Public Administration
The Public Administration: an analysis of its history, concepts and importance. Fernanda de Quadros Oak Dilclia Almeida Sampaio SUMMARY the present article searchs to demonstrate, by means of bibliographical research, the relevance of the Public Administration for the students of Business administration, presenting the main pertinent concepts to the substance, its conflicts and the necessity of modernization of the area better to take care of to the public conveniences. They will be worked, amongst others, the concepts of public politics, public conveniences and managemental modernization. Word-key: Public administration. Modernization. Public politics. Introduction the expression ' ' Pblica' administration; ' , technical, she can in such a way be defined in objective direction how much in subjective direction.
Objective, is activity developed for the State directed to the achievement of the collective good. In subjective direction, it is the set of agencies and legal people to who the law attributes the exercise of those activities. Leaving of the slight knowledge of Public Administration in subjective, objective and formal direction. Under the subjective aspect, the Public Administration is the set of agencies and legal people; under the objective aspect, she understands the activities of the State destined to the concrete and immediate satisfaction of the public interests; under the formal aspect, is the manifestation of the decomposed Public Power in legal-administrative acts endowed with the property of the autoone, despite of provisory character. (Oliveira, 1975, p.14). Throughout the process of evolution of the State, the theory of the bureaucracy lost its initial function that was to guide and to organize the administrative work, established in the rationality, giving origin what flame of bureaucratic disfuno. According to Weber (1967, apud CHIAVENATO, 2000, P. 309): ' ' The bureaucracy is the efficient organization par excellence ' ' . bureaucratic disfunes correspond the anomalies and imperfections in the functioning of the bureaucracy, where if it observes the lack of efficiency of the organization, wastefulnesses of the resources of materials, routine and attachment of the employees its positions and functions, as well as slowness in the resolution of the problems.