New York City Marathon

New York City Marathon

Five run lessons that we mortals of the running elite can learn. With the New York City Marathon the marathon autumn leaves to slowly end. A good time for a little retrospective: What remains? What can we learn as mortals? Lesson 1: take your time between two marathon runners at the New York Marathon that even at the World Championships in August in Moscow at the start were in New York relatively poorly cut. A few weeks ago not sufficient clearly to regenerate from Moscow and to build for a new marathon. On the other hand, the amount of time is too long to keep a high point. Translated for mortals: what is true for the pros, also applies to us.

If you zoom really want to run on your maximum capacity you must give enough time to prepare. Run up a spring and a fall marathon. . It helps also to focus not only on marathons. The elite group of the Hanson-Marathon project takes as Guide to run three marathons in two years. So you have at least a Halbjahressaison you to focus also on lower distances and your training to loosen up a bit. If you ever just the same train, expect no new results. Lesson 2: the outer circumstances respect In advance of the New York City Marathon was (as in the last years) speculated again about new (distance) records.

Against the prevailing conditions (strong headwinds on the first half), but even the strongest runner in the world could achieve no best time. The elite field has almost closed adapted to the severe conditions and ran a relatively slow first half. Translated for mortals: also for us is that we need to adjust the weather. Even though we half a year on the new to trained personal best, it makes no sense to Devil come out to only run the desired speed then the final part of the marathon miserably to enter.

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