antissocial, indiferentecom the environment, insensitive to the necessities of the needed classrooms more.
Asqueixas of the people of So Paulo with its state government very probably passaroa to be national case it earns. Other possible candidates, for the little that conhecemosdeles, also does not inspire the minimum confidence of that they improve Brazil to seganharem. Or at least not it same confidence that Marina sows. For everything this, I declare my vote, without plus no fear, emMarina Silva and my hope of that my expectations and hopes in it seconfirmem in the presidential electoral campaign from July and in its triunfoeleitoral. Exactly that it is small in the research now, is very provvelque, with a well delineated campaign and strategy, it surprises daqui for October, as well as many others politicians had surprised in the last few decades. Marina, my hope is officially with you..