South America
It makes in case that it, the ONGs and international media, qui the national one, will insuflaro the world against us saying that we are perpetrating a modern holocausto, giving reasons to invade our country, ' ' in order to protect the minorities tnicas' '. Neudo Fields, of sarcastic form, also declared: ' ' who are we we stop saying what he has in the subsoil of Roraima? Who knows of our ores, where they are and where amount is the owners of the satellites that prospectam the Amaznia of the space. They know accurately where they are and how much our wealth are valid minerais' '. Interesting declaration, therefore on this day where we are writing this article, the Brazilians who love this country more than cry the death of twenty compatriots who had died in plus one ' ' acidente' ' of our VLS- Launch vehicle of Satellites that blew up in the Base of Alcntara, in the State of the Maranho, being this third ' ' acidente' ' , therefore already in 1997 and 1999 the VLS also suffers ' ' acidentes' '. International the Financial Oligarchy and its asseclas do not want to allow that Brazil enters in the select group of the Countries that possess capacity to launch satellites in orbit, because then we would know what they know on our Amaznia. To get worse Soon after the crowding of the four Ianomamis peoples) in 2004 the government Squid was the only president of the South America that signed the treat one to the ONU, which accepted that aboriginal peoples declare independent nations, with international support. If already they are part of the Brazilian nation and are contemplated in the politics of the country This corresponds to open hands of our sovereignty on that region (what ' is intention of forces atreladas politics excuses; ' ONU' ' or of somebody well smart and strategical thing, what it obtained. .